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MTG Decks

U/W Ephara

Standard* DjinnjerVitis

SCORE: 1 | 173 VIEWS

Come at me Bro

Standard* DjinnjerVitis


Golgari Midrange

Standard* DjinnjerVitis

SCORE: 1 | 156 VIEWS

Erebos, Lord of the Hood

Commander / EDH* DjinnjerVitis

SCORE: 1 | 495 VIEWS

Desecrating the Wild

Standard* DjinnjerVitis

SCORE: 1 | 589 VIEWS

A Vampire Always Pays His Debts...

Modern DjinnjerVitis

SCORE: 64 | 142 COMMENTS | 17827 VIEWS | IN 38 FOLDERS

Finished Decks 20
Prototype Decks 9
Drafts 0
Playing since Gatecrash
Points 0
Avg. deck rating 16.62
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Standard
Cards suggested / good suggestions 9 / 9
Venues Kaboom
Joined 11 years