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I am Red/White
Take The Magic Dual Colour Test - Beta today!
I'm both chaotic and orderly. I value my own principles, and am willing to go to extreme lengths to enforce them, often trampling on the very same principles in the process. At best, I'm heroic and principled; at worst, I'm hypocritical and disorderly.
Welcome to my Binder!
I am slowly adding all our Rare, Mythic, and Foils to this. We will trade most in this binder but some are planed to be put in decks so we may not trade unless we get a good offer. I have not put all of the cards in yet and will be adding cards every weekend. I am always open to any kind of offer including money and other cards. I prefer to ship at same time but am open to most anything if you have good a good trade history. I will make you send first if you have negative reviews. I do not put tacking on cards unless you ask for it and you also put tracking on the card you are sending me.
My cromium is signed by Edward Beard
Thank You!