I play MTG since 4th edition and I am somewhat of an "old school" player. Therefore I don't play Gods or Plainswalkers, because they don't fit - just in my oppinion - into the concept of MTG. I also don't play any "face down" cards, because it's stupid... Cards do have an artwork and I like to look at it. What's next? "Creature cards in sleeves get -5/-5 until end of turn"? :D Sorry, I'm just being a derp. Last but not least: I only play from MTG 2014 foreward. So when I build a modern deck, I don't use cards before MTG 2014. Than kyou very much for dropping by. Best regards Günna

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MTG Decks

Chasm Biomancer

Modern GuentherShadow


Finished Decks 12
Prototype Decks 11
Drafts 0
Playing since Fourth Edition
Avg. deck rating None
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Standard, Modern
Joined 9 years