MTG List: Orzhov Warriors Standard



Orzhov Warriors. Really fast sustaining deck. Puts pressure on early and does not let up. Games tend to be very fast and adding in more lifelink esque draining from Hordechief and for earlier turns or to double up on Hordechief Foul-Tong Shriek. Blood-Chin Rager forces your opponents to make decisions and Herald allows for defense against other aggro decks. Both Chief boost creatures so they can sustain aggro. Mardu Woe-Reaper thrashes graveyard based delve and wins over valuable life over time. Disowned Ancestor was orginally being used since I don't have access to Blood-Soaked Champion but I have found it is ridiculously over powered against other Aggro decks and its based 4 toughness tends to screw most early game decks over big time.

And you ask why do I have in Butcher's Glee?

Because when a 2/1 kills a Siege Rhino and walks away from it shit gets real fast and the look on peoples faces is great.

Open to any suggestions thought I'm trying not to use expensive lands and keep this deck fairly under $60.