Where and What I Play
I play Magic solely on MTGO due to a lack of time to attend my LGS and because my LGS does not support my favourite formats: Modern and Commander.
I'm a regular on T/O though I'm prone to hiatuses due to either work or life getting in the way of things. However, I usually check in once a day, so feel free to ask me for advice on decks. I'm especially knowledgeable about Control decks.
My Philosophy
As a player I value Control as an archetype above all else. To me, Control is the epitome of expressing your skill and intellect regarding the game and as someone who values intelligence I love Control. Shutting down an opponent may seem harsh and sadistic, but I view it as a means of having overcome them, and should they beat me, a learning experience. If you had to label me as "Timmy, Johnny or Spike" I'd say I dislike those labels. I enjoy winning, but I enjoy the road to the win far more. I have conceded games simply because I was going to win without my opponent playing a single card due to bad draws, or poor deck design. Ultimately, I play for the game itself.
Colours and About Me
Blue all the way. I value intellect, planning, and the unceasing journey to attain more knowledge. I can reflect this by having attained my BA Honours in History and achieving With First Class Standing. I am currently working toward an MA in Japanese History and hopefully to one day acquire my PhD. I would like to end up becoming a professor, a researcher, or a teacher.
Red and passion. Without passion the use of intelligence, to me is pointless. Striving for something simply to strive for it is meaningless. Having a goal is nice. Having the drive to achieve that goal is even better, especially when you're emotionally connected to that goal. For me this is shown through my writing of short fiction, but also through my willingness and love to spew out long lectures on history. There are a few floating in the chatting threads should you seek them out.
White and order. White keeps me in check. It reins in the unfiltered aspects of my personality. I think about others often and I consider rules to be paramount. Routines and habits are how I stay grounded and dependable.
**Current Project**

Feel free to comment.
kyuuri117: "So, i'm not sure if this is common knowledge or not but i found out yesterday, from an xray image posted to imgur, that penguins have knees. Like, they have knee bones inside their body or fluff or whatever the hell makes up a penguin."
tyforthevenom: "actually Ohthenoises i took my blue tron list from you i then took out all the blue"
Boza: "Act on Impulse is 2 mana cheaper than pshychos talking with inanimate lava. It is still not used in Storm."
Epochalyptik: "Blueless control? I don't understand why you would do that. That's like saying you're going to buy sugar-free Oreos."
fluffybunnypants: "This thread is basically just a colossal clusterfuck of things that make you go 'wtf?'"
VampireArmy: "Dude fuck people. I may as well debate my cat for how useful it is on this site."
Dekordius:"Kitten huffing intensifies." ThisIsBullshit: "Kitten huffing? The fuck"
xzzane casts a Turn One Inquisition of Kozilek against Ryotenchi and selects Loxodon Smiter in Game Three of their Modern T/O League match.
quesobueno123 "Wow, my face will hold the answers! Thank you, you philosophical man-god."
Dekordius "Or a baby. You can't drop babies either. Learned that one the hard way."
DERPLINGSUPREME: "anyone WITH uncles? also, of course you have uncles. they're probably just dead."
GoldGhost012: "We have entered the realm of fanservice and anime. There is no saving our souls any longer."
elpokitolama: "This thread is the reason why the Eldrazis wanted so hard to flee from the Blind Eternities."
vampirelazarus: "BUT THATS NOT ALL! We'll ALSO INCLUDE THIS SET OF KNIVES!@!!!!(U@#(!!!!@#(*!@#$ WOWWEEE"
Runlue: "Wait, there are TWO quote walls!?"
fluffybunnypants: "Scotch is liquid magic"
6tennis: "So, reading Canadian's quote wall or whatever, came across the last one, and thought of how amazing it would be to have liquid Magic cards. Like, for real. Just buy a bottle of cards. This should actually be a thing."
tyforthevenom: "Force of will is a bad card that people are forced to play coz turn 1 combo is a thing"
fluffybunnypants: "Your understanding of Eternal formats needs more understanding."
Epochalyptik: " 'FOW is bad' Pleb detected".
Epochalyptik: "This isn't tumblr."
Epochalyptik "People wouldn't be getting your goats if you had remembered to sacrifice them to me."
DERPLINGSUPREME: "I think there should just be a new way of measuring temperatures.
1)really cold 2) pretty cold 3)cold 3.5 chilly 4)mild 4.5) warm 5)hot 6)pretty hot 7) hellfire"
user:Redzebra: "I guess my real beef is with capitalism then."
Mogis_Mtg: "You know whats great. Minotaurs. They're like giant angry cows. Everyone loves giant angry cows."
Epochalyptik: "There are very few women at liberty to tell me to shut my dirty whore mouth. You aren't one of them. Back to the fields, pleb."
fluffybunnypants: "How does it feel to have your mind so far in the gutter than no one else gets it?"
Coinman1863: "Go to Canada, no one hates them and they have a National Maple Syrup Reserve to regulate prices, it holds about 12,200 tonnes of syrup total. Who can go wrong with that much Syrup under their belt?"
CanadianShinobi: "Welcome to unbanning season! Where stupidity flourishes and madness is everywhere!"
FAMOUSWATERMELON: "Tonight's going to be a long night kids, full of thread porn and salt. And they don't always come separated..."
GearNoir: "Choo-choo...derail train. I prefer to play EDH like a 100 card game of War, highest mana cost wins the hand."
CanadianShinobi: "Fear not. I live. I just occasionally take time off to reduce the urge to strangle the ignorant."
DrFunk27: "But....but....counterspells interact great with creatures. It's like your killing them before they are alive. OMG, it's almost like abortion. You're aborting creatures with your counterspell."
VampireArmy: "As a white man, I'm pretty sure I'm banned from tumblr."
user:scrotality: "My theory: the Angels and Demons mate, creating Kithkins."