MTG List: Flashback
Sorcery (63)
- 1x Acorn Harvest
- 1x Ancestral Tribute
- 1x Army of the Damned
- 1x Artful Dodge
- 1x Battle Screech
- 1x Bump in the Night
- 1x Cabal Therapy
- 1x Call of the Herd
- 1x Chainer's Edict
- 1x Chatter of the Squirrel
- 1x Chill of Foreboding
- 1x Conflagrate
- 1x Creeping Renaissance
- 1x Crippling Fatigue
- 1x Crush of Wurms
- 1x Deadly Allure
- 1x Deep Analysis
- 1x Deep Reconnaissance
- 1x Dematerialize
- 1x Devil's Play
- 1x Divine Reckoning
- 1x Dread Return
- 1x Earth Rift
- 1x Faithless Looting
- 1x Firebolt
- 1x Firecat Blitz
- 1x Flash of Defiance
- 1x Gaze of Justice
- 1x Grasp of Phantoms
- 1x Increasing Ambition
- 1x Increasing Confusion
- 1x Increasing Devotion
- 1x Increasing Savagery
- 1x Lightning Surge
- 1x Lingering Souls
- 1x Marshaling Cry
- 1x Moan of the Unhallowed
- 1x Morbid Hunger
- 1x Morgue Theft
- 1x Mystic Retrieval
- 1x Nightbird's Clutches
- 1x Parallel Evolution
Past in Flames
- 1x Quiet Speculation
- 1x Reap the Seagraf
- 1x Reckless Charge
- 1x Recoup
- 1x Roar of the Wurm
- 1x Rolling Temblor
- 1x Runic Repetition
- 1x Scorching Missile
- 1x Seize the Day
- 1x Sever the Bloodline
- 1x Shattered Perception
- 1x Silent Departure
- 1x Skull Fracture
- 1x Spider Spawning
- 1x Tombfire
- 1x Tracker's Instincts
- 1x Travel Preparations
- 1x Unburial Rites
- 1x Volcanic Spray
- 1x Volley of Boulders
Instant (45)
- 1x Alter Reality
- 1x Ancient Grudge
- 1x Bash to Bits
- 1x Beast Attack
- 1x Blast from the Past
- 1x Cackling Counterpart
- 1x Canopy Claws
- 1x Coffin Purge
- 1x Defy Gravity
- 1x Desperate Ravings
- 1x Dream Twist
- 1x Elephant Ambush
- 1x Embolden
- 1x Engulfing Flames
- 1x Feeling of Dread
- 1x Fervent Denial
- 1x Fires of Undeath
- 1x Flaming Gambit
- 1x Flaring Pain
- 1x Flash of Insight
- 1x Folk Medicine
- 1x Forbidden Alchemy
- 1x Geistflame
- 1x Gnaw to the Bone
- 1x Howling Gale
- 1x Increasing Vengeance
- 1x Krosan Reclamation
- 1x Lava Dart
- 1x Memory's Journey
- 1x Momentary Blink
- 1x Moment's Peace *list*
- 1x Mystical Teachings
- 1x Prismatic Strands
- 1x Purify the Grave
- 1x Rally the Peasants
- 1x Ray of Distortion
- 1x Ray of Revelation
- 1x Saving Grasp
- 1x Spirit Flare
- 1x Strangling Soot
- 1x Sylvan Might
- 1x Think Twice
- 1x Thrill of the Hunt
- 1x Traitor's Clutch
- 1x Wild Hunger