Hello. I've been casually playing Magic for a little over a year. I'm far from good at the game, but I enjoy playing it either way.

I am Green Blue"> </p>

I'm a person who tends to value flavor over most things. I can understand why a certain card would be better than another, but if the flavor isn't there I tend to toss it aside.

The colors I play the most are Blue, Green, Black, and White. I play little red outside of some spells. I care very little for red creatures excluding dragons, dwarves (may we see you again one day), and a few others here and there. I find it difficult to play a deck if it has creatures I really don't care for in it despite how good it may be.

My first ever constructed deck was a U/G deck. Sloppily made, but I was happy with it. My second deck was a B/W constellation deck and made me realize how much I love the color combination. While neither of the decks could win a tournament (and really I doubt any of mine can) they are fun to play and I'm fine with them at the kitchen table.

I love synergy and flexibility. While hitting an enemy with creatures is fun, controlling the field and hitting them indirectly is a favorite of mine. I also enjoy finding unconventional ways to defeat my opponents. My decks tend to be wonky, but I love them anyways.

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MTG Decks

Xantcha's Politics

Commander / EDH* Fairest


Finished Decks 2
Prototype Decks 2
Drafts 0
Playing since Dragon's Maze
Avg. deck rating None
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Highlander, Casual
Venues casual play, Collector's Corner, Bel Air Games
Joined 9 years