I play EDH and Limited.

I used to really streamline my decks towards their main focus, at the cost of being well rounded and able to deal with a variety of threats. Lately, I've tried to shy away from this, but I've been having trouble with the transition. My Daxos the Exalted is a good example of my deck building style, and how it has changed over the years.

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Could that be because it is not a creature?

March 3, 2025 9:24 a.m.

Said on Infinite Rulings...


Tsukimi You're right, that was poorly worded, sorry. It is how I would approach my group with something like this though, I really do miss that kind of Timmy magic lol. Sacrificing Bottle Gnomes with Glissa, the Traitor *oversized* and Grave Pact was peak Magic for our group way back when.

But for the "Is it mass land destruction" thing, imo that is the problem that needs to be solved for every restriction. Is it MLD if I can recur and activate Ghost Quarter 80 times a turn? Is it MLD if I sacrifice Bearer of the Heavens while I have Avacyn, Angel of Hope in play? Where is the line drawn? That is why it is also my opinion that the best way to handle things would just be "Hey guys, no MLD or MLD like effects please" and trust the group.

I'm also not really trying to find a definitive solution, as I don't think there is one, but discussing Magic is fun haha

February 27, 2025 5:21 p.m.

Said on Infinite Rulings...


Sorry, wasn't trying to come off as dismissive of the whole reason for the post. But, well, even those rules you've listed now are vague. Even just the "No MLD" rules brings up a ton of questions. Does that include Bearer of the Heavens, or Life and Limb + Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth + Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite, or even just a bunch of "You get an extra land drop" cards + Crucible of Worlds + Ghost Quarter?

Trying to change the fundamentals of Magic gameplay is complicated. The MTG comp rules is 905 "main" rules (plus who knows how many sub-rules) for a reason haha.

If I were asked to write the rules for this tournament, I would say

"We want battlecruisery and unoptimized Magic, like we played when we first started. This is the spirit of what we are aiming for. No efficient tutors, no fast mana, no MLD, and combos can only trigger once per turn. Here some decks that showcase the level of power we are aiming for (each with a different archetype):

  • Example Deck 1
  • Example Deck 2
  • Example Deck 3

If you are unsure if something crosses the line (eg, Farseek, Increasing Ambition, etc), ask and the entire playgroup can weigh in. If something comes up during a game, we'll figure it out then."

But even with all that, these rules wouldn't affect one of my close friend's Yidris, Maelstrom Wielderfoil deck. It doesn't combo, doesn't have tutors, doesn't have Mana Vault, but it can get a quick Ydris into play and start generating tons of value pretty early, by casting multiple expensive spells every turn cycle. It violates the spirit of the ask, but unless I write a multi page document it won't violate the rules as written. Unless, of course, he were to play in good faith and say "I know this deck meets the rules as written but not as intended," which I believe he would.

February 27, 2025 11:23 a.m.

Said on Infinite Rulings...


wallisface it sounds like Tsukimi's playgroup took the approach of setting this rule in good faith with each other. It is super vague, but why does that matter if everyone is working together to achieve it? If someone is angle shooting by saying something like "I'm not drawing an infinite amount of cards, just 99," they're probably not the kind of person who would agree to this rule in the first place.

February 26, 2025 7:39 p.m.

Could you explain in more detail? When I hover over the card name, I see the "4" in the bottom right.

February 26, 2025 7:32 p.m.

Are the World Championship printings on TappedOut? If they are, then I personally see no reason to exclude the HotR cards.

The Heroes of the Realms cards are legal in EDH, point towards including them. They don't have a standard card back, point towards excluding them. If the WC cards are on TO, then this point doesn't matter, and they should be included.

Biggest reason to include them imo is that they are on Scryfall.

February 20, 2025 11:44 a.m.



MTG Decks

Daxos the Exalted

Commander / EDH Epidilius


Finished Decks 417
Prototype Decks 264
Drafts 0
Playing since Ravnica: City of Guilds
Points 90
Avg. deck rating 10.73
T/O Rank 111
Helper Rank 147
Favorite formats Modern, Commander / EDH, Casual
Cards suggested / good suggestions 10 / 5
Cards Added/Fixed 1
Joined 11 years