MTG List: 21May17 Upload
Creature (72)
- 1x Aeronaut Admiral
- 1x Aether Inspector
- 1x Aether Poisoner
- 1x Alley Strangler
- 1x Augmenting Automaton
- 1x Aven Initiate
- 1x Aven Wind Guide
- 1x Bitterblade Warrior
- 1x Blinding Drone
- 2x Bloodrage Brawler
- 1x Colossapede
- 1x Cultivator Drone
- 1x Cursed Minotaur
- 1x Deadeye Harpooner
- 1x Druid of the Cowl
- 1x Fairgrounds Warden
- 1x Flameblade Adept
- 1x Foundry Assembler
- 1x Giant Spider
- 3x Gnarlwood Dryad
- 1x Greater Sandwurm
- 2x Hekma Sentinels
- 1x Hyena Pack
- 2x Labyrinth Guardian
- 2x Miasmic Mummy
- 2x Naga Oracle
- 2x Naga Vitalist
- 2x Nef-Crop Entangler
- 1x Nimble-Blade Khenra
- 1x Oashra Cultivator
- 1x Ondu War Cleric
- 1x Ornery Kudu
- 1x Ornithopter
- 1x Pathmaker Initiate
- 1x Pouncing Cheetah
- 1x Prizefighter Construct
- 2x Quarry Hauler
- 1x River Serpent
- 2x Sacred Cat
- 3x Scribe of the Mindful
- 1x Seed Guardian
- 1x Seeker of Insight
- 2x Shimmerscale Drake
- 1x Shipwreck Moray
- 1x Silkweaver Elite
- 1x Slither Blade
- 1x Soulstinger
- 2x Sparring Mummy
- 1x Supply Caravan
- 1x Sweatworks Brawler
- 1x Tah-Crop Skirmisher
- 1x Tajuru Pathwarden
- 1x Those Who Serve
- 2x Vizier of Tumbling Sands
- 1x Wayward Servant
- 1x Weapons Trainer
Land (8)
Instant (32)
- 2x Cancel
- 1x Commit / Memory
- 2x Decision Paralysis
- 2x Decommission
- 1x Dissenter's Deliverance
- 2x Essence Scatter
- 1x Final Reward
- 1x Galestrike
- 1x Haze of Pollen
- 1x Hungry Flames
- 2x Leave in the Dust
- 1x Metallic Rebuke
- 1x Negate
- 1x Precise Strike
- 1x Pull from Tomorrow
- 1x Pulse of Murasa
- 2x Pursue Glory
- 1x Scarab Feast
- 1x Shock
- 2x Splendid Agony
- 1x Stinging Shot
- 1x Take into Custody
- 1x Unnatural Endurance
- 2x Winds of Rebuke
Enchantment (20)
- 1x Bonds of Mortality
- 2x Cartouche of Ambition
- 1x Cartouche of Knowledge
- 1x Caught in the Brights
- 1x Conviction
- 1x Faith of the Devoted
- 4x Fists of Ironwood
- 1x Gift of Paradise
- 1x Hazoret's Favor
- 1x Illusory Wrappings
- 1x Protection of the Hekma
- 1x Tezzeret's Touch
- 2x Thopter Arrest
- 1x Trespasser's Curse
- 1x Untamed Hunger
Sorcery (14)
- 1x Battle at the Bridge
- 1x Daring Demolition
- 1x Dispossess
- 1x Painful Lesson
- 1x Resourceful Return
- 1x Sacred Excavation
- 1x Saheeli's Artistry
- 1x Spring / Mind
- 1x Tormenting Voice
- 1x Unburden
- 1x Violent Impact
- 3x Wander in Death