When shall i choose targets for storm copies?

Asked by Evil_Joe 14 years ago


When you cast a spell with storm and get like 5 copies when are you going to choose the targets? All at once as you cast the spell or as they resolve individually?

I also have another question familiar with the first: If you are playing an emperor game and get about 20 copies of something like the storm spell ignite memories, would you be able to target a general with enough copies to make him/her lose the game and then target the emperor with the remaining copies, as the general just lost? I know something about a player with 0 life looses the game the next time a player would receive priority, so i guess that depends on if players receive priority between the copies and if targets are chosen as they resolve individually.


supernick says... #1

Brain Freeze its all cast at the same time. 5 spells and brain freeze means u get up to 6 targets to each mill 3. its like snow. doesnt drop 1 flake at a time, it all comes at you at once.

November 24, 2010 6:03 p.m.

KrazyCaley says... #2

As soon as a targeted effect goes on the stack, it has to have a target, so you have to target all at once. If it was as they resolve, things would be unfortunate for other players.

"I Swerve your Lightning Bolt while it is on the stack."

"Well, you can't change the target of it because I haven't chosen a target yet! Ha!"

November 24, 2010 9:18 p.m.

supernick says... #3

better, snowball fight. 6 on 1, good luck. they all target u and all throw at the same time. its all at once the target was already selected.

November 24, 2010 10:35 p.m.

Siegfried says... Accepted answer #4

Pretty sure you choose the targets as the spell enters the stack. In the Emperor case, when the Stormed spells come onto the stack the general is still alive, making the Emperor an illegal target for all of them. Should the general die mid-stack, with a whole bunch of spells targeting him, the target of the spells has become illegal and they just fizzle.

November 25, 2010 12:15 a.m.

Eyehate says... #5

Yes, targets are declared when a spell is cast.

Additionally, legality of targets is checked both on casting and on resolution. In the former check of targets the casting of the spell is reversed to before the illegal action, and in the later check of targets the spell will either be countered or have a diminished effect depending on the spell and the number of targets that are now illegal.

November 25, 2010 9:46 a.m.

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