MTG List: Zur Maybe's


Land (75)

Sorcery (30)

Planeswalker (6)

Enchantment (42)

Creature (34)

Instant (21)

Artifact (17)


Deck's theme focuses around draw/discard, especially wheel effects and cycling.

Zur's goal will be primarily tutoring payoff cards and silver bullets to keep opponents in check.

  • currently at 181 – 240 of 322 cards

-Protect Zur

-Enchantments cmc<=3

Enchantment | Enchantment (<=3cmc) | Draw | Discard

-(o:each o:draws o:discards) -(o:"Whenever you draw a card") -(o:"Whenever you" o:draw)

-(o:"Whenever a player" o:draw) -(o:"Each player draws") -(o:"Each player" o:draw) -(o:"Each opponent draws") -(o:"Each opponent" o:draw) -(o:"Whenever you discard a card") -(o:"Whenever you" o:discard)

-(o:"Each player" o:discard) -(o:"Each player shuffles") -(o:"Each player" o:shuffle) -(o:"Each opponent discards") -(o:"Each opponent" o:discards) -(o:"Whenever a player")

Cards that make a lot of cards change zones (library, hand, battlefield, graveyard, stack, exile, and command) Cards that "listen" to these changes.

  1. o:library o:draw o:hand 2."draw" "discard"

check cycling

o:"Whenever you draw a card"

o:"Whenever you discard a card"

  • o:"Whenever a player casts"

o:"For each card"

o:"rather than pay"

-(o:"Each player draws") -(o:"Each player shuffles") -(o:"Each player discards")

  • t:plains t:swamp t:island
  • t:land o:draw
  • t:land o:discard
  • t:land o:enchantment
  • o:search -t:land cmc<=1
  • o:"Each player discards"
  • o:"Each player shuffles"
  • o:"Each player draws"
  • o:"Whenever a player draws"

  • o:"Whenever a player discards"

  • o:"Whenever a player plays"
  • o:"Whenever an opponent" o:draw
  • o:"Whenever an opponent draws"
  • o:"Whenever an opponent discards"
  • o:"Whenever an opponent" o:discard