My old account is Beetall.

I started playing Magic around the time when Return to Ravnica was released, and I've been hooked ever since. I started out with a mono-black enchantment-aggro deck which soon evolved into Unblockable Cipher Dimir.

Since then, Dimir is all I play, occasionally with some red. (Izzet and Grixis mainly)

While I started off as an aggro player, I much prefer control over aggro as there's no worse feeling in magic than watching your opponent slowly gain total control of a game, particularly when they're at low life.

My favorite format is Standard,

My last standard deck was, deck-large:

My favorite card is Ratchet Bomb

My favorite color is Green (but my favorite MTG color is Black)

Apparently my RL personality is GW... and those are my two least favorite MTG colors...

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MTG Decks

The New Meta 5-0 @ FNM

Standard BeatAll

SCORE: 33 | 73 COMMENTS | 8294 VIEWS | IN 17 FOLDERS Top 8: 01/17

Standard Artifacts

Standard BeatAll


LIBERATION (superfriends)

Standard BeatAll

SCORE: 4 | 1 COMMENT | 1062 VIEWS | IN 2 FOLDERS Top 8: 12/20

Grixis Control

Standard BeatAll


Orzhov Bestow

Standard BeatAll


BG Aristocrats

Standard BeatAll


Finished Decks 10
Prototype Decks 4
Drafts 0
Playing since Return to Ravnica
Points 0
Avg. deck rating 18.00
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Standard
Venues Enchanted Realms
Joined 11 years