MTG List: Soldiers for EDH deck



Paragon of New Dawns Auriok Glaivemaster Boros Elite Champion of the Parish Doomed Traveler Frontline Strategist Ardent Recruit Kitesail Apprentice Kor Duelist Soltari Foot Soldier Leonin Shikari Sunspear Shikari Taj-Nar Swordsmith Ghalma's Warden Loxodon Gatekeeper Loxodon Punisher Daru Warchief Enlistment Officer Ranger of Eos Steelshaper Apprentice Rhox Pikemaster Stonehorn Dignitary Odric, Master Tactician Commander Eesha Phantom Flock Loxodon Partisan Catapult Master Shu Elite Companions Stormfront Riders Gerrard Capashen Liu Bei, Lord of Shu Guan Yu, Sainted Warrior Zhao Zilong, Tiger General Aven Brigadier Oathsworn Giant Auriok Survivors Captain of the Watch Darien, King of Kjeldor Zhang Fei, Fierce Warrior Piety Charm Unified Strike Launch the Fleet Auriok Steelshaper Precinct Captain Veteran Armorsmith Murder Investigation Raise the Alarm Martial Coup Field Marshal Veteran Swordsmith Mobilization Even the Odds Brimaz, King of Oreskos Timely Reinforcements Hero of Bladehold Elspeth, Knight-Errant Gideon, Champion of Justice Captain's Call Elspeth Tirel Gideon Jura Conqueror's Pledge Evangel of Heliod Elspeth, Sun's Champion Nomads' Assembly Deploy to the Front Defiant Strike Festival of the Guildpact Scout's Warning To Arms! Puresteel Paladin Abeyance Marshaling Cry Entreat the Angels Terminus Banishing Stroke