I play Magic because it's fun. I do not substitute it for winning in real life. I don't do 2-3 turn kills or anything like that. On the contrary, I like to drag my matches out. I still try to win, but I don't like short games or matches where my opponent gets bad luck and can't get anything out. I'll gladly give someone struggling a few turns to try and pull something out, and if they can't I'll generally just end it and start again. I try to win, but I don't focus solely on winning. I like testing a deck's limits and seeing opposing forces clash, with both sides giving and taking.

I have quite a few friends who play, so even though I only got into this game a couple years ago, I've clocked a lot of experience. We have matches that go for hours. I've played (and enjoyed) Archenemy, 5 Pointed Star, Two-Headed Dragon, 3-4 Player Free-for-All, Team Matches, and even some games that got up to 8 players (very long games).

I play aggressively and recklessly. I knowingly walk into a lot of traps. Like I said, I like competing, not just a quick or flawless victory. I like challenging every trap, and trying to see if I can come out on top. If I do, I laugh manically, if I don't, I shrug and start planning my next move.

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MTG Decks


Standard* EndlessTinkerer



Commander / EDH EndlessTinkerer


Gimme That Life!

Commander / EDH EndlessTinkerer


Finished Decks 9
Prototype Decks 6
Drafts 0
Avg. deck rating None
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Joined 11 years