MTG List: Inventory 2
Creature (524)
- 1x Abhorrent Overlord
- 1x Abyssal Persecutor
- 1x Abzan Falconer
- 1x Academy Elite
- 1x Accursed Spirit
- 4x Acidic Slime
- 1x Aeon Chronicler
- 1x AEthersnipe
- 1x Aethersquall Ancient
- 1x Agent of Erebos
- 1x Ainok Tracker
- 1x Air Servant
- 1x Akiri, Line-Slinger *f-etch*
- 1x Akoum Firebird
- 1x Akroan Horse
- 1x Akroma, Angel of Fury
- 1x Alesha, Who Smiles at Death
- 1x Alloy Myr
- 1x Alms Collector
- 1x Amrou Seekers
- 1x Anax and Cymede
- 1x Angel of Condemnation
- 1x Angel of Despair
- 1x Angel of Finality
- 1x Angel of Jubilation
- 1x Angelic Captain
- 1x Anger
- 1x Ankle Shanker
- 2x Anowon, the Ruin Sage
- 2x Ant Queen
- 1x Anthousa, Setessan Hero
- 1x Apprentice Necromancer
- 1x Arbor Elf
- 2x Arcanis the Omnipotent
- 4x Archaeomancer
- 1x Archangel
- 1x Archangel of Strife
- 1x Archangel of Tithes
- 1x Archetype of Endurance
- 2x Archfiend of Depravity
- 1x Archfiend of Ifnir
- 1x Archon of Justice
- 1x Archwing Dragon
- 1x Argent Sphinx
- 1x Argothian Enchantress
- 1x Armorcraft Judge
- 1x Armory Automaton
- 1x Artisan of Forms
- 1x Ashen Rider
- 1x Aspiring Aeronaut
- 1x Atarka, World Render
- 1x Athreos, God of Passage
- 1x Augury Adept
- 1x Augury Owl
- 1x Avacyn, Angel of Hope
- 1x Avacynian Priest
- 1x Avatar of Slaughter
- 1x Aven Mindcensor
- 1x Avenger of Zendikar
- 2x Azami, Lady of Scrolls
- 1x Azor's Elocutors
- 1x Azusa, Lost but Seeking
- 1x Balan, Wandering Knight
- 1x Balefire Dragon
- 1x Baleful Force
- 2x Baleful Strix
- 1x Bane of the Living
- 1x Barrage Tyrant
- 1x Battlefield Thaumaturge
- 1x Battlegrace Angel
- 1x Battlewise Hoplite
- 1x Bearer of the Heavens
- 1x Beastcaller Savant
- 2x Beetleback Chief
- 1x Benthic Giant
- 1x Bladewing the Risen
- 2x Blazing Archon
- 1x Blightsoil Druid
- 1x Blinding Souleater
- 6x Blood Artist
- 1x Blood Baron of Vizkopa
- 1x Blood Seeker
- 1x Blood Speaker
- 1x Blood Tyrant
- 3x Bloodbraid Elf
- 1x Bloodghast
- 3x Bloodgift Demon
- 1x Bloodhusk Ritualist
- 2x Bloodline Necromancer
- 1x Bloodlord of Vaasgoth
- 1x Bloodsoaked Champion
- 1x Bloodsworn Steward
- 1x Body Double
- 1x Bogardan Hellkite
- 1x Bond Beetle
- 2x Bone Shredder
- 1x Boneyard Scourge
- 1x Bontu the Glorified
- 1x Borborygmos Enraged
- 1x Boreal Druid
- 1x Boros Battleshaper
- 1x Bosh, Iron Golem
- 1x Bramblewood Paragon
- 1x Brawn
- 1x Breya, Etherium Shaper
- 1x Brooding Saurian
- 1x Broodmate Dragon
- 1x Bruse Tarl, Boorish Herder *f-etch*
- 1x Brutal Hordechief
- 1x Burning-Fist Minotaur
- 10x Burnished Hart
- 1x Burnished Hart
- 4x Butcher of Malakir
- 1x Butcher of the Horde
- 1x Capricious Efreet
- 1x Captivating Vampire
- 1x Carnival Hellsteed
- 3x Carrion Feeder
- 1x Cemetery Reaper
- 1x Chameleon Colossus
- 2x Champion of Lambholt
- 1x Channeler Initiate
- 2x Charging Cinderhorn
- 2x Chasm Skulker
- 1x Chief Engineer
- 2x Child of Alara
- 1x Chimney Imp
- 1x Chronozoa
- 1x Clever Impersonator
- 1x Clone
- 1x Cloud Elemental
- 1x Cloud Sprite
- 1x Cloudfin Raptor
- 2x Coiling Oracle
- 1x Colossus of Akros
- 1x Combustible Gearhulk
- 1x Conclave Phalanx
- 1x Conquering Manticore
- 2x Consecrated Sphinx
- 2x Consuming Aberration
- 1x Containment Priest
- 2x Corpse Augur
- 1x Corpse Connoisseur
- 2x Corpsejack Menace
- 1x Countless Gears Renegade
- 1x Courier Hawk
- 2x Courser of Kruphix
- 1x Court Homunculus
- 1x Craterhoof Behemoth
- 1x Crimson Honor Guard
- 1x Crosis, the Purger
- 1x Crovax, Ascendant Hero
- 1x Cruel Sadist
Crypt Ghast
- 1x Cryptborn Horror
- 1x Cryptbreaker
- 1x Crystalline Crawler
- 1x Cudgel Troll
- 2x Custodi Soulbinders
- 1x Cyclops Gladiator
- 1x Cystbearer
- 1x Cytoplast Root-Kin
- 1x Dark Hatchling
- 1x Dark Impostor
- 1x Darksteel Colossus
- 1x Dauntless Escort
- 2x Dawntreader Elk
- 1x Daxos of Meletis
- 1x Deal Broker
- 1x Deathbringer Regent
- 1x Deathbringer Thoctar
- 1x Deathrite Shaman
- 1x Deepfathom Skulker
- 2x Deepglow Skate
- 1x Defiant Bloodlord
- 2x Demon of Dark Schemes
- 1x Demon of Wailing Agonies
- 1x Den Protector
- 1x Deranged Outcast
- 1x Desecration Demon
- 1x Desolation Twin
- 1x Despoiler of Souls
- 1x Devoted Druid
- 1x Dimir Doppelganger
- 2x Dimir House Guard
- 1x Diregraf Captain
- 1x Diregraf Colossus
- 2x Disciple of Bolas
- 1x Djinn of Infinite Deceits
- 1x Doomed Necromancer
- 1x Dormant Gomazoa
- 1x Draco
- 1x Dragon Mage
- 1x Dragon-Style Twins
- 1x Dragonlord's Servant
- 1x Dragonscale General
- 1x Dragonspeaker Shaman
- 1x Drakestown Forgotten
- 1x Drakewing Krasis
- 1x Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief
- 1x Dread Wanderer
- 1x Dreamborn Muse
- 1x Dreamscape Artist
- 2x Dromoka, the Eternal
- 1x Drowner of Hope
- 1x Dryad Sophisticate
- 1x Dualcaster Mage
- 1x Duergar Hedge-Mage
- 1x Duplicant
- 1x Eater of Hope
- 1x Echo Mage
- 2x Edric, Spymaster of Trest
- 1x Eidolon of Blossoms
- 1x Eidolon of Rhetoric
- 3x Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite
- 1x Elite Scaleguard
- 1x Elves of Deep Shadow
- 1x Elvish Archdruid
- 1x Elvish Harbinger
- 2x Elvish Mystic
- 1x Elvish Visionary
- 1x Embermaw Hellion
- 1x Emeria Shepherd
- 1x Endbringer
- 1x Endless Cockroaches
- 2x Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder
- 1x Enduring Scalelord
- 1x Enigma Sphinx
- 1x Ephara, God of the Polis
- 4x Erebos, God of the Dead
- 1x Etched Monstrosity
- 1x Etched Oracle
- 2x Eternal Dragon
- 6x Eternal Witness
- 4x Etherium-Horn Sorcerer
- 3x Etherium Sculptor
- 2x Ethersworn Adjudicator
- 1x Ethersworn Canonist
- 2x Faerie Artisans
- 1x Faerie Miscreant
- 1x Falkenrath Aristocrat
- 1x Falkenrath Marauders
- 2x Falkenrath Noble
- 6x Farhaven Elf
- 1x Fathom Mage
- 1x Fauna Shaman
- 1x Feldon of the Third Path
- 2x Felidar Sovereign
- 1x Fell Shepherd
- 1x Fertilid
- 1x Festercreep
- 1x Fierce Empath
- 3x Filigree Angel
- 1x Firefiend Elemental
- 1x Firewing Phoenix
- 1x Fleecemane Lion
- 5x Fleshbag Marauder
- 1x Flitterstep Eidolon
- 2x Forgotten Ancient
- 1x Forgotten Creation
- 1x Foundry Champion
- 1x Foundry Inspector
- 1x Frilled Oculus
- 1x Frost Titan
- 1x Fumiko the Lowblood
- 1x Fungal Behemoth
- 1x Gaea's Revenge
- 1x Gahiji, Honored One
- 1x Galecaster Colossus
- 1x Gamekeeper
- 1x Garruk's Packleader
Gatekeeper of Malakir
- 1x Genesis Hydra
- 1x Geralf's Mindcrusher
- 1x Geth, Lord of the Vault
- 1x Ghoultree
- 1x Gleancrawler
- 1x Glissa's Courier
- 1x Gloomwidow
- 1x Goblin Balloon Brigade
- 1x Goblin Diplomats
- 1x Goblin Tunneler
- 1x Gorehorn Minotaurs
- 1x Graveblade Marauder
- 1x Greenwheel Liberator
- 1x Guardian of the Ages
- 1x Gust-Skimmer
- 2x Hand of Emrakul
- 1x Hand of the Praetors
- 1x Harvest Gwyllion
- 1x Haunter of Nightveil
- 1x Hedron Scrabbler
- 1x Hellfire Mongrel
- 1x Hellkite Charger
- 1x Heroes' Bane
- 1x Hope of Ghirapur
- 1x Horde of Notions
- 1x Hydra Broodmaster
- 1x Ignition Team
- 1x Imperiosaur
- 1x Inexorable Blob
- 1x Jeering Instigator
- 1x Jeleva, Nephalia's Scourge
- 1x Kavu Primarch
- 1x Kazandu Tuskcaller
- 1x Keldon Marauders
- 1x Kheru Lich Lord
- 1x Kozilek's Channeler
- 1x Kruin Outlaw Flip
- 1x Kurkesh, Onakke Ancient
- 1x Lavaborn Muse
- 1x Lodestone Golem
- 1x Lodestone Myr
- 1x Magma Phoenix
- 1x Magus of the Arena
- 1x Magus of the Mirror
- 1x Majestic Myriarch
- 1x Marisi's Twinclaws
- 1x Mayael the Anima
- 1x Merchant's Dockhand
- 1x Mirko Vosk, Mind Drinker
- 1x Mirrorwing Dragon
- 1x Mondronen Shaman Flip
- 1x Munda, Ambush Leader
- 1x Myr Enforcer
- 1x Naya Sojourners
- 1x Naya Soulbeast
- 1x Necropolis Fiend
- 1x Necroskitter
- 1x Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius
Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind
- 1x Nobilis of War
- 1x Nylea's Emissary
- 1x Oak Street Innkeeper
- 1x Ogre Slumlord
- 1x Ojutai, Soul of Winter
- 1x Ordruun Veteran
- 1x Paleoloth
- 1x Phylactery Lich
- 2x Phyrexian Colossus
- 1x Phyrexian Hydra
- 15x Polis Crusher
- 1x Precursor Golem
- 1x Priest of the Blood Rite
- 1x Pyrewild Shaman
- 1x Quicksmith Rebel
- 1x Rage Nimbus
- 1x Rageblood Shaman
- 1x Ramunap Hydra
- 1x Ravenous Baloth
- 1x Reaper of the Wilds
- 1x Rubinia Soulsinger
- 1x Sagu Mauler
- 1x Sanctum Plowbeast
- 1x Sandsteppe Mastodon
- 1x Scattershot Archer
- 1x Scavenging Ooze
- 1x Scion of the Wild
- 1x Scourge Wolf
- 1x Scrapper Champion
- 1x Scythe Leopard
- 1x Scythe Specter
- 1x Sek'Kuar, Deathkeeper
- 1x Sepulchral Primordial
- 1x Sewer Shambler
- 1x Sharding Sphinx
- 1x Sharuum the Hegemon
- 1x Shattergang Brothers
- 1x Skarrg Goliath
- 1x Skitter of Lizards
- 1x Slag Fiend
- 1x Smelt-Ward Gatekeepers
- 1x Soulcage Fiend
- 1x Soulflayer
- 1x Spellbreaker Behemoth
- 1x Spikeshot Elder
- 1x Spontaneous Artist
- 1x Stronghold Assassin
- 1x Swans of Bryn Argoll *list*
- 1x Sydri, Galvanic Genius
- 1x Szadek, Lord of Secrets
- 1x Teneb, the Harvester
- 1x Thallid Shell-Dweller
- 1x Thassa's Devourer
- 1x Thief of Hope
- 1x Thieving Sprite
- 1x Thraben Foulbloods
- 1x Thunderblust
- 1x Timebender
- 2x Titan of Eternal Fire
- 1x Treasury Thrull
- 1x Triad of Fates
- 1x Triskelavus
- 2x Tromokratis
- 1x Ulamog's Crusher
- 1x Underworld Coinsmith
- 1x Village Survivors
- 1x Voice of Resurgence
- 1x Volatile Rig
- 1x Vorosh, the Hunter
- 1x Vorstclaw
- 1x Vulturous Zombie
- 1x Walking Ballista
- 1x Warren Pilferers
- 1x Wildfire Eternal
- 1x Wind-Kin Raiders
- 1x Woodland Sleuth
- 2x Xathrid Necromancer
- 1x Yahenni, Undying Partisan
Planeswalker (8)
Sorcery (169)
- 3x All is Dust
- 2x All Suns' Dawn
- 1x Alliance of Arms
- 1x Ambition's Cost
- 1x Ancestral Vision
- 1x Approach of the Second Sun
- 1x Armageddon
- 3x Army of the Damned
- 1x Assault Strobe
- 3x Beacon of Unrest
- 1x Beseech the Queen
- 3x Black Sun's Zenith
- 7x Blasphemous Act
- 1x Blood Tribute
- 2x Boundless Realms
- 1x Brilliant Plan
- 1x Bring to Light
- 1x Browbeat
- 2x Buried Alive
- 1x Burn from Within
- 1x Cabal Therapy
- 3x Chain Reaction
- 1x Chandra's Ignition
- 1x Clan Defiance
- 1x Clear a Path
- 1x Clone Legion
- 1x Coastal Breach
- 1x Collective Unconscious
- 1x Collective Voyage
- 1x Commune with Nature
- 1x Compulsive Research
- 1x Conflux
- 1x Consume Spirit
- 1x Consuming Vapors
- 1x Corrupt
- 1x Counsel of the Soratami
- 1x Creeping Renaissance
- 1x Cruel Entertainment
- 2x Cruel Ultimatum
- 4x Crux of Fate
- 8x Cultivate
- 1x Damnable Pact
- 3x Damnation
- 2x Dark Intimations
- 1x Day of Judgment
- 1x Day's Undoing
- 1x Deadly Tempest
- 1x Death Cloud
- 1x Death Grasp
- 1x Debt to the Deathless
- 1x Decimate
- 1x Decree of Annihilation
- 4x Decree of Pain
- 2x Deep Analysis
- 1x Demolish
- 1x Demonic Tutor
- 1x Despise
- 1x Devastating Summons
- 2x Devastation Tide
- 1x Devil's Play
- 3x Diabolic Tutor
- 1x Die Young
- 1x Disaster Radius
- 1x Disentomb
- 1x Disrupt Decorum
- 1x Divination
- 1x Divine Reckoning
- 2x Dread Return
- 1x Duneblast
- 2x Earthquake
- 2x Explosive Vegetation
- 4x Exsanguinate
- 1x Faithless Looting
- 1x Far Wanderings
- 4x Farseek
- 1x Feast of Blood
- 1x Fell the Mighty
- 1x Fiery Justice
- 1x Fireball
- 1x Flame Jab
- 1x Foresee
- 1x Fortunate Few
- 1x Fractured Identity
- 1x Ghastly Conscription
- 1x Haunting Echoes
- 1x In Garruk's Wake
- 1x Inquisition of Kozilek
- 1x Jarad's Orders
- 1x Last Rites
- 1x Macabre Waltz
- 1x Mass Mutiny
- 2x Memoricide
- 1x Nissa's Revelation
- 1x Predatory Rampage
- 1x Profane Command
- 1x Purge the Profane
- 1x Reap Intellect
- 1x Reason / Believe
- 1x Reviving Melody
- 1x Rhonas's Last Stand
- 1x Rites of Reaping
- 1x Scrapyard Salvo
- 1x Secret Salvage
- 1x Shrivel
- 1x Skittering Invasion
- 1x Spread the Sickness
- 1x Talrand's Invocation
- 1x Tempt with Immortality
- 1x Tezzeret's Betrayal
- 1x Transgress the Mind
- 1x Tribal Flames
- 1x Villainous Wealth
- 1x Wildfire
- 2x Wrap in Flames
Artifact (168)
- 1x Abandoned Sarcophagus
- 1x Abzan Banner
- 1x Acorn Catapult
- 2x Aether Spellbomb
- 1x Aetherflux Reservoir
- 1x Akroma's Memorial
- 2x Alhammarret's Archive
- 2x Altar of Dementia
- 3x Altar of the Brood
- 1x Animation Module
- 1x Argentum Armor
- 2x Armillary Sphere
- 1x Ashnod's Altar
- 1x Assault Suit
- 1x Astral Cornucopia
- 2x Azorius Signet
- 4x Basalt Monolith
- 1x Behemoth Sledge
- 1x Bident of Thassa
- 3x Birthing Pod
- 2x Blade of the Bloodchief
- 2x Blinkmoth Urn
- 1x Bloodforged Battle-Axe
- 1x Bonehoard
- 1x Boompile
- 3x Boros Signet
- 2x Caged Sun
- 1x Cauldron of Souls
- 1x Chimeric Mass
- 2x Chromatic Lantern
- 1x Chromatic Sphere
- 1x Chromatic Star
- 3x Clock of Omens
- 2x Cloudstone Curio
- 2x Codex Shredder
- 1x Coldsteel Heart
- 11x Commander's Sphere
- 1x Conjurer's Bauble
- 2x Conjurer's Closet
- 1x Conqueror's Flail
- 1x Courier's Capsule
- 1x Cranial Plating
- 1x Crawlspace
- 1x Crown of Doom
- 1x Crucible of Worlds
- 1x Crystal Shard
- 1x Cultivator's Caravan
- 1x Damping Matrix
- 2x Darksteel Forge
- 10x Darksteel Ingot
- 1x Darksteel Plate
- 4x Dimir Signet
- 2x Dispeller's Capsule
- 1x Dolmen Gate
- 1x Door of Destinies
- 1x Dragon Throne of Tarkir
- 5x Dreamstone Hedron
- 1x Druidic Satchel
- 1x Eldrazi Monument
- 1x Elsewhere Flask
- 1x Embalmer's Tools
- 1x Emerald Medallion
- 1x Empyrial Plate
- 1x Etherium Astrolabe
- 5x Everflowing Chalice
- 2x Executioner's Capsule
Expedition Map
- 1x Eye of Doom
- 7x Fellwar Stone
- 1x Fist of Suns
- 1x Flayer Husk
- 1x Font of Mythos
- 1x Gem of Becoming
- 1x Genesis Chamber
- 1x Geth's Grimoire
- 1x Ghostfire Blade
- 1x Grindclock
- 1x Hall of Triumph
- 1x Heavy Mattock
- 1x Hedron Matrix
- 1x Inventor's Goggles
- 1x Jar of Eyeballs
- 1x Kite Shield
- 1x Long-Forgotten Gohei
- 1x Mirari
- 1x Omen Machine
- 1x Orbs of Warding
- 1x Pyxis of Pandemonium
- 1x Renegade Map
- 1x Rusted Relic
- 1x Scepter of Empires
- 1x Shrine of Loyal Legions
- 1x Sickleslicer
- 1x Silver-Inlaid Dagger
- 1x Sphere of the Suns
- 1x Sphinx-Bone Wand
- 1x Surveyor's Scope
- 1x Temple Bell
- 1x Throne of the God-Pharaoh
- 1x Trigon of Mending
- 1x Visage of Bolas
Instant (146)
- 1x Abzan Charm
- 1x AEtherize
- 1x AEthermage's Touch
- 1x Aetherspouts
- 3x Ancient Excavation *list*
- 1x Anguished Unmaking
- 1x Arachnogenesis
- 3x Arcane Denial
- 1x Arcbond
- 2x Artifact Mutation
- 2x Aura Mutation
- 1x Avenging Arrow
- 1x Back to Nature
- 1x Beacon of Immortality
- 1x Beast Within
- 1x Beckon Apparition
- 2x Benefactor's Draught
- 1x Benevolent Offering
- 1x Biomass Mutation
- 1x Bituminous Blast
- 1x Blades of Velis Vel
- 2x Blue Sun's Zenith
- 1x Bone to Ash
- 1x Boomerang
- 1x Booster Tutor
Boros Charm
- 5x Brainstorm
- 1x Built to Last
- 1x Built to Smash
- 1x Cancel
- 1x Cauldron Dance
- 1x Chain of Vapor
- 4x Chaos Warp
- 2x Comet Storm
- 1x Comeuppance
- 1x Condemn
- 2x Counterflux
- 6x Counterspell
- 1x Countersquall
- 3x Crackling Doom
- 1x Crimson Wisps
- 2x Crop Rotation
- 1x Crop Rotation
- 2x Crosis's Charm
- 1x Crushing Vines
- 1x Cryptic Command *list*
- 1x Curtains' Call
- 5x Cyclonic Rift
- 5x Dark Ritual
- 1x Death Denied
- 2x Deflecting Palm
- 1x Deprive
- 1x Dig Through Time
- 1x Disallow
- 2x Disdainful Stroke
- 1x Dismember
- 1x Dispatch
- 1x Dissipate
- 1x Divergent Transformations
- 1x Dizzy Spell
- 4x Doom Blade
- 1x Downpour
- 1x Dream Fracture
- 1x Echoing Courage
- 1x Echoing Truth
- 1x Electrickery
- 1x Engulf the Shore
- 1x Enlightened Tutor
- 2x Entomb
- 2x Entrapment Maneuver
- 1x Essence Backlash
- 1x Essence Scatter
- 5x Evacuation
- 1x Expedite
- 3x Fact or Fiction
- 1x Faerie Trickery
- 1x Faith's Reward
- 1x Fateful Showdown
- 1x Fiery Fall
- 1x Fling
- 1x Forbidden Alchemy
- 1x Force Spike
- 1x Fortify
- 1x Grim Return
- 1x Hour of Glory
- 1x Instill Infection
- 1x Joint Assault
- 1x Mutant's Prey
- 1x Naturalize
- 1x Plummet
- 1x Refocus
- 1x Skeletonize
- 1x Spinal Embrace
- 1x Strength of the Tajuru
- 1x Sundering VItae
- 1x Vile Rebirth
Enchantment (121)
- 2x Abundance
- 1x Aggressive Mining
- 3x Animate Dead
- 1x Arcane Melee
- 2x Artificer's Intuition
- 1x Asceticism
- 2x Assemble the Legion
- 1x Attrition
- 1x Aura of Silence
- 2x Aura Shards
- 1x Authority of the Consuls
- 1x Awakening Zone
- 1x Back from the Brink
- 3x Beastmaster Ascension
- 2x Bitterblossom
- 3x Black Market
- 3x Blind Obedience
- 1x Blood Moon
- 1x Brave the Sands
- 1x Breath of Fury
- 1x Bred for the Hunt
- 1x Bridge from Below
- 2x Burgeoning
- 1x Burning Earth
- 1x Call to the Grave
- 2x Cathars' Crusade
- 1x Circle of Flame
- 1x Citadel Siege
- 1x Coastal Piracy
- 1x Cradle of Vitality
- 1x Crescendo of War
- 1x Crucible of Fire
- 2x Curse of Bounty
- 2x Curse of Disturbance
- 2x Curse of Opulence
- 1x Curse of Stalked Prey
- 1x Curse of Vengeance
- 2x Curse of Verbosity
- 2x Curse of Vitality
- 1x Dark Prophecy
- 1x Dark Tutelage
- 1x Death's Presence
- 1x Debtors' Knell
- 1x Debtor's Pulpit
- 4x Dictate of Erebos
- 1x Dictate of Kruphix
- 2x Dictate of the Twin Gods
- 1x Dire Undercurrents
- 2x Dragon Tempest
- 1x Druids' Repository
- 2x Duelist's Heritage
- 2x Elemental Bond
- 1x Endless Ranks of the Dead
- 1x Everlasting Torment
- 3x Evolutionary Escalation
- 1x Evolutionary Leap
- 1x Exploration
- 2x Exquisite Blood
- 1x Fecundity
- 1x Fervor
- 1x Fevered Visions
- 2x Field of Souls
- 1x Fire Whip
- 1x Flameshadow Conjuring
- 1x Flickerform
- 1x Forced Adaptation
- 1x Forced Fruition
- 1x Foster
- 2x Frenzied Fugue
- 1x From Beyond
- 1x Frontier Siege
- 2x Furnace of Rath
- 1x Future Sight
- 1x Glistening Oil
- 1x Goblin War Paint
- 1x Invocation of Saint Traft
- 1x Mardu Ascendancy
- 1x Narcolepsy
- 1x Necromancer's Stockpile
- 1x Racecourse Fury
- 1x Spawning Grounds
- 2x Sulfuric Vortex
- 1x Temur Ascendancy
- 1x Where Ancients Tread
- 1x Widespread Panic
- 1x Wild Pair
- 1x Witch Hunt
Land (182)
- 1x Academy Ruins
- 1x Akoum Refuge
- 1x Alchemist's Refuge
- 2x Ancient Den
- 1x Arcane Lighthouse
- 5x Arcane Sanctum
- 1x Arid Mesa
- 5x Ash Barrens
- 3x Azorius Chancery
- 1x Azorius Guildgate
- 2x Barren Moor
- 1x Blighted Cataract
- 1x Blighted Fen
- 1x Blighted Steppe
- 4x Blighted Woodland
- 1x Blinkmoth Nexus
- 1x Blinkmoth Well
Blood Crypt
- 1x Bloodfell Caves
- 1x Bloodstained Mire
- 1x Blossoming Sands
- 5x Bojuka Bog
- 2x Boros Garrison
- 2x Boros Guildgate
Breeding Pool
- 4x Buried Ruin
- 2x Cabal Coffers
- 1x Canopy Vista
- 1x Cavern of Souls
- 1x Caves of Koilos
- 1x Cinder Barrens
- 1x Cinder Glade
- 1x Cloudpost
- 1x Command Beacon
- 26x Command Tower
- 1x Contested Cliffs
- 1x Cradle of the Accursed
- 1x Crucible of the Spirit Dragon
- 6x Crumbling Necropolis
- 3x Crypt of Agadeem
- 1x Crystal Vein
- 1x Dakmor Salvage
- 1x Dark Depths
- 4x Darksteel Citadel
- 1x Darkwater Catacombs
- 1x Desert
- 1x Desolate Lighthouse
- 2x Dimir Aqueduct
- 1x Dimir Guildgate
- 3x Dismal Backwater
- 1x Dragonskull Summit
- 2x Dreadship Reef
- 1x Drowned Catacomb
- 2x Dryad Arbor
- 1x Eldrazi Temple
- 1x Elfhame Palace
- 1x Emeria, the Sky Ruin
- 1x Encroaching Wastes
- 2x Esper Panorama
- 17x Evolving Wilds
- 8x Exotic Orchard
- 1x Eye of Ugin
- 1x Faerie Conclave
- 2x Flamekin Village
- 2x Forbidden Orchard
- 3x Forgotten Cave
- 1x Forsaken Sanctuary
- 4x Frontier Bivouac
- 1x Geier Reach Sanitarium
- 1x Glimmerpost
- 1x Hellion Crucible
- 1x Highland Weald
- 1x Jwar Isle Refuge
- 1x Krosan Verge
- 1x Llanowar Reborn
- 2x Lonely Sandbar
- 1x Nephalia Drownyard
- 1x Piranha Marsh
- 1x Rupture Spire
- 1x Shimmering Grotto
- 1x Timberland Ruins
- 1x Transguild Promenade
- 1x Unknown Shores
- 1x Vivid Marsh