Hello fellow nerds! Started playing in 2016. Commmander exclusively for me except messing around on Arena (I just can't reconcile spending real money on 4 of the same card. I know, I'm awful).
Each of my decks begin pretty budget, but cards appreciate in value and I purchase/receive goodie upgrades over the years. I'm trying to make a deck of every color combo. I also strive to have my decks be diverse in mechanics as much as I can, but I'm still a sucker for tokens and aggro. As I grow and mature more and more sorceries and instants make it into my builds:
White - Come Out Biting! - Isamaru, Hound of Konda enchantment/artifact voltron. Good boi go bite!
Blue - -
Black - deck: Glad-Rags-and-Body-Bags - Tergrid, God of Fright
Flip sort of a charcuterie board of what black has to offer. A good stax presence without going too overboard with no-fun oppression.
Red - Anarchy Burger - Torbran, Thane of Red Fell Red burn. It can work in commander. Who said it couldn't??
Green - Bastards on Parade - Marwyn, the Nurturer big 'ol elf ball! Super budget. Turns out elves are a pretty supported tribal. Who would have known? This deck slays for the price 1v1.
2 color:
Azorius - -
Rakdos -
Moocifer Rising - Mogis, God of Slaughter group slug with demons. This one is simply too much fun. Just table-wide murder until you're taken out by angry opponents sick of drains.
Fightstarter Karaoke - Kardur, Doomscourge budget multiplayer-only goad and aggro. Force everyone to fight all the time and reap the rewards.
Simic - MerMAN, father, mer-MAN! - Vorel of the Hull Clade abuses your dear friends with untappery and unstoppable 72/72s. Combos or aggro, can't go wrong!
Orzhov - Love at First Bite - Karlov of the Ghost Council life gain, vampires and counters. My first deck and probably my strongest deck. Karl starts up fast and does not screw around.
Dimir - Mermaider - Sygg, River Cutthroat mill and unblockable card draw. Some leviathans, a lot of murder.
Izzet -
Human Fly - The Locust God BEES!?
Verbal Intercourse - Nassari, Dean of Expression
Flip - Big spell sling and treasure creation. All about building mana and casting huge spells, preferably from exile and/or for free. Found out Nassari is non-binary too, which rules.
Big Trouble in Little Midgard - Aegar, the Freezing Flame giant tribal focusing on spell slinging for cheap. Could use plenty of refining, but it certainly has heart. Aiming for lots of low-end damage-all wipes so our giants stick through and Aegar draws us some cards leading to big stomps. Tried to include more 'Freeze' effects but they keep getting cut for other stuff.
Gruul - Ubangi Stomp - Ruric Thar, the Unbowed all creature (almost) aggro murder. Punish others for casting silly things like "spells."
Selesnya - Karametropolis - Karametra, God of Harvests *f-etch* all creature/enchantment psuedo voltron. Just keep drawing cards, dropping low cmc mooks and buffing big swingers.
Golgari - Out Come The Wolves - Sarulf, Realm Eater counters and control. Thought I could maybe manipulate Mutate to capitalize on how nasty Sarulf is. Haven't actually made the deck in paper because in play testing it ended up feeling a bit 'no fun' because either Sarulf popped off and wiped everyone out, or the poor lad got shot down again and again and again. Incredibly budget, so I may still bring out the aforementioned, eponymous wolf.
Boros - Wipe The Floor With Victory - Iroas, God of Victory *list* soldiers, angels and so much aggro.
3 color:
Jund - Witch in the Woods - Korvold, Fae-Cursed King Big Witch energy sacrifice deck. Korvold is generally under-utilized considering his power ceiling, but I really, really wanted a witch deck. Eat your snacks, build a giant dragon and gun for fun witchy plays like infinite Cauldron Familiar.
Bant - -
Grixis - Return of the Loving Dead - Inalla, Archmage Ritualist
recursion, oppressive control and wizard tribal. Kind of have some aggro bent to a wizard tribal here.
Naya -
Dig Up Her Bones - Gishath, Sun's Avatar dinos. Nothing original here but goddamn do these dinos CHOMP.
Fall Back Down - Rin and Seri, Inseparable tokens. It's raining cats and dogs out there! Also a squrrel, because who doesn't love chasing squirrels?
Esper - Dead Girls Don't Cry - Varina, Lich Queen
zombie aggro. Lots of draw and zombie recursion with a heavy Egyptian theme.
Jeskai - Da Mysteries of Chessboxin' - Elsha of the Infinite
Prowess and Magecraft triggers. Make a swarm of tokens by casting all the spells. Inspired by Wu Tang Clan and the might of genius and the mysteries of Shaolin.
Mardu - Kill The Poor - Mathas, Fiend Seeker
curses and trickery based around benefiting from murdering opponents' creatures. Try to stay safe and pull wins from their graveyards or draw into weird win cons.
Sultai - No Need For Any More Snake-Makery - Damia, Sage of Stone goodstuffs with plenty of snek for a Vorthos feel. Just draw and answers and plenty of deathtouch.
Abzan - Bugs in the Kitchen and Mold in the Sink - Ghave, Guru of Spores token/counter combos with some recursion thrown in. Based on a character from my table-top RPGs, so leaning toward oozes, rot and filth.
Temur - -
Scrubs - Sisay, Weatherlight Captain shrines. All shrines. I have always loved the Kamigawa shrines and now made a deck of them.