I am Blue/White
I am Blue/White
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Hello, I started playing while Gatecrash was the newest set, in October 2013.

I must give credit to AdrinaDream for introducing me to the game.

Modern is my thing. It is as balanced as standard and there are more options... it is often much less expensive than standard too, so why play standard?

I don't even consider the other formats, it's all modern, all the time.

What I've picked up on from spending so much time on tappedout.net and reading the modern decks posted is that mono-colored decks are smooth and effective, and if built correctly will beat at least 90 percent of all others, but there's always that one counter that the color can't handle.

Green is horribly weak by itself in Modern.

If a two color deck fights a three color deck and they are both exceptionally built, the triple colored deck simply doesn't have the consistency, and that is that.

Here's a list of some of the most effective modern cards out there in my opinion, yes I know some of them are still standard legal..

Leyline of Sanctity

Lightning Bolt

Geralf's Messenger

Snapcaster Mage

Lightning Helix

Isochron Scepter

Mana Leak

Voice of Resurgence

Path to Exile

Silhana Ledgewalker

Wall of Omens

Sylvan Caryatid

Joiner Adept

Viscera Seer

Gatekeeper of Malakir

Cyclonic Rift

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MTG Decks

I Know You're Dying to Block

Modern* Desh0wiz


Making Your Decisions Easy

Modern* Desh0wiz

SCORE: 1 | 197 VIEWS

Bane of Luis

Unknown Desh0wiz


Finished Decks 114
Prototype Decks 104
Drafts 0
Playing since Commander 2013
Avg. deck rating 5.20
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Modern
Cards suggested / good suggestions 9 / 9
Joined 11 years