All notables from our prerelease kits and prize packs won this weekend!
Saturday Prerelease - I played Temur Aggro while my partner played Simic Merfolk. My deck was a mix of tribes because my best bombs were Green, but many of my best cards were UR Pirates. The deck included 3x Kitesail Corsair, 2x Storm Fleet Sprinter, 2x Mist-Cloaked Herald that was crazy at pushing damage through. I was also packing Protean Raider, Path of Discovery, Captivating Crew, Jace, Cunning Castaway and Tendershoot Dryad. My biggest downfall was drawing 1-2 Land hands, while I was able to get all my colors fine. I went 1-2 and dropped. The games I won were a severe beating, but luck wasn't on my side. All the Unblocakbles with Jace was giving me a lot of card draw the one game I drew and cast him. Best play was probably playing the Tendershoot Dryad and copying it with Protean Raider the next turn, thus making me two 5/5 Saproling creature tokens each turn!
Our 2HG pool gave us a ton of stuff for BW Vampires. Our weakest tribe was easily our Pirates, with an overall lack of them. Our strongest creature base next to Vampires was Dinosaurs, including Silverclad Ferocidons, but we had extremely strong removal in Blue. Ultimately we built him a BW Vampire deck that included two Vona's Hunger, Radiant Destiny, Bishop of Binding, card:Mavrin Fein, Dusk Apostle and a bevvy of good spot removal and token generation to guarantee the City's blessing, as well as a lot of fliers. We had him splash Red just for Angrath, the Flame-Chained because he was amazing for 2HG as his +1 nets opponents discarding 2 cards and losing 4 life from their 30 life total.
With him dealing a lot of damage, I decided to do a Control deck with a ton of cheap Merfolk including the Unblocakble ones. Only ran 12 creatures and then all draw or removal to clear the way for Vampires and make sure he could trigger Ascension to upgrade Vona's Hunger and our other Ascend cards. I was running Kumena's Awakening, Induced Amnesia, Sunbird's Invocation, Tishana, Voice of Thunder, Hadana's Climb
Flip and Primal Amulet
I would like to take a moment to say that in the three times I cast it, Induced Amnesia was really great to have. The first time was against an opponent where one player had a Tetzimoc, Primal Death in his hand and had been marking up our board for several turns waiting for his 6th land drop to cast it. He had also just searched and played Elenda, the Dusk Rose. We were waiting to get 10 permanents so my partner could cast Vona's Hunger with the City's Blessing because their boards were about to overwhelm us. I bounced Elenda back to his hand when we were ready to cast it because I didn't want her to get a butt ton of +1/+1 counters and get huge, then make tokens later. Since she was safely in his hand and he only had that and Tetzimoc, I used Induce Amnesia on him to exile those. Enchantment hate was very rare in the format despite Naturalize being in the set, so that and the two Baffling End in his deck basically went unchecked. Unfortunately that opponent drew into ANOTHER Tetzimoc, but I fortunately had a Cancel waiting in hand and was able to avoid 80% of our board getting destroyed, which sealed the game for us as it was their last out.
The other two times I used it, I exiled 3 great Merfolk from an opponent's hand when it was clear his partner was having a bad time drawing any fuel. That opponent drew into basically nothing, which is a gamble, but they were a very aggressive deck and he made the comment earlier that he could "keep up no problem" to his friend. The last example was turning a few lands into answers earlier on, targeting myself with it, and then later sacrificing it to one damage trigger on my opponent's card:Silverclad Ferostidons, which conveniently let me sacrifice it to get the Lands back I needed for the late game. So, I'm not saying it's going to be Constructed playable. But it isn't unplayable in Limited by a long shot.