I took a mtg personality quiz and it said...

Alex, you are a... Mastermind (CDFP) Competitive Defensive Flexible Person-player

As a Mastermind you play Magic: the Gathering because you want to win - and you've got what it takes to achieve that goal. You don't believe in rushing in with an army of creatures and dealing a massive blow to your opponent right from the start. No. You believe in observing. Watching. Waiting. Weighing up exactly when to go in for the kill. Then, before your opponent knows it, you've knocked him out with an unexpected precision blow.

You can handle an aggressive player who goes in hard against you right from the start: you've seen their sort before and you're ready to greet their excesses with a sound defensive strategy and a wry smile.

Of course, things don't always go your way, but your understanding of the way the game works means you will frankly look at all the factors. You aren't beyond putting an unsuccessful game down to bad luck but you're also honest enough with yourself to admit you weren't playing up to scratch.

You've got the right idea about playing sport and games. You realise that while it's really important to be as sharp on the gaming side as you can, you know there's more to it than that. Different people play the game different ways. By working out who you're playing and what's going on in their head you gain your crucial winning advantage. Before you start a game with someone, you like to know a bit about them. Indeed, as you shuffle decks before play begins you might make friendly conversation. But little do they know that your interest is more than merely casual... You will change how you're playing in response to their moves, reading how their game is going from their body language. And you're not beyond sending out a few signals of your own - perhaps you try to mask your reactions, or if you fancy yourself as a bit of an actor, perhaps you send out a few misleading vibes.

We say: You are sensitive to people, you like to understand what makes them tick (if only to make your game go like clockwork). Use this sensitivity in life and it'll help you to win friends and influence people. You're not just a Master at Magic, you're probably pretty hot at Poker too.

I think this is spot on, if you want to take this quiz go here http://www.blackborder.com/cgi-bin/customscripts/personality/welcome.cgi?sid=ABCDEF8192

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Commander / EDH AL_EXcalibur14


Muldrotha Evoking Genius

Commander / EDH AL_EXcalibur14


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