yeaGO says... #1

Sorry about the delay, we will address it and reimburse as needed I think you had emailed the contact form so I will be in touch

February 3, 2025 12:03 a.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #2

I will also say that you did in fact get a response from one of the devs telling you to cancel it through paypal a few weeks ago and I tried to contact yeago directly yesterday but it is also the weekend and he's probably away.

There's nothing else I can do here. I'm just a long time user that got contracted to help with the site and have continued to stay here despite my apathy towards magic.

February 2, 2025 11:32 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #3

I don't own this website and I don't handle it. I'm just under contract for data stuff and have taken it upon myself to be more user facing since others don't. Talk to yeaGO because again, I do not deal with any monetary issues. And I take quite umbrage with being put under fire for situations that I cannot handle under any circumstance.

If yeago does not contact you, that's entirely on him. I cannot make the site owner do anything, I can only hope he reads my messages.

February 2, 2025 11:10 p.m. Edited.

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MTG Decks

The Shapeshifters

Vintage Enlightened_Magi

SCORE: 1 | 160 VIEWS

Thalia, Guardian of Hope

Commander / EDH Enlightened_Magi

SCORE: 1 | 257 VIEWS

Kiora's Battle

Vintage Enlightened_Magi

SCORE: 1 | 629 VIEWS

Ugin's Army

Vintage Enlightened_Magi

SCORE: 1 | 568 VIEWS


Vintage Enlightened_Magi


Finished Decks 13
Prototype Decks 2
Drafts 0
Playing since Zendikar
Points 30
Avg. deck rating 8.00
T/O Rank 293
Helper Rank 506
Favorite formats Vintage, Commander / EDH
Cards Added/Fixed 75
Joined 9 years