When I cast Genesis Wave do I control which permanents enter the battlefield first?
Asked by Shyachi33 14 years ago
okay so Genesis Wave is an AWESOME card, but i want to educate myself about the card a bit more. so even though all the cards get dumpped on the field, i can still control the order of the stack correct? so say i in the x revealed cards i had lanwar-elves and card:Wren's Run Packmaster could i control the stack to say even though lanwar and wren hits the field at th same time, control the stack so that i can still exile lanwar to keep wren on the field? or do i have to exile a creature that's already on the field?
Eyehate says... Accepted answer #1
Basically during the resolution of genesis wave there are a few steps that happen in order:
Step 1) Reveal the X cards for whatever X value you chose and paid for. These cards are revealed simultaneously for game purposes.
Step 2) Decide which of the permanent cards you want to put onto the battlefield and once all are chosen they will all enter the battlefield simulataneously.
Step 3) Put the remaining cards revealed into your graveyard simultaneously but you can choose their relative order.
The spell has resolved.
Now that the spell has resolved the game will start to give you priority but it will first check if any conditions for state-based actions have been met and perform all applicable state-based actions simultaneously. State-based actions are what cause permanents violating the legend rule or having 0 toughness to be put in the graveyard, or a player wither less than 1 life to lose the game, etc.. If any state-based actions occur the conditions are checked again to see if handling one state-based action caused another.
Once no more state-based actions are handled the game will check triggered abilities. Any triggering events that have occurred since the last time triggered abilities were checked will trigger and be added to the stack starting with the player whose turn it is (they add all of their triggered abilities to the stack in an order of their choosing). Players continue adding their triggered abilities to the stack like this in turn order (all players adding multiple abilities to the stack get to choose the relative order their triggered abilities are added to the stack).
If any triggered abilities are added to the stack state-based actions followed by triggered abilities are checked again as described above.
Note that while handling state-based actions and adding triggered abilities to the stack players do NOT have priority and CANNOT cast other spells or activate other abilities. You're just making decisions about required by the game and can only do that until and unless you have priority.
Once no more state-based action's conditions are met and no more triggered abilities are waiting to be put on the stack the active player (ie the player who controls the current turn) receives priority. From there I'll assume you know generally how it works, but feel free to ask further questions if needed.
Hope this helps =)
November 12, 2010 2:44 p.m.