MTG List: Hanna Disassembled EDH Stuff



Card Versions

1x Hanna, Ship's Navigator F Judge Promo

1x Spell Crumple (Commander 2013)

1x Hurkyl's Recall (Modern Masters 2015)

1x Sphere of Safety F (Return To RAV)

1x Land Tax (Battle Royale)

1x Humility (tempest)

1x Sigil of the Empty Throne (Planeschase)

1x Standstill (IDW Version)

1x Propaganda (Tempest)

1x Rhystic Study (Prophecy)

1x Jace, Architect of Thought (Return To RAV)

1x Monastery Siege (Fate Reforged Prerelease Promo)

1x Copy Enchantment (RAV)

1x Glacial Chasm (From The Vault Realms)

1x Blinkmoth Nexus (Modern Masters 1)

1x Adarkar Wastes (6th Edition)

1x Flooded Strand (Khans of Tarkir)

1x Path to Exile (DCI Promo (Rebecca Gray Artist) )

1x Sun Titan (M11 Prerelease promo)

1x Swords to plowshare (Conspiracy)

1x Enlightened Tutor (Mirage)

1x Open the Vaults (M10)

1x Wrath of God (9th Edition)

1x Terminus (Avacyn Restored)

1x Karmic Justice (Odessey)

1x Ghostly Prison (FNM Promo)