Pauper format player. Hardcore Aggro. I know and understand enought about the competitive Pauper metagame, playing mono-G Stompy in tournaments (my version of it can be seen in my profile). But Im interested in "inventing" decks all the time. Some of those decks can be found here in my TappedOut profile. They are usualy not "competitive" (this meaning a Deck that has a plan on beating any other deck) but really eficient against SOME of the competitive decks on the metagame, and surely fun. I invite you to check them and try it!

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MTG Decks

Mono-Green Stompy (pauper)

Pauper Apoena51

SCORE: 1 | 367 VIEWS

Finished Decks 106
Prototype Decks 67
Drafts 0
Playing since Fourth Edition
Avg. deck rating 2.00
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Modern, Pauper, Legacy
Cards suggested / good suggestions 1 / 1
Joined 10 years