Your result for The Mana Color Test...

The Wild Behemoth - Red, Green and White

29% Black, 29% Blue, 33% Green, 31% Red and 33% White!

You do what comes naturally to you. Thanks to Green's influence, you allow your instincts and intuition. The presence of Red mana means that you enjoy being free and unconstrained. Thanks to the respect of order and harmony imbued by White mana, however, you are neither actively nor wontonly destructive. You are only a threat to others if they active try to impede your progress, harm you or harm your family and friends. Otherwise, like the proverbial bear, you are just as likely to munch down on berries as hunt your prey. You places of power are Forests, Mountains and Plains.

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Your result for The Mana Color Test...

The Manipulator - Black and Blue

34% Black, 38% Blue, 28% Green, 29% Red and 21% White!

Life can usually be simplified to a few simple truths. And the only one that really matters is this: Knowledge is Power. If you wanted to be a bit more verbous and flamboyant, you may even say Knowledge is Power made tangilble or Power made manifest. It matters little how you phrase the axiom. Blue mana means you have a great affinity for knowledge, and Black mana means you are will to use it to your advantage. Note that this doesn't not make you a bad or ruthless person. You just insure your own survival first, which is an entirely natural instinct. You draw mana from Islands and Swamps.

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I am Red/White
I am Red/White
Take The Magic Dual Colour Test - Beta today!

I'm both chaotic and orderly. I value my own principles, and am willing to go to extreme lengths to enforce them, often trampling on the very same principles in the process. At best, I'm heroic and principled; at worst, I'm hypocritical and disorderly.

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