MTG List: [Modern] Vampires Toolbox



"Let us chat together a moment, my friend. There are still several hours until dawn, and I have the whole day to sleep" - Count Orlov (Nosferatu)

Hello and welcome to the infamous Markov Manor.
This is a try to aggregate all the deckbuilding options we have in building Vampires in the Modern format.
Vampires is a very underrated tribe, especially in modern. I wanna help change that!

Short Disclaimer: Show

Now onto the list itself:
As you can see I ordered the list into custom categories. I think this way it provides a little bit more utility when deckbuilding and optimizing the deck, being able to quickly recognize natural replacements for certain slots in the deck. You may check the Individual Card Analysis section for an in-depth look at the card you're interested in.

I want to take a moment to clarify the terminology of the categories I use.
I put all multicolored cards into their own distinct categories on purpose, so that the list can be used as a quick reference for deckbuilding. Please check the Card Analysis section for detailed explenations of the respective cards.
All other categories represent a unique role in our deck that advance our gameplan.
For a primer and gameplay guide click here.

Pretty straight forward, cards (mostly creatures, since we play a creature deck) falling under this category are our main way of getting in damage. These creatures oftentimes don't come with fancy mechanics, but rather with evasion or ways to return to the battlefield to keep up the pressure.

Black magic in MTG has great disruption spells up its sleeve and it would be unwise to ignore this strength of our main color. These cards cripple our opponents hand, shake up their offensive or defensive capabilities, or just keep them off their gameplan as far as possible, while we build up our board.

This category houses the very core of our undead army. Every card here has the ability to turn our army of dinky creatures (see the "Aggression" category) into haymaking powerhouses that will secure our victory in no time!

This is the place for all the cards that are not directly advance our game, but work very well against specific strategies an opponent might throw at us and thus consists mostly of sideboard cards. But since the deck is versatile by nature some of these cards can do very well in the 60, especially when the local meta is very focused.

As the name suggests, the category is meant for mana sources (be it lands or other). Pretty straight forward most of the time. But don't be fooled! We have some neat tricks and nuances to think about here.

Payoffs are top end cards that capitalize of the setups we establish throughout the early game (sac-outlets, creature count, etc.). That can result card advantage, buffed creatures or just straight damage.

The classic. Black has some of the best ways to remove creatures from the battlefield and of course we are going to utilize these cards as well as possible.

Sac-Outets get their own category because they are integral to our gameplan. Since many of our creatures can be recurred from the graveyard getting extra value out of them dying is a big advantage at all stages of the game. What kind of value we want to get out of a sacrifice is up to us however, so spending a bit extra time thinking about the options is totally worth it.

Utility cards are cards that don't have big impact on our gameplan by themselves, but help us to deploy it more efficiently.

In this section I talk about what makes each of the listed cards valuable for us. As mentioned in the section The Categories many of the cards can have several roles in the deck and thus require further explanation to get the most out of them.

Bloodghast Show

Knight of the Ebon Legion Show

Nighthawk Scavenger Show

Cordial Vampire Show

Agadeem's Awakening  Flip: Show

Malakir Rebirth  Flip Show

Gatekeeper of Malakirfoil Show

And that's it. Thank you for reading! Feel free to reach out to me (handles are on my profile) if you have any questions, suggestions or just want to chat (I'm a funny dude most of the time)!
Also, since english is not my first language, I would love to get some feedback to make this guide more fun to read.

See you around!