This community is toxic.
Hey everyone! CLG here. You might have seen me around; here on TappedOut, playing as CrazyLittleGuy on MTGO, running CrazyCardsNGaming over on TCGPlayer, or even if you've ever played FNMs in St. Louis - I'm pretty big into MtG. I started playing sometime around Innistrad, but I didn't know what that meant. I got a hand-me-down intro deck (W/R I believe, maybe the one from DKA?) and learned how to play from there. The first time I ever opened my own booster, I got a Huntmaster of the Fells
Flip, didn't know what it was, and promptly gave it away to a friend that played werewolves. Yep. Back when it was $20+ too.
Now I mostly play casual games with friends; EDH, Modern, Standard, or random mashes of cards. I do still enjoy competitive play, however, and spend tons of time on new builds looking to find a unique one that can compete with Tier 1 decks at the time. I guess that makes me a Johnny player, if you're curious. I sell cards through TCGPlayer (mostly Standard for now) and have a decent collection building up. No ABUR duals yet though. I'm almost there, I think.
If anyone wants tips on decks, feel free to let me know! I like to consider myself to be a good player overall, and might be able to help you out!
I also highly value feedback on my decks, too. Any comments are very much appreciated, even if I happen to forget to respond (my bad)
My current deckbuilding projects are the following:
for Standard
for Modern
I've started building an entire set from scratch recently. I want it to be centered around the shards from Shards of Alara, and I've got some serious headway going. It's even pretty lore-friendly so far. If there's any interest, I can link some of the cards. My goal is to make a cube/draft out of the set to run with my playgroup. If you've got any suggestions, go ahead and send em my way and I'd greatly appreciate it!