I am Red/White
I am Red/White
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Hello Everyone, I'm DARK_r3ck0n1ng or DiViNEr3ck0n1ng pending on what video game console you play on. Also DARKr3ck0n1ng on MTGO

I started playing Magic when i was in 2nd or 3rd Grade around the time of 8th Edition just coming out. When I first started playing the only thing i did was $15 5 pack drafts once a week, since that was the only thing my store did at the time. My very first rare was a Sliver Overlord and in the next pack Dragon Mage. (I collect Dragon Mages if anyone has any) At this time I was living in Tennessee and magic was a lot more fun than Poke' Mon. After a period of time I grew into Dragonball Z TCG and stopped playing Magic up until the time i joined this site.

We I moved back to Connecticut in the 4th grade I would every Saturday walk done to my local store CARD EMPIRE and play magic or Yu-gi-oh on Friday nights if my dad would let me. I was more into Dragonball Z at this time and never really bought any packs and played Yu-Gi-Oh at home since I thought the show was cool and played the game like the show did. (Got my ass royally handed to me in my first tournament) However, Dragonball Z was thing and I stopped playing Magic, in the 5th grade. Later when CARD EMPIRE stopped its' Dragonball Z tournaments (only one person showed up for two weeks straight.... I got a free T-shirt though lol). I went into playing card hibernation until 7th grade when a friend talked me back into playing Yu-Gi-Oh, but it was way to crazy for me with all of the new stuff so I stopped after about month.

After all of this I was heavily hooked into video games and won a few local tournaments with my buddy, PS360 was are clan (still do play but only at local tournaments once or twice a year, we tend to win).

At the end of my senior year I noticed my card store moved to a new location in town closer to where I lived (20min walking to 50min) and one day my dad took to check out the play. When i went there the store owner still recognized me after all those years. I started talking to him about the meta and the different styles of play going on Legacy and Standard. Based off not playing in years and having 8th edition and under if I was coming back it was in Legacy. My dad decided to buy me a fatpack of Mirridon Besieged. I got 3 mythics out of the packs. I thought it was awesome since I have no clue what mythics were.

After a few times of stopping in at the store and buying some packs talking and reaquanting myselft with the game I bought a box of the newest stuff New Phyrexian and I made some money off of it, my first pack had Surgical Extraction and my second Sword of War and Peace (was like $30 at the time).

Over the next few months I started playing in some tournaments getting my ass kicked alot by 40 year old men who eat and dream Magic and a guy who spends 1-2G a week on the game. I kept buying boxes not knowing you could buy cards online to better my decks and traded cards with store locals learning that card for card died with Poke' Mon.

A few months ago I started playing FNM which I never did before and in my stead placed 4th, tied 2nd so 6th, and 1st before rotation.

Nowever, I only get one Friday off a month and do not always use it to play FNM (some nights I would just rather watch my old highschool football team play)

Now here we are present day and I'm living my live one FNM a month at a time.

Just started playing Magic the Gathering Online on 12/8/2011, it feels so weird not having any of the cards you own in real life to use. I don't want to spend money but I may have to, in order to get some decks going.

MTG Decks

RUG Delver in Standard??

Standard* DARK_r3ck0n1ng


The New Temp

Modern* DARK_r3ck0n1ng


super cheap burn deck

Modern* DARK_r3ck0n1ng

SCORE: 327 | 57 COMMENTS | 99096 VIEWS | IN 193 FOLDERS

RUG Midrange Protype

Standard* DARK_r3ck0n1ng


Spirit Naya

Modern DARK_r3ck0n1ng

SCORE: 5 | 835 VIEWS

A New Bread of Tokens

Standard DARK_r3ck0n1ng

SCORE: 4 | 1 COMMENT | 756 VIEWS Top 8: 06/08

Aurelia's Legion

Standard DARK_r3ck0n1ng


Finished Decks 44
Prototype Decks 27
Drafts 12
Points 0
Avg. deck rating 35.40
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Legacy
Venues Card Empire, Batteries Not Included
Joined 13 years
MTGO Username DARKr3ck0n1ng