Thank you for stopping by.

I first became acquainted with Magic: The Gathering during Alpha set. After that initial foray where I was introduced by a neighbor to the game, I didn’t play again until the Tempest block. Then I took a long, 20 year hiatus until 2019 when another neighbor reinvigorated my desire to play by urging me to buy some Dominaria and Core 19 packs for a friendly draft. Since then I’ve found myself addicted to deck building.

I prefer traditional formats like Vintage/Legacy/Modern/Standard/Pauper as opposed to this zany, newfangled “Commander” format all the kids are raving about.

I lean toward the / end of the color spectrum; preferred hubs are Reanimator and any type of build that uses uncommon or otherwise off the wall strategies or win-cons.

God I miss the old artwork and flavor text from the older expansions; some of the new stuff is half decent but it doesn’t hold a candle to the gorgeous art of cards like those found in the Arabian Nights expansion or Mirage block. And then there’s the classical literary quotes on cards like Repentant Blacksmith, Juzam Djinn, Hammerheim, Karakas, Pendelhaven, Revelation...the list goes on! I weep softly when I realize just how lackluster today’s MtG sets are in this respect, by comparison. But, I digress.

Feel free to leave any comments or questions you may have on any of my decks; all upvotes are much appreciated as well.

Balaam__ says... #1

@NeoLegacy now that I think about it, this build isn’t too bad! Do you mind if I post it myself? I’d give you credit for the base template, naturally.

February 20, 2025 8:07 p.m.

Balaam__ says... #2

@NeoLegacy I didn’t want to bombard your deck page any further but I wanted to share this build I threw together. It’s just one possible iteration, and it isn’t far from what you have now (just a bit more streamlined). It’s also all one-mana-cards as per your stipulation.

•18x Mountain

•4x Goblin Arsonist •4x Goblin Javelineer •4x Goblin Sledder •4x Reckless Lackey

•4x Barge In •4x Brute Force •3x Infuriate •3x Rush of Adrenaline •4x Crash Through

•4x Lightning Bolt •4x Lava Spike

Enough lands to get the job done.

Goblin Arsonist because things die, and it’s 1 point of bonus damage. Same goes for Goblin Javelineer. Goblin Sledder for the eventual death blow; when enough goblins have enough buffs but Trample isn’t quite enough to push through for lethal, just sacrifice the right things (after the opponent blocks) to further buff a specific creature for lethal. Reckless Lackey for the same reasons you had him.

The buffs are self explanatory and are the best the format currently offers. Barge In in particular is especially effective.

Lightning Bolt and Lava Spike for removal and extra direct damage.

I didn’t include one but sideboard for artifact hate, graveyard hate, and anything your playgroup constantly drops during games.

Again, this is just one path and I’m not trying to tell anyone how to build, I just thought maybe it might help you perfect yours as you see fit.

February 20, 2025 4:04 p.m.

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Said on Balaam__...


@NeoLegacy now that I think about it, this build isn’t too bad! Do you mind if I post it myself? I’d give you credit for the base template, naturally.

February 20, 2025 8:07 p.m.

Said on Balaam__...


@NeoLegacy I didn’t want to bombard your deck page any further but I wanted to share this build I threw together. It’s just one possible iteration, and it isn’t far from what you have now (just a bit more streamlined). It’s also all one-mana-cards as per your stipulation.

•18x Mountain

•4x Goblin Arsonist •4x Goblin Javelineer •4x Goblin Sledder •4x Reckless Lackey

•4x Barge In •4x Brute Force •3x Infuriate •3x Rush of Adrenaline •4x Crash Through

•4x Lightning Bolt •4x Lava Spike

Enough lands to get the job done.

Goblin Arsonist because things die, and it’s 1 point of bonus damage. Same goes for Goblin Javelineer. Goblin Sledder for the eventual death blow; when enough goblins have enough buffs but Trample isn’t quite enough to push through for lethal, just sacrifice the right things (after the opponent blocks) to further buff a specific creature for lethal. Reckless Lackey for the same reasons you had him.

The buffs are self explanatory and are the best the format currently offers. Barge In in particular is especially effective.

Lightning Bolt and Lava Spike for removal and extra direct damage.

I didn’t include one but sideboard for artifact hate, graveyard hate, and anything your playgroup constantly drops during games.

Again, this is just one path and I’m not trying to tell anyone how to build, I just thought maybe it might help you perfect yours as you see fit.

February 20, 2025 4:04 p.m.

Said on Goblin Tweakers...


@NeoLegacy there’s a path toward running both, but you’d need to implement more pseudo-protection to keep your goblin count as high as possible for a worthwhile payoff. Red is notoriously bad at shielding stuff, so you’d want to incorporate cards like Borrowed Hostility or Crowd's Favor in conjunction with buffs like Barge In to grant them First Strike so they leave combat relatively unscathed. I think to run both Goblin War Strike and Reckless Abandon together you’re looking at a different core deck structure.

I realize I’m peppering you with possible directions to take the deck, but that’s half the fun—deciding what path you’d like to take and then optimizing for it. You have a really good base here that could go a number of different routes, but I’d definitely recommend picking just one and doubling down on it in order to stand the best possible chance of a win.

-edit—oops, I confused Reckless Abandon with another card! My mistake.

February 20, 2025 3:32 p.m. Edited.

Said on Goblin Tweakers...


There are some other good direct damage spells that revolve around sacrificing a creature. I’m not sure which, if any, you’ve already considered so I’ll list some of the better ones.

Reckless Abandon

Collateral Damage

Lava Dart

Shard Volley

A shift in strategy might be necessary to fit them in, but I wanted to bring them to your attention nonetheless.

February 20, 2025 1:58 p.m.

Said on Goblin Tweakers...


I think Crash Through is the card you’d want to run instead of Taste for Mayhem. That potential +4 from Mayhem can be sidestepped too easily for it to be reliable, and decks that play cards revolving around empty hands are 100% all in on that scenario and not just taking into account the possibility of an empty hand. That’s a recipe for disaster. But with Crash Through you get a great method to reliably push through damage (all creatures gain temporary Trample) and it replaces itself so you aren’t down a card. Plus it fits the one-mana-mantra, ha.

February 20, 2025 1:39 p.m.

Said on Goblin Tweakers...


I like the new iteration. I’m not sure what budget you’ve allotted the deck, but Impact Tremorsfoil would provide great value with all your cheap to cast goblins. You could realistically get damage on the way in, again through combat damage, then again on the way out with Goblin Grenade. It’s pricey, but worth considering.

-Edit—I forgot you’re going for an ‘every card is to cast’ thing, so Impact Tremorsfoil doesn’t fit the criteria. If you ever change that facet, it’s definitely worth looking into though.

February 20, 2025 1:23 p.m. Edited.

Said on Goblin Tweakers...


I think there’s some iteration of this that could perform half decent. I’d lean into all the Brute Force type buffs and try to overwhelm the board, or maybe some sort of half-burn, half-sac attack (Goblin Grenade stuff) hybrid.

February 19, 2025 6:26 p.m.

Said on Boros Battleweenies...


That’s really interesting, I never noticed that Battle Cry goes unkeyworded now and then.

February 19, 2025 5:21 p.m.

Said on Goblin Tweakers...


I’m by no means an expert, but I have some Pauper experience. I like what you’re going for, but I have some thoughts.

At a cursory glance, my initial appraisal is that with every card costing 1 mana apiece, you’ll be able to play something virtually every turn. You will run out of cards very, very quickly. Add to that the fragile nature of your boardstate (this isn’t necessarily ‘bad’ or ‘your fault’, it’s simply that goblins aren’t exactly robust) and you may be looking at an empty hand and a diminished tabletop presence faster than you realize.

I think you should consider more draw power as priority #1. 2 copies of Sticky Fingers isn’t anywhere near enough, at least not without some way to abuse it and make it recurring. I’d remove Goblin Gaveleer and replace it with draw spells since you have no equipment and that makes the Gaveleer nothing more than a 1 mana goblin with Trample.

February 19, 2025 1:32 p.m.

Said on Legacy White...


Why Stasis Snare over the cheaper to cast Journey to Nowhere? Is it the ability to Flash it in?

February 18, 2025 9:05 p.m.

Said on 11, auf Deutsch...


Thanks Andramelech, this was a fun build and is quite nice to play, simple and effective.

Looking at your suggestions, I’m going to add all but Royal Treatment to the maybeboard. That one just reminds me of how needlessly complicated and ‘one-up-ish’ the philosophy of this game has become, and I utterly despise that cgi magic marker art aesthetic. I do like the other cards you cited, and I think they’d function well as additives or as the start of a branching variation of the build which might lead to bigger or better things. As always, thanks for posting!

February 18, 2025 8:48 p.m.

Said on Wolf-Shark...


The decks you post always have clean design and tight descriptions making them very easy to parse. Keep up the good work

February 16, 2025 4:18 p.m.

Said on Turtle Power!...


@Siege- Whichever format you settle on, you’ll want to narrow your deck’s focus. Jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none approaches seldom (if ever) work. You already have the objectively ‘best’ way to play Turtles—the Assault Formation approach—so I would encourage you to double down on it. Build around that specific functionality.

Oftentimes the hardest part of deck building is cutting the ‘…but I really like this card’ cards which don’t move your core strategy forward. Once you do, you’ll find consistency skyrockets and wins tend to come along with that. Not having access to cards is a perfectly legitimate reason to not include them, but keep them in mind nonetheless in case you get the opportunity to acquire them.

February 15, 2025 5:19 p.m.

Said on Turtle Power!...


*Barkchannel Pathway  Flip not Hengegate. Wrong color, sorry

February 15, 2025 1:46 p.m.

Said on Turtle Power!...


There’s a lot to like here, but also room for improvement. A simple ‘strictly better’ change is to get rid of Uncharted Haven and replace it with some type of dual that’s appropriate for whatever budget you’ve allotted this deck. The problem with Uncharted Haven is it enters tapped, which automatically puts you behind schedule. Legacy is ridiculously fast paced (even in non-competitive settings) so anything with [this card] enters the battlefield tapped stapled to it is dead weight. There are a whole host of better lands to occupy that spot, some more expensive than others. Misty Rainforest and Breeding Poolfoil immediately come to mind, as do Hengegate Pathway  Flip and Hinterland Harbor. There’s Tropical Island too but that’s prohibitively expensive.

At a glance, your turtles seem a bit unfocused. You’ve stuck within the creature type, yes, but they’re all pulling in different directions—Ninjutsu, Flash, counters etc. You have the right idea with the Assault Formation/Treefolk Umbra strategy, you just need to trim the extraneous stuff and double down on that. Run 4x copies of those to ensure you draw them every single game.

Cut cards you probably wont have the mana to fully utilize like Primal Might, and replace fringe-use cards like Artful Dodge and Witch's Web with things that play into Turtle Assault strengths.

You have a good base here to work with, and the good news is you wouldn’t have to change much at all to significantly streamline things, and the core idea will remain intact.

February 15, 2025 1:45 p.m.

I’m not 100% sure what criteria youre going for with this collection, but how about the Pact cycle of cards? Pact of Negation, Summoner's Pact etc all have a potentially profound impact, either in a positive way or a profoundly negative (literally game changing) way for the caster if it backfires.

February 15, 2025 9:59 a.m.

Ha, I like this take on the challenge too. It seems I’m the only one who wasn’t able to get something revolving around the card up and running.


February 14, 2025 5:03 p.m.



MTG Decks

Ontogeny Recapitulates Phylogeny

Modern Balaam__


Trouble at the Old Mill!

Modern Balaam__


Modern Problems Require Modern Solutions

Modern Balaam__


Ferngully (Help Wanted!)

Modern Balaam__


Altar of Despair

Modern Balaam__


Exham Priory

Pauper Balaam__


Geralf’s Walk-In Clinic

Legacy Balaam__


Darwin’s Dirty Onus

Modern Balaam__


Finished Decks 124
Prototype Decks 9
Drafts 0
Playing since Tempest
Points 1630
Avg. deck rating 24.79
T/O Rank 7
Helper Rank 10
Favorite formats Modern, Pauper, Legacy, Vintage
Suppressed formats Standard Brawl, Historic, Commander / EDH, Pauper EDH, Commander: Rule 0, Canadian Highlander, Highlander, Duel Commander, Leviathan, 1v1 Commander, Pre-release, Penny Dreadful, Heirloom, Hero, Noble, Tiny Leaders, Oathbreaker, Block Constructed, Arena, MTGO, Magic Duels, Unformat
Cards suggested / good suggestions 169 / 120
Venues Tales of Adventure
Joined 5 years