MTG List: 4 Color Edric



The idea of this deck is to cast Tymna the Weaver *f-etch* and attack with small creatures to draw cards. Using this extra card advantage to play some card-disadvantage hate cards like Null Rod and Rest in Peace to slow the opponents down. After (ideally) drawing a bunch of cards, try to cast a Time Warp and some extra creatures to draw cards with. Ideally you can chain extra turns together and finish the game with Beastmaster Ascension or Craterhoof Behemoth to finish the game.

There are tons of removal spells in the deck to prevent other combo decks from going off. Drawing extra cards makes 1-1 removal less bad, and can really come in handy against many decks. Some of the hate cards affect us as well (Torpor Orb stops Craterhoof Behemoth), but it shouldn't affect the deck flow too much.

This deck is my baby. It is the first time I've ever built a deck which I consider unique, and I haven't seen anything like it since. This win rate is fairly high against t1-t2 decks, mostly because of the above average number of hate cards and removal. Also, killing tables with Beckon Apparition is incredibly satisfying. On top of all that, many groups appreciated having this deck on the table because I can play fun police and remove opposing combos and game-winning threats.

Overall, its a fairly fun deck to play that has alot of game against t1 combo and stax decks. Comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated!