What is the ruling on Oracle of Mul Daya, Summoning Trap, and Ancient Stirrings?
Asked by BlueWolf15 13 years ago
Card: Oracle of Mul Daya rulings: http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=185737
So I've been looking back and forth at the rulings, the card itself, and how its been played against me and my questions are:
first: can you play more than one land from its effect? lets say you play a land from your hand and Oracle of Mul Daya is on the field and the top card of your library is a land and you play that. if the next card on the library is a land can you play that one too? i would think no, just cause it say "an additional land," but i just wanna make sure.
second: lets say you have Oracle of Mul Daya on the field and you play Summoning Trap (Ancient Stirrings might be more appropriate). do you have to play with the top card of your library revealed (from oracle) as you reveal each of the 7 cards from summoning (or 5 from ancient)?
third (this might be a stretch lol): say you have oracle on the field. you have played a land for the turn. you play summoning trap/ancient stirrings, if you reveal a land, can you play it?
I agree with xera on 1 and 2. On number 3 I would say no, because playing an extra land isn't part of summoning trap/ancient stirrings text. I think after they resolve you would get to play an extra land. I'm not completely sure.
One note for 2. If you were to draw cards instead of just look at them you have to reveal all of them since they will each be the top card of your library for an instant.
December 31, 2010 1:31 p.m.
NoSkillManiac says... #3
- Yes. You can topdeck 2 lands and play them both if you have indeed played 0 lands that turn. One Oracle of Mul Daya = 2 lands/ turn.
- Only the top card would be revealed, you don't have to reveal the rest.
- Only Ancient Stirrings applies here, unless they flip the land off the top. So if they have only played 1 land during a turn, and Ancient Stirrings into another, that person may play the land as a second land drop
Hope I helped!
December 31, 2010 5:01 p.m.
TimProctor says... #4
On #3 (since 1 and 2 have already been answered), you get 2 lands with the Oracle. So if you put another land into your hand with the Stirrings then you can play that land so long as you don't exceed the 2 lands per turn.
xeratheenigma says... Accepted answer #1
1: if you have just one oracle on the field then you can play a total of 2 lands on each of your turns.
2: i dont think you would reveal all 5 or 7 cards just the first card. because Summoning Trap and Ancient Stirrings just have you look at the top 5-7 cards of your library. they dont actually change what the top card is of your library.
3: im not quite sure i understand this one fully. if you are trying to play the land during the resolution of the spell then the answer is no.
but if you reveal a land after the spell resolves (due to putting cards on the bottom of your library) then the answer is yes you can do that.
hope this helps
December 31, 2010 3:26 a.m.