My name is Dridane, and

And at the same time

And also

My spirit creatures are


My favorite card of all time, and the first rare I ever got out of a pack, is the almighty Progenitor Mimic.

I love all the guilds to be completely honest, and have decks I love playing of every color combo, although Bant holds a special place in my heart, as that is my present EDH deck's colors, and my first deck's attempted colors. xD I love this site, and am always looking to make new friends here and love making gimmicky and casual decks, as well as just about any kind of deck lol, and am always willing to take a look at a deck if you ask nicely. :)

I'm going to add my trade binder soon and maybe do some trading? :D

MTG Decks

Kruphix Attempt (Help needed)

Commander / EDH* Dridane


Depala EDH Attempt

Commander / EDH* Dridane


Finished Decks 40
Prototype Decks 18
Drafts 0
Playing since Dragon's Maze
Points 0
Avg. deck rating 7.21
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Standard, Commander / EDH
Joined 11 years