I am Blue/White
I am Blue/White

My story: I first started Magic and played initially when Innistrad came out. I started a couple years because some of my friends were in it, and they pretty much taught me how to play. But my first cards were pretty much the 2012 Core Set Fat Pack, and I remember pulling a Primeval Titan out of it. Sadly, don't have it anymore, traded it to a friend who needed it at the time.

My first color when I first started playing was Black, because my first deck that I built was a mono-black Vampire deck. I personally love vampires. And that's when I got my first Planeswalker, Sorin Markov to go with the deck, which eventually got me to get Sorin's Vengeance. Other decks I've had in the past were: a Gruul Eldrazi deck (only had one of the Titans though, and I was running the drones, which made it legit.), a mono-green Elf deck (which led me to my 2nd Planeswalker, Nissa Revane), mono-green Ooze deck, a Gruul Werewolf deck (traded it to a friend that was wanting to get back into the game and he liked them), mono-green Spider deck, mono-red Vampires when Innistrad came out, mono-red Giant deck, mono-white Kithkin deck, a Dimir Discard/Mill deck, mono-black Zombie deck, mono-black Infect deck, and a Esper Artifact deck.

When Innistrad came out, that's when I really started playing. Eventually I got Liliana of the Veil for my Dimir Discard/Mill deck. And I loved the Vampires in that set, how they get bigger eventually. And lately I've been reading up on the lore of Innistrad, and I find it very awesome.

After the Innistrad block cycled out of Standard (the only thing I DON'T like about Magic, which made me so sad when it cycled out), I took a break for a year or two, and didn't get back in until now, the Theros block. I now have my very first EDH deck, my Jarad EDH, and still working on to improve it. I also have a couple Standard decks, which are pretty legit. And I have 1 Modern deck, around the Splicers from New Phyrexia.

But ya, that's my story on Magic. I also love to play YGO, but I've been more into MtG lately because of some people being complete dicks in YGO.

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MTG Decks

Pain & Gain

Commander / EDH AlucardZain


Guff & his (Super)Friends

Commander / EDH AlucardZain


Not Your Average Dragons...

Commander / EDH AlucardZain

SCORE: 1 | 125 VIEWS

Enchanted to Beatdown

Commander / EDH AlucardZain


Lets Just Keep Drawing, Drawing

Commander / EDH AlucardZain


Finished Decks 10
Prototype Decks 1
Drafts 0
Playing since 2012 Core Set
Avg. deck rating 6.00
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Standard, Modern, Commander / EDH
Cards suggested / good suggestions 83 / 72
Venues Endzone, bonnie brae, Black Gold, Enchanted Grounds
Joined 10 years