Welcome to my Tappedout account! :D
Arts and characters belongs to WotC and their hired artists. Collage done by me, hope you like!
Hi!, I'm BRAZATO. (My last username was RA_HORAKTHE, if you meet me before I changed it)
I'm a casual Commander MTG player from Spain. I've been playing Magic since 2003 (original Mirrodin), playing mostly in casual games (in Standard, Modern and just kitchen-table games), but I never started to truly love MTG until EDH/Commander became popular in my playgroup, around 2014. Since then, Commander has become my favourite format so far because it normalized and officialized the classical kitchen-table multiplayer casual games most of MTG fans who weren´t into competitive official formats loved.
I love the worldbuilding exercises of MTG, to see WotC design team taking inspiration from myths, cultures and literary and cinematographic works to create their own fantasy worlds. My personal flavor themes are Ancient History and Mythology (Specially Ancient Egypt and other middle eastern cultures, as well mesoamerican and african ones) and Fantastic Animals (Me being biologist, I really enjoy to watch new monster, beasts and animal-folk designs). I also love sci-fi thems too.
I play Commander / EDH with almost all colors and strategies. In my playgroup we play Multiplayer Casual EDH, usually with optimized decks in the range of "7-8" power level (Decks with decent to powerful commanders, well constructed, but without the most powerful tutors, lands or unaffordable cards).
I've traditionally played a lot of Golgari - Jund, but I don't mind the color combination of a deck if I like its flavor or game mechanincs. My signature decks have been the classic Golgari star: Meren of Clan Nel Toth
and the lands-matter Jund panther-folk Lord Windgrace
, but I've actually constructed and played many others decks, of varied color combinations .
I love graveyard/recursion synergies that let me recover and replay cards. I also love land-matter strategies and heavy-creature decks. Although it's not my favourite stile, I use to add to some of my decks win-con combos, but only if I find them appropiated withim the theme of the deck, fun and fitting with the power level I seek.
I love to build efficient and optimized decks, but I also consider myself a bit "Vorthos" player, and I always take care of the aesthetic design of my decks, letting gaps to use lore/flavor/pet fitting cards withouth sacrifying the playability too much.
Some of my main decks now (Check All Decks for more!):
I love to make my own printed digital proxy-alters of legends or tokens, using Photoshop! You may find some of them in my deck articles or here: BRAZATO ALTERS. I share them freely, so copy and print them for your decks if you want! Just remind that I use other artists works + official MTG frames or icons, so this alters are just for personal use!!!
My favourite Plane/Set of the MTG Multiverse is clearly AMONKHET (I love to Ancient Egypt culture and myths). I also love planes like Mirrodin (My first known plane when I started, and I also love Sci-Fi settings), Ravnica (Due to the awesome personality of every guild), New Phyrexia (Losing Mirrodin was sad, but Phyrexians are one of my favourites factions in MTG) and Ikoria (Due to it's awesome creature an echosystem design).
About MTG characters, probably my most loved ones are Lord Windgrace and the Amonkhet Gods (Both the good and the evil ones, but specially Hazoret the Fervent, Oketra the True and The Scarab God). Other characters I like are Jedit Ojanen, Mirri, Cat Warrior, Glissa Sunseeker and Ixidor, Reality Sculptor.
About MTG villains, specially love New Phyrexia Praetors (Probably my favourites are Vorinclex, Voice of HungerGC and Jin-Gitaxias, Core AugurGC), the original Mirrodin ruler: Memnarch, and of course the elder-dragon planeswalker Nicol Bolas, God-Pharaoh, as I really like how WotC developed and improved his character in the Amonkhet - War of the Spark arch. Special mention to the old phyrexians too (Like Yawgmoth or Gix), I find them an awesome part of the classic MTG lore, and usually their characters and cards are evilly fun.
I'm not very fan of the "New"/"Post-Mending" planeswalkers. Although I have to admit WotC have given them an important and useful narrative utility to connect different plane's plots, I always found them somewhat boring and repetitive, and often with varied character development problems. I specially hate the Gatewatch members and how they absorbed the protagonism of all MTG plots in the period between Magic Origins to War of the Spark. Of all the "new PWs", I would save Ajani Goldmane, Garruk Wildspeaker, Samut, the Tested and Arlinn Kord
Flip, as I really like their style and lore.
My favourite tribes are Slivers, but in general I love animal and monster tribes, like cats, sphinxes, birds, wolves and werewolves, dinosaurs, beasts, snakes, dragons... I would love to see tribes like birds or beasts being more viable and playable in the future!
Other commanders I play or I've played in the past: >Arcum Dagsson (My first serious EDH deck!), >Gahiji, Honored One, >Prossh, Skyraider of Kher
, >Atraxa, Praetors' Voice
, >Temmet, Vizier of Naktamun
, >The Scorpion God
, >Neheb, the Eternal
, >Izoni, Thousand-Eyed
, >Vaevictis Asmadi, the Dire
, >Samut, Voice of Dissent
, >Gishath, Sun's Avatar
, >Ukkima, Stalking Shadow
Flip and Cazur, Ruthless Stalker
Flip, >Otrimi, the Ever-Playful
, >Prava of the Steel Legion
paired with Ikra Shidiqi, the Usurper
, >Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider
, >The Ur-Dragon
, >Tovolar, Dire Overlord
Flip and >Kresh the Bloodbraided
Friends of mine, and part of my Local Playgroup:
Hope you like or find useful my decks and articles!!!