I am Black/Green
I am Black/Green
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I am both selfish and instinctive. I value growth and community, as long as they favour my own objectives; I enjoy nature, and I particularly enjoy watching parts of nature die. At best, I am resilient and tenacious; at worst, I'm uncontrollable and destructive.

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MTG Decks

fort V2

Modern* 8.8


The Fort (advice welcome)

Modern* 8.8

SCORE: 1 | 211 VIEWS

everything but the kitchen sink

Modern 8.8

SCORE: 1 | 244 VIEWS

Finished Decks 7
Prototype Decks 4
Drafts 0
Avg. deck rating None
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Modern, Commander / EDH, Casual
Joined 11 years