What section of the Card Type is used by Semblance Anvil?

Asked by Kisho 14 years ago

Hey, with Semblance Anvil , what part of the exiled card's Card Type is actually used?

For example, if I used it on an Iron Myr , would the discount apply only to other Artifact Creature - Myrs (Silver Myr ), to all Artifact Creatures (Triskelion ), or to all Artifacts in general? (Contagion Engine )

MagnorCriol says... Accepted answer #1

It applies to all card types on the card. So if you exile they Myr, then all creatures AND all artifacts will be 2 cheaper to cast.

Note that with the wording of the ability, it only applies once. So even if you exile a Myr, when you cast your next artifact creature you only get 2 off - you don't get 2 for each shared type, just 2 off as long as a type is shared.

November 21, 2010 6:54 p.m.

supernick says... #2

BUT! it also give 2 off to sorcery and instants. Fireball and Comet Storm get 2 free damage from it.

November 21, 2010 7:01 p.m.

Eyehate says... #3


Only if a sorcery (for Fireball ) or an instant (for Comet Storm ) were imprinted on it.

If an Iron Myr is imprinted on the Semblance Anvil neither Fireball or Comet Storm would get a reduction in their cost.

November 21, 2010 7:47 p.m.

Eyehate says... #4

Also if an instant is imprinted on Semblance Anvil the Comet Storm storm doesn't necessarily get 2 free damage, it could also use the reduction to gain two additional targets.

November 21, 2010 7:49 p.m.

supernick says... #5

yeah thats wat i meant oops lol. but yes the anvil give 2 free mana to watever is imprinted for any cost of the card.

November 21, 2010 7:58 p.m.

Siegfried says... #6

Card types are: artifact, creature, enchantment, instant, land, planeswalker, sorcery and tribal.

Thank you Tarmogoyf =P

November 21, 2010 11:45 p.m.

Kisho says... #7

Excellent, thank you all for the clarification =)

November 22, 2010 12:10 p.m.

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