I'm a transwoman who works on tappedout's card, promo, variations, alter and combo databases. It is important to note that I am not a developer or an admin! I just add cards efficiently.

I don't play much magic anymore. Arena has taught me that I don't actually really enjoy the game as a multiplayer game all that much, especially with all the grinding it expects us to do. Randomness of the ability to be able to play the game (mana screw, mana flood) would be considered a game breaking issue in any game in modern-day game except magic, and it's just turned me off it.

What I do enjoy is brewing and drafting, creating cubes and custom sets, and just throwing my decks in tappedout's playtester for a few hours. Though most of my time is spent trying to get tappedout's database up to snuff so I don't get to do all that much anymore.

Message me on the tappedout discord if you would like to talk to me about something related to something about the card data on this site.

You might find me in other places under the moniker of "feminine desires" like twitter or twitch because femme fatale is super common always taken. I'm also always using the same blue falling femme as my icon you see here in the background.

The fruits of my labour on this site: The artwork variations and promo system! This has taken many thousands of hours of my time to work toward completing. But it is still not done and I am actively looking for people to help.

T/O's Card Submission Tutorial! Created by yours truly~ Every single question you had about how to add or fix a card is shown right there! EDIT: This is, outdated. Message me on discord if you have questions, or go through any of my previous submissions to any standard legal set (it will have an image uploaded by me) to figure out guidelines of what to do.

Want to know how to make a colourful and fancy username? Here's my Tutorial for exactly that!

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Said on Custom card as …...


You need to be upgraded to add custom cards to your deck.

December 20, 2024 12:34 a.m.

tipulsar85: picclick isn't giving me any good photos of these. Can you take photos of the ones you have? Preferably with as little as foil glare as possible and consistent lighting (no shadow lines or overexposure) while making it sharp.

December 20, 2024 12:31 a.m.

oh I did not notice that you said it went from comp to casual ranking my bad.

December 18, 2024 1:19 a.m.

Said on Two New Formats …...


The new modern bans and unbans will be applied to Modern Beyond Horizons as well, but changes to the banlist will take a while to propagate throughout the site so expect them to be accounted for later tonight.

December 16, 2024 12:51 p.m.

Or just take the image from WotC CIG.

December 15, 2024 1:16 a.m.

Not presently possible no, will put it on the to-do list but changes to the alters system are relatively low priority.

In the meantime just use the image tappedout has. Servo 1/1 C.

December 15, 2024 1:12 a.m.

Said on Two New Formats …...


There was some specific issue about account wide and deck specific skibulk that had to have it be deck specific, though I can't remember the specifics right now. I'll note the gold border cards though as something to do in the future.

December 11, 2024 12:09 a.m.

I wouldn't be surprised if the calculation doesn't constantly check itself to save on server costs. So that 3% is just how the site changed its evaluation from the last time it checked the comp value of that list.

December 8, 2024 8:09 p.m. Edited.

Said on List of Bugs …...


BioProfDude: Tops tab and front page along with top 100 decklist should all be fixed. Top100 was really old and thus breaking as it wasn't recalibrated to the modern situation of the site where people don't really interact with each other's decks anymore.

December 5, 2024 11:33 p.m. Edited.

Said on New Feature in …...


Note: I am just a messenger here, I know very little about how this actually works. So the devs of this site will have to be the ones to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

December 5, 2024 10:50 p.m.

Said on New Feature in …...


Tappedout is developing a new large language model search engine. You can find this new form of search by clicking on the eyeglass in the top right in the site’s header, then clicking on “Card Search” that appears in the dropdown. You’ll be redirected to the advanced card search page. At the top of this page there will be tabs you can click on. One says “search” and the other says “LLM search”. By default it lands you on the normal search tab, so click the “LLM search” tab to access it.

How to Use It?

When you land on the LLM search page you’ll be presented with two input fields. The first one is hard data. That is, data that is printed on the card, other than the textbox. Things like colour, mana value, type and subtype, name, etc can be filtered in this field. The second one is semantic data, the effect you’re looking for on the text box.

An example:

  • Hard data: Creature that cost less than 3 mana
  • Semantic data: Makes zombies stronger.

It is important to split these two up because if you write down “aggressive creature” in the semantic data it’ll give you a bunch of things that buff your creatures as these all care about and modify creatures.

There is also an embedded feedback system with thumbs up and thumbs down buttons to the left to denote which results you see make sense and which ones do not. Do note however that a feature that’s in progress is an input form to list things that are missing with your specific search results.

Limitations and Restrictions

This being an LLM search engine means that it has some restrictions on what it is capable of doing that you will want to know beforehand.

It can:

  • Filter by all the normal values a card can have.
  • Look for vaguely described effects.
  • Frequently compare your input with cards that have a similar name linguistically.
  • Frequently prefer the reminder text of cards of french vanilla style of cards.
  • Be quite good at getting kindred stuff.

It can’t:

  • Look at what’s in the art of a card.
  • Cross reference a popular deck archetype or name.
  • Check the intrinsic mechanics of the language you are using.
  • Use an existing deck on the site.
  • Use magic slang or meta terminology.
  • Use an individual/multiple card(s) as a reference.

However, the list of things it will do and things it can’t do are work in progress. The devs are working to deliver an improved version to you as soon as possible, but understand that LLMs have limitations and they may not be able to fully deliver on what they or you want.

Additional Notes

This LLM is trained on tappedout’s own card data, so it cannot give you results based on information that the site doesn’t have; like scryfall’s tagging data or mtgtop8’s historical decklist data.

Also, there are limits to the amount of times you can use this search: 3 times per week for free users, 20 for upgraded users and 250 for subscribed users. This restriction is not set in stone and will fluctuate as the costs of running this engine are evaluated.

December 5, 2024 10:48 p.m.


merrowManiaaeonstoremyliverMindAblazePriestessKikyo1tempestnerdydollyWabbbitvampirelazarusfluffybunnypantsslovakattacknayrash5MisticationFro780Cyberpunkettef33nuxyounglinkperson333CB47invisible_BLACKDmXIIIjoodstryr18jcbattsgododoom9MonsterFinder221HeroFallenVillainVirgysJoeis90Lord_of_LordsSwagridInce_VelusChiefBellJrjersey0140calVito1014brucejamesViaggroKhanyesnoticeSasukeUchihaSAKANA-CHANAxeluzzjasonhuebnerMTGTCGcarysh-MisterJ-ShamaLamaDingDongTransMarxSaintedTheredhood99anooshapaloozaPoptartz95WinfragmentHellsingcxseals1337Nixin72Dr_Jayquesobueno123KozelekfilledelanuitbijschjdbcdMagicalHackerBellock86Dekordiusnighthawk101Matsi883gogogonzoDERPLINGSUPREMEgolffore297DragoLionPrimaSparda1127poistapoistaBrian12345doriboncoreIggaasfinestOhthenoisesOddystMelazualeonyIcanshigitComputerizedMTGRa1nStormForce_of_WillOnawaEnder666666IhazadeckMy.Name.Is.LameBlackshadow415Raging_SquiggleEdHoff23112EXTRATONEDJ_EthanolVeeBee666TreeCatManiac1Bulldawg1310hecklefeckleMuggins84Ghostshaman33sub780limePlasmaStar42Sabbatagekillthemall284Fellin22Seoltazombieglamcamrn8GobymanDarkewarriorCaira_The_Lost_Sinnerwhitelycan136cunha713Sirex1986CovenDMDandyBoiSeifer1jzsparklepantsMassacarBubbledoreScytecBull_da_1SkillvilleKenKenrithSubzero6977CommanderZero27Queer1pheonix_222magecat0mtgspike15JosephdqCommandersEmAcaoKrummSolorapterInterpidnilayzeeNaNjonspearwillskiggtncbLittle Phionexamadeus1argalonnAlcolitoxVioletBlazeFrostyJamsSir5LEretoryiemaskLayermaskGeneralRAAM052Enlightened_Magi0rcmuffinkillersBrodaline

MTG Decks

The Overprotective Mom

Modern Femme_Fatale


The Unfair Girl, The Daughter of Kaalia

Commander / EDH* Femme_Fatale

SCORE: 92 | 126 COMMENTS | 14920 VIEWS | IN 28 FOLDERS

I Protect the World, the World Protects My Soul

Commander / EDH* Femme_Fatale


The O-Ring Effect

Modern Femme_Fatale


Casper of the Banded Protection

Modern Femme_Fatale


Path to Perfection

Modern Femme_Fatale

SCORE: 372 | 491 COMMENTS | 67692 VIEWS | IN 214 FOLDERS

Esper Creature Control Pioneer Edition

Pioneer Femme_Fatale


Bant Creature Control Pioneer Edition

Pioneer Femme_Fatale



cube chart

Entry Enjoyment: Balanced

Femme_Fatale — 3 years ago


cube chart

Entry Enjoyment: Guilds

Femme_Fatale — 3 years ago


cube chart

Entry Enjoyment Tribal *P*

Femme_Fatale — 9 years ago


Finished Decks 239
Prototype Decks 121
Drafts 0
Playing since Saviors of Kamigawa
Points 42810
Avg. deck rating 41.15
T/O Rank 1
Helper Rank 61
Favorite formats Modern, Frontier
Suppressed formats Standard, Alchemy, Standard Brawl, Historic, Vintage, Pauper EDH, Commander: Rule 0, Duel Commander, Pauper Duel Commander, Leviathan, 1v1 Commander, Premodern, Oldschool 93/94, Limited, Pre-release, Penny Dreadful, Tiny Leaders, Oathbreaker, Block Constructed, Arena, Casual, Unformat, Quest Magic
Cards suggested / good suggestions 568 / 548
Venues Magic Stronghold
Cards Added/Fixed 41060
Joined 11 years
MTGO Username Femme_Fatale