I am Blue/Black
I am Blue/Black
Take The Magic Dual Colour Test - Beta today!

I'm both selfish and rational. I'm scheming, secretive and manipulative; I use knowledge as a tool for personal gain, and in turn obtaining more knowledge. At best, I am mysterious and stealthy; at worst, I am distrustful and opportunistic.

Hello fellow card slingers, I'm Brian. I'm a student, musician, golf caddy, and Magic player located in upstate New York. I'm sort of a Spike/Timmy hybrid with emphasis on the Spike I suppose. Basically, I've been known to build decks that can win games, and then ruin them by jamming [[Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker in them because he is awesome! :) Control is my forte, but I have played the occasional Jund or Affinity deck every so often. As far as formats are concerned, I'm big into Standard, Modern, and Limited including Cube, Draft, and Sealed.

If anyone is interested in play testing or just playing for fun, I'm BrianH369 on both MTGO and LackeyCCG. Unfortunately, I can't access my account on MTGO at the moment because I'm a Mac guy and the parallels I've been running have gotten buggier and buggier as my laptop has approached the ripe old age of 6. :( However, I can still play on LackeyCCG. For those who haven't heard of Lackey, it's pretty much just an alternative to Cockatrice or Magic Workstation that I happen to prefer. If anybody wants to play a quick round there, right on my wall, and I would be more than happy to arrange a time to throw down. ;)

Also, I use emoticons aaaaaalll day. :D

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MTG Decks

UWb Tron

Modern BrianH369

SCORE: 1 | 1656 VIEWS

Post M13 Grixis Control

Standard* BrianH369


UWb Tapout Control (Boner Valley)

Standard* BrianH369


Finished Decks 23
Prototype Decks 16
Drafts 22
Points 0
Avg. deck rating 6.00
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Venues Champion Card Collector
Joined 13 years
MTGO Username BrianH369