Greetings, Traveler.

You've reached the End of Time. I'd imagine that you don't recall how you got here. As far as you know, perhaps this is all there ever was or ever will be.

Before you lie a myriad of gateways to other worlds outside of spacetime. Each one displays an Ethereal name hovering on a magical plaque, which should give you some clue as to what lies beyond the veil. You can step through any one you wish, or none at all. The choice is yours alone to make.

I will remain here and continue to Shepherd the lost souls who find their way here back to their own reality. You're welcome to stay for as long as you wish. Just know that once you leave, you likely will be unable to find your way back here again. So choose wisely.

But then again, mayhap we will meet again on another plane of existence. I can clearly see you are a being of great power to have found your way here. So enjoy the stories I have to offer, and feel free to share some of your own as well. Feel free to stay for awhile, after all, it's not everyday that you will find yourself at the End of Time.

P O R T A L | G A T E S

Ratica Apocalyptica | EDH - Marrow Gnawer

Passing through the portal, you step into a dark void and Plunge into Darkness. Your senses betray you, as you can see nothing. Hear nothing. Smell nothing. Taste nothing. Gradually though, you start to hear a distant scratching. Initially you're unsure if it's a figment of your imagination, if your mind is playing tricks on you to circumvent the sensory deprivation. But soon enough, the scratching sounds grow louder. They are accompanied by a chittering and a musky dank scent.

Reaching about, you collide with something solid and reflexively put your hands up. You feel a cylindrical object, and after further inspection you find that you're able to activate it. A ghostly apparition appears within the lantern, wailing in sorrow. Feeling a bit disturbed, but relieved to have some light, you shine the lantern about.

You find yourself standing before an old desk in some sort of cavern. A tattered old journal  Flip lays before you, alongside an ancient elixir partially obscured by cobwebs. Curious, you flip through the journal. The pages feel oddly textured, almost as if you're touching another person.

Suddenly the hair stands on the back of your neck as you feel the pinprick of a blade to your throat.

"Come-Come man-thing."

It's voice is shrill, but you dare not turn about to see what threatens you. You feel a rough push, and start walking. After descending many flights of roughly hewn stone stairs, you're shoved through a dilapidated door. Losing your balance, you fall before a figure perched on a dark throne.

Finally looking up to witness your captors, you see hundreds of beady red eyes starting back at you in the darkness. Atop the throne sits a huge man-sized rat, brandishing some exotic sickle-ball-and-chain weapon you've never seen before.

"Welcome-come to our lair. I trust-trust you make yourself at home-home." It squeaked.

You feel a sinking feeling in your stomach as a limitless number of rats of all sizes begin to press upon you. You close your eyes, looking to escape this fevered dream.

Ratica Apocalyptica | EDH - Marrow Gnawer

Heroes of Redwall Abbey | EDH - Mabel, Heir to Cragflame

As you come through to the other side, you find yourself standing in a tranquil clearing in a quiet forest. The sun is streaming down on your face, and you raise your hand to block its glare to give your eyes some time to adjust to your new surroundings.

Seeing your hand, you gasp in surprise. It's furry like an animal's. You look down and sure enough, your body is not one of a human's anymore. You're not sure exactly what you are, but as soon as you can find a mirror or a reflective pool you intend to find out.

Despite the strangeness of the situation, you feel overcome with a sense of calm nostalgia mixed with an earnest giddiness. It reminds you of how you felt as a child, emerging into a whole wide new world to explore full of wonders to discover.

Ready to start exploring, you pick a path based on instinct rather than logic. Soon enough you find a sign of civilization, red stone walls rising from a much larger clearing in the woods. The biggest building within the walls rises to a steeple, so you can only assume it's a place of some spiritual or religious significance.

Pressing forward, you're stopped by some sudden shouts from the walls. "Halt! Who goes thah?"

You cannot see who is addressing you, but knowing you're an outsider you put on your best furry-face and shout back politely. "I am but a humble traveler seeking shelter and companionship."

"A likely story yah scandalous surriptious swine!" The voice called back mockingly.

Perplexed, you stand there transfixed for a moment, unsure of how you should respond. A moment later though you hear some commotion coming from within, and the gate grinds open. A fragile man-sized mouse emerges.

"Oh!" She squeaks, "I am terribly sorry about him. Fredrick has had his fair share of scares from those woodland bandits, please do forgive him."

A rabbit followed closely behind, shaking his head. "Now missus, we shan't take in just anybody outta tha woods."

"OH at least give him a chance you scaredy hare!" She chided, beckoning you forward.

Obliged, you make your way inside, smirking at Frederick who glares back.

"You'll be needing to see Mabel then I take it," she says, "My name is Maribelle by the way. Pleased to make your aquaitenance. And you are?"

"I'd prefer to not yet say." You respond, intent on putting some distance between you and the suspicious rabbit. "Take me to Mabel then, if you would be so kind".

"Certainly my dear fellow."

Maribelle leads you through the Abbey, as she calls it, aptly named Redwall Abbey. It's a serene place, with all manner of man-sized woodland creatures living together in harmony going about their daily chores.

She knocks on the Abbey's main door, and it promptly is opened by another mouse, but this one wearing wargear, obviously a guard of some sort. He nods at you, and you pass by.

The inside of the Abbey is even more marvelous than the outside, light streams through beautiful stained glass depicting what you can only assume are the heroes of ages past. There is a priestly mouse tending to some books by the altar, and several nuns going about cleaning.

Continuing, you're led to a staircase and proceed up through a hall to an inner chamber. Maribelle knocks gently.


She opens the door and ushers you in, remaining in the hall and gently shutting the door behind you.

You see a young mouse sitting behind a desk, scribbling some notes. There is an impressive looking smoldering sword perched atop the mantle of a fireplace directly behind the mouse. You speak, "So you're Mabel I take it then? And you're in charge around here?"

"In a manner of speaking," she replied "This Abbey was entrusted to me. I am but a steward of the land, and it takes a village to keep this place going." she paused her scribbling and looks up at you. "And who might you be? You're not from around here."

You hesitate, not sure if you should play the part of this storybook or if you should say the truth about your origins as a powerful spellcaster from another dimension. You opt for the former to avoid confrontation.

"Ah, so you say you are from the far east. Where exactly?"

You hesitate again, not sure how to respond.

"You should know that deceit is not tolerated here. We are a peaceful people, but we follow strict tenants and we will see you expelled if we determine you are of amoral character. I'm going to ask you one more time, who are you?"

Sighing, you reveal the truth. Mabel doesn't react quite how you might expect though, she nods solemnly. "Perhaps you can help us then. You see, these woodland bandits have been giving us trouble for sometime. They terrorize the traders and steal our goods wherever they can, even going so far as to abduct and ransom our fair friends. This I cannot abide. I would hunt them myself if it were not for my duties here, and we have to look to our own safety. Will you help us?"

Smiling, you're only happy to oblige, asking for more details and forming a plan. Things were about to get even more interesting.

Heroes of Redwall Abbey | EDH - Mabel, Heir to Cragflame

Avian Uprising | EDH - Derevi, Empyrial Tactician

Stepping through the portal, you're surprised to find that your feet are holding no purchase and you flail in midair. You turn about to grasp at the portal from whence you came, but alas it has vanished. You plummet through the air at breakneck speed. Cursing, as the wind buffets you, you had not prepared an adequate levitation or flying spell as you were not expecting to be dropped haphazardly from the sky.

Remembering your training in wizardly school, you extend your body, arms, and legs to break the tumble and turn it into a controlled fall. Skydiving was certainly not on your to-do list today, and yet here you are. Plummeting through the sky.

Mind racing for a solution, you break through the clouds and can see the earth quickly growing larger. The wind is so violent you can't even draw your spellbook from your robe, even if you could, it would likely just fly off and you couldn't hope to even speak an incantation being buffeted so.

It seems like this is the end for you, ironically after the many unimaginable great deeds you have accomplished over the ages on many worlds.

And then, before you can even register what has transpired, your fall is broken by a feathery back. Reflexively clutching, you find yourself clung to a great avian creature. It's head turns nearly all the way around, and you stare into it's bright blue owl eyes, crackling with arcane energy.

Human, you do not belong up here.

Rather than spoken, the words resonated in your mind telepathically. Perplexed, you wonder how this big bird brain can be communicating with you so.

Is that how you should be addressing your savior?

Abashed, you think up an apology. The bird does not seem concerned either way.

More pressing problems are afoot. I sense you are a Wizard of great power, not unlike myself. My name is Derevi. As I have saved your life, you are in my debt, and I require your assistance.

You nod your head in agreement, after all, what little choice did you have?

My bird clan is threatened. We know not why these outsiders are targeting us, but they cannot be allowed to triumph over us. I was searching for a solution when it literally fell right ontop of me. With your aid, we just may be able to survive. Come.

Whooshing away, in the distance you spot a series of jagged peaks rising out of the skyline. Gritting your teeth against the wind and clutching your Spellbook tight, you steel yourself for what lies ahead.

Avian Uprising | EDH - Derevi, Empyrial Tactician

Enter The Colosseum | Legacy

Emerging through the portal gate to the other side, you step into a stone room. It's small, worn, mundane, and sparsely furnished, with only a cot, a bucket, and a small window emanating the faintest outdoor light. And there is but a single barred door to enter or leave the chamber.

You groan, slapping your head, realizing you've just willingly imprisoned yourself. Although truth be told, this isn't the first time. Wasting little time, you begin to feel around the walls looking for loose stones, perhaps one leading to a Rogue's Passage.

You find nothing of note after several minutes, however you hear a rising clamor of shouts and metal ringing beyond the tiny window. It's nearly at the ceiling, so you have to push the cot over and get on the tips of your toes to just barely see through it.

You can see you're at the base of a massive Colosseum, with two armed combatants laying into each other. There are hundreds, perhaps even a thousand spectators all cheering wildly in the stands which rise up many, many stories.

Before you can gawk for much longer however, the door swings open and a jailor addresses you harshly. "Oy, what're ye about? Git down from thur, yer up next ye pig fodder."

You willingly exit the room with the jailor, happy to not have to be bored to death. He shoves you into yet another holding chamber and slams the door behind you. This one at least is marginally more interesting, as it's adorned with weapons of every shape and size, but very little in the sense of armor.

You chuckle, feeling assured by the touch of your Spellbook under your loose robe. These barbaric toys would be of little use against your magical might.

Once again relieved to see the other door swing upwards so soon, you eagerly step forth. The sun momentarily blinds you, and you emerge smiling into the sandy arena to the cheers of the hundreds of onlookers.

Your expression changes however, when you regard what opponent faces you. It's another Wizard, plain as day by his robes and the book he holds.

Your foe wastes no time summoning all manner of gladiatorial combatants, and the crowd somehow becomes even more boisterous. You summon several minions of you own to protect you.

High atop the arena, a commanding presence shushes the inane crowd. "My people," He begins, "You are in for a treat today. Not only do you get to see our best Wizard do battle once more, this time it is with another Wizard of some renown! Place your bets, who's it going to be? Our reigning champion or the challenger! Place your bets now!! One, two, THREE! Betting ends! Combatants, to arms!"

Your face etched in grim resolution, you set yourself against this other Wizard, determined to be the one to walk out of this arena alive.

Enter The Colosseum | Legacy

Eternal Wonders of the Natural World | Legacy

The inscription on this particular portal seems promising indeed, so you opt to pass through it. You emerge into a dimly lit forest, trees swaying in the gentle breeze and leaves falling. It smells lush and fresh, and you feel revitalized in just the mere moments of being here.

You hear a rustling behind you, and turn to regard it. A sheep stares back at you from the brush. "Baa!" It starts running off. You trot after it, and spot several more sheep moving away in the same direction. You turn about and see even more sheep heading toward you, then past you, although you're not sure if they're following each other or fleeing, as they're moving at a quick pace.

Curious, you proceed to the source of the sheep. You enter a clearing, with a Wizard tower rising high into the sky. It seems gnarled and twisted, in stark contrast to the pristine woods it inhabits, suspiciously out of place. Black smoke rises from several chimneys, and you can hear the distant whirring of machinery.

The front door is of oak and in the likeness of a tree. You knock loudly, and it opens so fast you stumble in, the door magically shutting behind you.

Inside looks to be about what you'd expect, books and scrolls flung about haphazardly, endless bookshelves spiraling upwards, a bubbling cauldron, a table full of various vials and beakers, and.. sheep. So many sheep you can hardly count them all.

A figure adorned in a bright blue robe pulls himself upright, squeezing through two of the sheep to meet you. "Ah hello there, don't get many visitors here! Excuse the mess, I'm hard at work as you can see an it's a tad touchy keeping everything straight."

Not beating around the bush, you broach the question about the sheep.

"Ah well, you seem to be one who studies the arcane arts yourself. I'm sure you understand how these things go, one moment you're minding your own business buried in research in the middle of nowhere. And the next, a mob of hooded hooligans are breaking down everything you've tirelessly been toiling to accomplish. We can't have that, now can we?"

The gears start to turn in your mind, it's not the first time you've seen Polymancy at work. At this point you also notice there seems to be an obscene amount of raw woodland materials scattered on the upper levels, and a multitude of machines being fed said materials and roaring with fire, sending smoke up into the many chimneys. You point up, inquiring if that was the source of his uninvited guests impetus.

"You're an astute one, aren't you? Yes, that is the crux of my work here. You see, there is something quite remarkable about these woods. I'm still trying to understand it myself, but the trees themselves seem to be made of a very rare form of magic. I've only been able to thus far process a small sampling for my colleagues, but needless to say they are impressed and demand more of the stuff. And I'm here to deliver on that, for the proper price, of course."

Having heard enough, you politely excuse yourself and thank the Wizard for his time. You exit the tower and make your way to the treeline, wondering what to do next. Of course, you don't have to wait long until that's decided for you.

"You actually got inside?!" The voice is stern yet serene, and you spot the Dryad who spoke it soon after, barely making out his form camouflaged before a tree. "You have to help us then."

You hold up your hands, saying you simply must be on your way. The Dryad approaches you and grasps your hand, stopping you. "At least hear our plight."

Sighing, you agree, supposing that since you came all this way you should at least hear out this creature as you did the Wizard.

"As long as I have lived, and my father and his before him, these woods have been an undisturbed paradise. We Dryads commune with nature here, it is an eternal symbiosis and mutual exchange of energy. These trees are as much a part of me as I am of them. We simply cannot exist without the other after all these ages."

"Then, not but a few full moons ago, this outsider came, not unlike yourself I might add. Out of nowhere, this stone tower magically appeared, and the trees began to fall by similarly unseen forces. The wood floats up into that tower, never to be seen again."

"In an outrage, I gathered up my fellow Dryads and Oracles. We attacked swiftly and together, aiming to put an end to this as quick as it had begun. But alas, this Wizard has proven the more mighty. With a wave of his hand, he transformed my brothers and sisters into sheep. What's even more frightening, is to do so, he seemed to draw magical power from our trees themselves, furthering the devastation everytime he uses his powers. It's as if the very life force of the forest itself fuels his power, and we in turn are powerless to stop him."

"I fear if nothing is done, then nothing will be left of our people or of this sacred forest. It's tantamount to total genocide, my friend. If you have any shred of decency in you, you will help us. Perhaps you can stop him where we have failed, as you seem to be akin to him. Although I pray that you too do not draw strength from these trees."

You nod, agreeing without much fuss. Though you would prefer to explore this place on your own longer, you cannot deny the will to bring righteous fury against this interloper of a Wizard.

Marching right back up to the tower, you batter the door in fury. You can hear the Wizard's distant cry, "Now, now, haven't you seen enough? Begone! I have work to do!"

You draw upon your Spellbook and let loose a mighty Fireball. It blasts the door open, and stonework crumbles and falls all about the smoldering hole.

Amid the wreckage, you spot the blue Wizard rising from the rubble. "Now," He began ominously, "You shouldn't have done that."

Suddenly the raw wood from inside flies out and surrounds you. It binds itself together, forming Golems. Along the treeline, great Wooden Beasts suddenly surge forth to join the fray, and you find yourself completely surrounded.

The blue Wizard steps forward, looking at you square in the eye. "So, what say you then stranger? Care to test my might like those other woodland scamps?"

Smiling, you open your Spellbook, only happy to oblige.

Eternal Wonders of the Natural World | Legacy

Wrath of the Immortal Angels | Legacy

Blinded by a white light, you emerge onto a yellowed stone platform. You're hovering in the sky, although the "sky" seems to be swirling golden energies rather than the typical blue you're used to. There are floating islands surrounding you, and pathways of light intertwine and connect them together.

Several winged onlookers are startled by your arrival, and they stop to stare at you. One of them, armed with a golden spear and armor addresses you sharply, "Halt stranger, what business have you here in Derris Kharlan, city of Angels?"

You smile disarmingly, and offer your greetings, mentioning you are but a humble scholar seeking enlightenment in the stars.

The Angel Guardian scoffs, but nods curtly and motions for you to follow. You do so, and are led across one of the many sparkling skybridges. It's surreal seeing yourself trotting across the light, translucent but holding your weight perfectly without protest.

It's not long before you approach a grand temple-like structure dominating one of the largest floating islands. There are streams of light flowing out and down, cascading off the cliffs like water. The temple itself is unlike anything you have ever witnessed, saying it's grand is an understatement. Every facet of it is intricately carved, depicting epic renditions of Angels, Humans, Demons, and everything in between through out the ages. Great statues of warriors dot buttresses, various tapestries and paraments of colored splendor extend down the many facets of the building. The material is something like marble, but surely Celestial in origin, not native to other planes of existence.

You're guided through the great halls, and approaching a great golden throne, you try your best to control your gawking. The Angel Guardian bows before a being of immense power, you can feel it's Celestial energy flowing down to you, and to gaze upon this being is liken to looking directly at the sun. The being is flanked by another heavily Armored Angel, wielding many floating golden blades, and another equally imposing Six Winged Angel, this one's eyes closed in prayer.

"My Goddess, this stranger just gated onto our doorstep unannounced. What would you have us do with him?"

The Great Deity uncrossed her legs and stood up slowly, she set her gaze upon you and feel it boring through your very soul. Her eyes glowed bright white, and you knew she was digging through your very being, searching out your strengths, your flaws, and your integrity.

"So, Human." She began, "You think you have the right to set foot here, simply because you discovered a Portal Gate to our dimension. Simply for curiosity, if nothing else. Well, you are mistaken. We do not take kindly to strangers, you have to earn the right to set foot in these halls. It is not simply given out to just anyone. You have to prove yourself by leaving your mortal coil and passing our judgement. You think you can supersede us by coming here of your own volition, well you are wrong mortal."

The being points at you, emitting a beam of white light that pierces your very soul. You try to cry out, but find you're completely paralyzed, not even words can escape your throat. In mere moments you're flung to the ground and you feel your consciousness leave you.

You open your eyes, and a hazy world comes back to you. You're in your bedchamber, everything familiar to you. And you can't help but wonder, was that all just a dream? Or perhaps something more?

Wrath of the Immortal Angels | Legacy

To Infinity And Beyond | Legacy

This Portal Gate in particular catches your interest, as unlike the others, it reads only as 4 infinity signs rather than an actual destination. This piques your Curiosity, and despite the unknown destination, you steel yourself and step through.

What awaits you on the other side is beyond your wildest imagining, despite keeping an open mind since you don't know what to expect.

You find yourself drifting through the Aether, and before you lie a myriad of translucent images. Although seemingly limitless, you navigate to a particular image that resonates with you, depicting an ancient Artifact Dragon *f-etch* appearing to be as old as time itself. You feel compelled to chase this particular fractal subset of images, which propels you by some unseen force through the Aether.

This Ancient Dragon reveals to you arcane secrets it has discovered over the ages, certain interactions of spells that weave together and form an infinitely large tapestry through the threads of time.

The information download is so massive you begin to be concerned your feeble human mind cannot contain it. And sure enough, that fear is realized as you begin to feel your brain bulge and wrench. Panicking, you will yourself to pull away from the Dragon.

Sensing your discomfort, the Dragon propels you backwards through spacetime. You're hurtled at an incomprehensible speed, the images flying so fast they turn into blurred white light.

You find yourself prone on the cold stone floor. Groaning, you pull yourself upright, clutching your aching head. Looking about, you see you're in the Portal Gate room. You're confused though, as you thought you had just stepped through the Infinity Gate that lies before you, and yet here you are.

The hooded figure, proprietor of the End of Time, chuckles. "You have a keen eye young Mage, this particular Portal Gate is a favorite of mine as well. Alas, the secrets of the universe can simply not be contained within the mind of a human vessel. I'd recommend you try again once you become an Ascended Master, like myself."

You can't help but feel a dose of skepticism at that last comment the Hooded Figure makes. But despite that, you do take his word for it. As it seems plausible that this Portal Gate leads to a place of limitless knowledge, and it sent you back here with your mind wiped because you were unable to retain said knowledge.

"So," the Hooded Figure remarked at length, "Now what? Would you care for a cup of tea perhaps? This is a special brew of mine that I think you'll find quite remarkable, as it is not native to your Plane of Existence."

Defeated, you shrug helplessly, and oblige the proprietor of the End of Time, not in any rush to brave the unknown again anytime soon.

To Infinity And Beyond | Legacy

Ferocious Fungus | EDH - Ghave, Guru of Spores

Upon passing through the Portal, you arrive in the midst of a mysterious old forest. Old indeed, the growths look ancient, moss and lichen covering every inch of fallen trees and the remnants of old stone ruins. You're in a small clearing surrounded by a dense thicket of twisting thorns and vines.

Uttering a few arcane words, you conjure a faint light in hand. Waving your palm about, you can clearly see there is no path out of this clearing into the woods. Despite this, you move torwards the edge of clearing, sifting through your mind for the next spell to proceed. You find this effort unwarranted however, as the dense underbrush parts for you willingly as you approach.

Bemused, you proceed cautiously into the misty old forest. The ground squleches with each step, it's a dank, wet, rotting woods. There's a plethora of mushrooms fruiting across nearly every conceivable surface, and you find yourself inadvertently crushing and kicking toadstools about.

More than once, you could swear you hear a twig snap or bush shake and whirl about, only for nothing to be there. Cursing the miscreants of the woods, you try to push the little events from your mind and stay focused on the task at hand. But what even was the goal here? Explore this spooky woods to what end? To satisfy your own curiosity about this particular plane?

A writhing mass of slick vines suddenly rises before you, stopping you in your tracks. Turn back Human trespasser. It echoes in your mind. Upon closer inspection, you see this creature seems to be Myconoid in origin.

Feeling a bit bold, you resolutely stand your ground and ask in defiance, "Or what? I have done nothing ill to you."

You Humans brought desecration upon my realm and my kind. You are not welcome here. This is your last warning.

Not too keen to back down to this oversized toadstool, you ready your Spellbook. Many mushy forms rise up and press upon you, and you Repel them easily with but a thought.

"I think you ought to choose your friends and enemies more wisely, I would've been more than happy to parley. But now you have forced my hand, mushroom man."

With a magical blast, you surge into action.

Ferocious Fungus | EDH - Ghave, Guru of Spores

Masters of the Universe | EDH - Urza, Lord Protector

As a Spellcaster, you're always hungry for more arcane knowledge. With enough magical insight, the very fabric of the universe can be unfolded, mysteries answered, and godlike powers can be discovered. So naturally, when you glimpse a Portal Gate titled "Inter-Dimensional Library", you simply must see what it holds.

Passing through the portal, you indeed step through into a massive chamber filled with seemingly endless rows of books that rise so high you can't even see the ceiling. It's absolutely mind boggling, in all your inter-dimensional travels, you have never seen such a collection of knowledge.

Behind you, there is also another Portal Gate, so it would seem this place is not meant to be a one-way trip.

Taking a step forward, you suddenly become aware of an Artifact Golem that whirs to life by your motion. You must've missed it during your gawking, but it addresses you sternly. "State your business here, Traveler."

You respond in kind stating you are a humble scholar and were curious what knowledge this library contains, and you ask for permission to peruse it's contents.

"Only the Master can grant permission for others to be here. He is off-plane at the moment, I will contact him."

The golem beeps and convulses, gears whirring and steam billowing from various pipes. Moments later, a form emerges from the portal behind you, and you make way for the newcomer.

"What is the meaning of this Siegfried, who is this to arrive here unannounced?" He bellows. Your jaw drops in disbelief, as you immediately recognize this infamous mage. It is none other than Urza, Lord Protector  Meld.

You attempt to compose yourself, offering your apologies and explaining the situation, and your desire only to sate your curiosity and learn.

"Ah well, as it happens young man, you've caught me in a good mood today. As it happens, I was just meeting with the Headmaster of Arcavios and negotiated a most excellent deal to install a new Artifice Laboratory on their school grounds. Come, we will speak as we walk."

Following Urza, he first leads you down a leaden spiral staircase, descending several levels. "You know, I was not unlike you once, many ages past. I can sense your insatiable appetite for knowledge. A certain restlessness that will not settle for anything less than the total advancement of mankind even. Or am I just shoving meaningless drivel into your brain? I only jest."

He continues leading you across a glowing bluish purple arcane bridge, spanning a bottomless chasm lined with endless rows of bookshelves.

You do ask him one question, "But I thought you were dead? It's well documented."

"Ah," He laughs, "That's what they would have you believe. Do you have any idea the sheer numbers of evil Wizards that would love to learn of this place? To capture me and dissect me and take everything I have learned? Surely you are not one of them."

You vigorously shake your head no. It's not long before Urza leads you to a floating island, seemingly made of only pure magical energies.

"Ah, here we are. You expressed your desire to learn. Within this floating magical orb, you can bear witness to a level of knowledge unknown to nearly all of mankind, my life's work. Here, you can become One with the Multiverse.

Wide eyed, you dutifully agree, and proceed into the glowing floating orb.

Masters of the Universe | EDH - Urza, Lord Protector

Strangely enough, this particular Portal Gate is inactive, but you think with enough energy of a magical jumpstart you can get it open again. What lies beyond this forgotten gate?

Ancient Avian Alliance | EDH - Nadu, Winged Wisdom

Content goes here Skaventide | Modern

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Lord_Olga Oh Force Spike is not legal in Modern (duh..) so I swapped those with Stern Scolding, not quite as good of a card overall but it should serve the same purpose here.

October 15, 2024 10:46 a.m.

Lord_Olga Hey I appreciate you taking the time to really analyze this deck and offer some good suggestions! You've definitely got me thinking about some optimizations. Truth be told, I haven't had a chance to playtest this one yet, so I'm sure there is some room for improvement. I took your suggestions into consideration and made some tweaks to the deck.

Firstly, I did add two more lands to bring it up to 22, I agree with you 20 is too low for the curve but I'm having a hard time cutting to get up to 24. I also removed a lot of the more high cost cards to get the mana curve down further. I like to live dangerously, so I tend to slot as few lands as possible that still makes decks work. But I went ahead and added x4 Drowned Catacomb, I think you're onto something there. I'm skipping Polluted Delta for now to avoid the life loss since this deck only has a few cards with Lifelink.

I tend to build thematic decks, hence the Rogue's Passage, I did cut one but I'm going to keep one for the theme, even if it's not as good as the unblockable suggestions. I'm leaning against adding them, but I am adding Cover of Darkness, which serves the same function (except against black and artifact creatures), but against other creatures then Throat Slitter will be relatively useless anyways. Cover of Darkness also benefits every creature since they are all Rats, and provides redundancy if Marrow-Gnawer is not out. It even has an interaction with Nashi, Searcher in the Dark if milled.

To address your 2nd point about speed, I cut some of the Drowned in the Loch and added two Force Spike to add some early game counters since this deck wants to make it to the mid game to really get going. And since I'm opting to keep it purely Rat themed and not add your 1 drop suggestions, this is the compromise to add some early game options.

I'm sure your suggestions would technically be better for a more truly competitive modern deck, I'm just opting to keep it more casual and thematic. But I appreciate your suggestions, I typically build for EDH and I want all of the things, so it's tough getting a 60 card deck streamlined with as many options as possible.

October 15, 2024 10:24 a.m. Edited.

Said on Samurai Jack...


Balaam__ Thanks, I know you're not super into EDH but I appreciate you checking it out and the kind words. I hope to have this in paper or day, just a pricey one. I do have proxies for the most expensive cards tho, so it would likely be half the price.

October 12, 2024 11:59 a.m.

Said on Raucous Revivals...


Balaam__ I should add that Burning Vengeance definitely counts as removal, it's just not always accessible due to the trigger condition. I could just slide in another copy of Necroplasm for mass removal if you think that would be more effective than Grave Pact.

October 11, 2024 6:43 p.m.

Said on Raucous Revivals...


Balaam__ I included Grave Pact since it's a pretty powerful permanent that can force removals. You'll notice for being a deck there is a distinct lack of removal options in here. Granted, Grave Pact would be more useful if there was even heavier token and sac, but I figured it could work since it can still get value from regular blocks / deaths without forced sacs.

If you've got some suggestions for better removal then I'm all ears. I'm just looking for permanents that can serve that function, since I don't have much wiggle room for a bunch of sorceries / instants.

October 11, 2024 6:39 p.m.

Said on Boros Legion...


This deck would benefit immensely from Anointed Procession with all the creature token spam. It's expensive for sure, but proxies exist for $4 or $5 if your opponents are cool with that. Some other things to consider: Daru Warchief, Vanquisher's Banner, Horn of Gondor, Door of Destinies

October 10, 2024 10:40 a.m.

Magical indeed, looks pretty sparkly! My only suggestion would be some staple mass protection: Flawless Maneuver, Flare of Fortitude, Heroic Intervention if you're got room to cut a couple weaker cards. Dual facing lands could also enhance the power quite a bit, but sounds like you're already aware of that.

October 8, 2024 8:10 p.m.

Druid Class, Lifegift, Ovinomancer, Conduit of Worlds would make good potential additions here, I run these in my Legacy Land Deck

October 8, 2024 7:34 p.m. Edited.

For some extra protection you could run Flawless Maneuver and / or Boros Charm. Maybe Akroma's Will that doubles as a finisher. Just not sure what you would cut for that, you know the deck better I'm sure, if there are any underperforming cards then these would be some good potential protects. Sejiri Shelter  Flip doubles as a land with targeted protection if you can afford to lose a basic Plains.

October 8, 2024 11 a.m.

My immediate thought for this list is Pandemonium may have a home here, I used to run that card in my old Volcanic Venom deck. It's group hug so you might not be into that, but the repeated Dash drops could benefit. It's pretty similar to Outpost Siege, but deals full creature power damage to any target on ETB. If paired with Warbringer and other big dash baddies that could be GG with a few discounted drops.

October 7, 2024 4:29 p.m.

Nice, balanced Rainbow decks impress me. I'm wondering if Jodah / Fist is needed as a wincon if more Tutors should be included. How much have you playtested this deck? I'm interested in building a couple of EDH Rainbow decks sometime in the future. When I do I'll likely use this deck for research and cite you as inspiration.

October 7, 2024 10:59 a.m.

Hey welcome back, glad you chose the Ratties - I love em.

Important thing to note here is for a Commander deck to be legal, all cards in the deck must have the same color identity as the Commander. In this case only would be allowed with Vren. If you want as well you could make Nashi, Moon's Legacy your Commander instead.

I'm not sure why TappedOut thinks it's legal, I had the same issue as well that someone had to point out for me to correct.

Let me know if you'd like some help, good luck and welcome back.

October 7, 2024 9:48 a.m.

Well makes sense, it's pretty powerful

October 6, 2024 1:10 a.m.

I love alt win condition shenanigans, Chance Encounter is pretty sweet, I didn't know about that one.

Maybe add a couple of Deepglow Skate - that's a favorite of mine for blue alt win decks. Drop one of those at only 5 counters for a fast win

October 5, 2024 11:43 p.m.

Said on Defense of the …...


Hexapod Okay I looked it up, Mana Burn used to be a rule back when I first started playing and they removed it from MTG in 2010, hence why Calming Verse has that text, only its not a drawback anymore. I just forgot about it since it's been so long.

October 5, 2024 7:13 p.m.

Said on Defense of the …...


Hexapod Oh yeah Sidar looks like a better version of Assassin Den and it synergizes better, so I'll swap those two out. Thanks for the suggestion!

Yeah the cheap targeted protection from the Watchdog is nice. Calming Verse seems pretty crazy, board wipe enemy Enchantments. There's no drawback to just Tapping all your mana down before playing it right? Like it seems like there isn't really a downside to the card? Unless I'm missing something.

October 4, 2024 10:59 p.m.

Squee_Spirit_Guide Oh yeah that card would be perfect flavor, just a redundant ability thanks to Provoke. It's a pretty unusual ability, they didn't print many cards that have Provoke. I think Deftblade is prolly the best out of the bunch.

October 4, 2024 10:52 p.m.

Said on Chaos is the …...


This has gotta be the ultimate troll deck lol

October 4, 2024 6:56 p.m.

Said on Observe and Report...


Looks pretty solid and great budget price, nice work!

October 4, 2024 12:23 p.m.

Said on Para Bellum | …...


Ohh dangg Meekstonefoil, Necropolis, and Rammas Echor, Ancient Shield are all Flippin insanely good with Arcades! I also made an Arcades EDH deck recently and defs adding those, thanks mane. I took a very different direction with mine so not sure if it's much help for you, but feel free to check it out if you're looking for some fresh ideas. Defense of the Ancients (DotA) - still adding the dual lands so nvm that

October 1, 2024 10:57 p.m. Edited.

MTG Decks

Wrath of the Immortal Angels

Legacy Craeter


Sneaky Sewer-Rat Spies

Modern Craeter


Ratica Apocalyptica

Commander / EDH Craeter


Heroes of Redwall Abbey

Commander / EDH Craeter


Masters of the Universe

Commander / EDH Craeter

SCORE: 4 | 246 VIEWS

Enter The Colosseum

Legacy Craeter


Eternal Wonders of the Natural World

Legacy Craeter


To Infinity and Beyond

Legacy Craeter


Finished Decks 22
Prototype Decks 2
Drafts 0
Playing since Seventh Edition
Points 1665
Avg. deck rating 6.50
T/O Rank 7
Helper Rank 2
Favorite formats Modern, Legacy, Commander / EDH
Cards suggested / good suggestions 73 / 30
Joined 4 years