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Dimarx's Binder

The Trade Binder

Last Update: 6 years ago

+1 Ancient Stirrings have
+1 Anointed Procession have
-1 Austere Command have
+1 Axis of Mortality have
+1 Brainstorm have
-1 Calciform Pools have
-1 Cut / Ribbons have
+1 Daretti, Scrap Savant have
+1 Darksteel Juggernaut have
+1 Deadeye Navigator have
-1 Debtors' Knell have
+1 Eidolon of the Great Revel have
-1 Eladamri's Call have
-1 Enlightened Tutor have
+1 Entreat the Angels have
-1 Final Fortune have
+1 Grimoire Thief have
-1 Hallowed Fountainfoil have
+1 Hero's Downfall have
-1 Heroic Intervention have
and 44 other change(s)