MTG List: Inventory
Creature (1174)
- 3x Adanto Vanguard
- 1x Aerie Mystics
- 1x Aerie Ouphes
- 2x Air Elemental
- 2x Alabaster Wall
- 1x Altar Golem
- 1x Amphibious Kavu
- 6x Ancient Brontodon
- 1x Ancient Kavu
- 1x Angel of Deliverance
- 2x Angel of Mercy
- 3x Angrath's Marauders
- 6x Anointed Deacon
- 1x Anurid Scavenger
- 1x Apex Hawks
- 3x Apothecary Geist
- 3x Aquamoeba
- 1x Arbor Elf
- 1x Architects of Will
- 1x Ardent Soldier
- 2x Arrogant Wurm
- 2x Atzocan Archer
- 1x Auntie's Snitch
- 2x Aurora Griffin
- 1x Ballista Squad
- 2x Ballynock Cohort
- 2x Ballyrush Banneret
- 1x Balshan Collaborator
- 3x Barbarian Outcast
- 1x Barrenton Cragtreads
- 1x Barrenton Medic
- 3x Basking Rootwalla
- 1x Battle Squadron
- 2x Belligerent Brontodon
- 2x Bellowing Aegisaur
- 1x Benalish Emissary
- 1x Benalish Lancer
- 1x Benalish Trapper
- 1x Bishop of Rebirth
- 2x Bishop of the Bloodstained
- 5x Bishop's Soldier
- 4x Blastoderm
- 2x Blazethorn Scarecrow
- 6x Blight Keeper
- 2x Blistering Dieflyn
- 1x Bloodbraid Elf
- 1x Bloodcrazed Paladin
- 2x Bloodmad Vampire
- 4x Blossom Dryad
- 1x Bog Witch
- 2x Bonded Horncrest
- 2x Boneshard Slasher
- 5x Brazen Buccaneers
- 1x Briarberry Cohort
- 3x Briarbridge Patrol
- 2x Burrenton Bombardier
- 1x Burrenton Shield-Bearers
- 3x Byway Courier
- 2x Cackling Witch
- 1x Capashen Unicorn
- 1x Captivating Crew
- 1x Carnage Tyrant
- 2x Carrion Rats
- 3x Cathar's Companion
- 3x Cenn's Tactician
- 2x Centaur Veteran
- 1x Cephalid Aristocrat
- 1x Cephalid Broker
- 1x Cephalid Illusionist
- 4x Cephalid Looter
- 1x Cephalid Vandal
- 2x Chainbreaker
- 1x Chainer, Dementia Master
- 3x Charging Monstrosaur
- 2x Charging Troll
- 1x Chieftain en-Dal
- 1x Child of Alara
- 1x Cho-Arrim Legate
- 2x Cinder Elemental
- 1x Cinder Pyromancer
- 1x Cinder Shade
- 1x Clockwork Beast
- 3x Clockwork Swarm
- 1x Cloud Sprite
- 1x Coiling Woodworm
- 5x Colossal Dreadmaw
- 1x Convicted Killer Flip
- 1x Court Homunculus
- 2x Crabapple Cohort
- 1x Cragganwick Cremator
- 2x Crashing Centaur
- 1x Crimson Acolyte
- 3x Crossbow Infantry
- 1x Crow of Dark Tidings
- 1x Crowd of Cinders
- 2x Crypt Creeper
- 3x Cultbrand Cinder
- 1x Daring Saboteur
- 2x Darting Merfolk
- 3x Dauntless Cathar
- 1x Dauntless Escort
- 3x Deadeye Plunderers
- 2x Deadeye Quartermaster
- 4x Deadeye Tormentor
- 1x Deadeye Tracker
- 1x Deadshot Minotaur
- 2x Deathgorge Scavenger
- 1x Deathless Ancient
- 1x Deeproot Champion
- 5x Deeproot Warrior
- 4x Deepwood Drummer
- 2x Deepwood Tantiv
- 3x Deepwood Wolverine
- 1x Defiant Vanguard
- 6x Desperate Castaways
- 4x Devilthorn Fox
- 1x Devout Witness
- 1x Dewdrop Spy
- 2x Diligent Farmhand
- 1x Diplomatic Escort
- 3x Dire Fleet Captain
- 5x Dire Fleet Hoarder
- 5x Dire Fleet Interloper
- 1x Dire Fleet Ravager
- 1x Diregraf Colossus
- 2x Diving Griffin
- 1x Dragonsoul Knight
- 2x Drake Hatchling
- 1x Dreamcaller Siren
- 1x Drogskol Cavalry
- 1x Drover of the Mighty
- 1x Drowner Initiate
- 3x Drownyard Explorers
- 1x Duergar Assailant
- 1x Dusk Urchins
- 1x Duskborne Skymarcher
- 3x Ember-Eye Wolf
- 1x Ember Weaver
- 2x Emberstrike Duo
- 1x Emblazoned Golem
- 2x Emissary of Sunrise
- 4x Emissary of the Sleepless
- 1x Emperor's Vanguard
- 4x Encampment Keeper
- 1x Enclave Elite
- 1x Enslaved Dwarf
- 3x Erdwal Illuminator
- 1x Etherium Abomination
- 3x Faceless Butcher
- 1x Faerie Macabre
- 1x Faerie Mechanist
- 1x Falkenrath Gorger
- 1x Farbog Revenant
- 1x Farhaven Elf
- 2x Fathom Fleet Captain
- 6x Fathom Fleet Cutthroat
- 6x Fathom Fleet Firebrand
- 2x Fencer Clique
- 7x Fire Shrine Keeper
- 1x Firescreamer
- 2x Flameblade Angel
- 1x Fledgling Griffin
- 3x Fledgling Osprey
- 1x Fleet Swallower
- 1x Fleetfoot Panther
- 1x Fog Elemental
- 6x Frenzied Raptor
- 3x Frogtosser Banneret
- 2x Fulminator Mage
- 2x Furtive Homunculus
- 1x Gatstaf Arsonists Flip
- 1x Geier Reach Bandit Flip
- 2x Ghostly Changeling
- 1x Ghoulsteed
- 5x Gilded Sentinel
- 1x Gilder Bairn
- 2x Glittering Lion
- 2x Gloomwidow
- 3x Glorifier of Dusk
- 1x Goring Ceratops
- 2x Graf Mole
- 1x Grappler Spider
- 1x Gravegouger
- 1x Gravelgill Duo
- 1x Graypelt Hunter
- 7x Grazing Whiptail
- 1x Grief Tyrant
- 2x Grixis Grimblade
- 1x Grizzled Leotau
- 1x Grotesque Hybrid
- 2x Groundskeeper
- 2x Halam Djinn
- 1x Halimar Excavator
- 2x Harvest Hand Flip
- 1x Hate Weaver
- 4x Headstrong Brute
- 7x Headwater Sentries
- 1x Heartlash Cinder
- 1x Hedron Rover
- 1x Helionaut
- 1x Herald of Secret Streams
- 2x Hooded Kavu
- 1x Horned Kavu
- 3x Horned Troll
- 1x Horseshoe Crab
- 1x Hostage Taker
- 1x Hound of the Farbogs
- 4x Howling Wolf
- 3x Howlpack Wolf
- 1x Hulking Devil
- 2x Hungry Spriggan
- 1x Hunted Wumpus
- 2x Igneous Pouncer
- 2x Imperial Aerosaur
- 2x Imperial Lancer
- 2x Incorrigible Youths
- 3x Indulgent Aristocrat
- 1x Inescapable Brute
- 1x Inexorable Blob
- 2x Inkfathom Divers
- 2x Inkfathom Witch
- 1x Inquisitor's Ox
- 4x Insolent Neonate
- 5x Inspiring Captain
- 3x Inspiring Cleric
- 1x Intimidator Initiate
- 1x Intrepid Provisioner
- 1x Ivy Elemental
- 4x Ixalli's Diviner
- 5x Ixalli's Keeper
- 7x Jade Guardian
- 1x Jawbone Skulkin
- 1x Juggernaut
- 2x Jund Sojourners
- 6x Jungle Delver
- 1x Kathari Remnant
- 2x Kavu Aggressor
- 2x Kavu Chameleon
- 3x Kavu Climber
- 1x Kessig Dire Swine
- 5x Kinjalli's Caller
- 1x Kinjalli's Sunwing
- 2x Kinsbaile Skirmisher
- 3x Kinscaer Harpoonist
- 2x Kitchen Finks
- 1x Kitesail Freebooter
- 1x Kithkin Rabble
- 2x Kithkin Shielddare
- 1x Kithkin Zealot
- 3x Kithkin Zephyrnaut
- 1x Knight of New Alara
- 1x Knight of the Reliquary
- 1x Kopala, Warden of Waves
- 2x Kris Mage
- 2x Krosan Archer
- 2x Krosan Avenger
- 2x Krosan Constrictor
- 3x Kumena's Speaker
- 2x Latchkey Faerie
- 1x Leech Bonder
- 7x Legion Conquistador
- 2x Leonin Armorguard
- 1x Lightkeeper of Emeria
- 3x Lightning-Rig Crew
- 1x Living Wall
- 2x Llanowar Cavalry
- 1x Llanowar Elite
- 2x Llanowar Knight
- 2x Loam Dryad
- 2x Lockjaw Snapper
- 6x Looming Altisaur
- 3x Lurking Chupacabra
- 1x Mad Prophet
- 1x Mageta the Lion
- 1x Manaforge Cinder
- 1x Manic Scribe
- 1x Marauding Looter
- 2x Markov Dreadknight
- 1x Marsh Flitter
- 1x Marsh Threader
- 1x Mavren Fein, Dusk Apostle
- 2x Merfolk Branchwalker
- 1x Merrow Bonegnawer
- 3x Mesmeric Fiend
- 2x Metamorphic Wurm
- 3x Metathran Elite
- 2x Mine Bearer
- 1x Mirrorwood Treefolk
- 4x Moldgraf Scavenger
- 1x Monk Realist
- 1x Monstrous Carabid
- 1x Mordant Dragon
- 3x Morkrut Necropod
- 1x Mosquito Guard
- 3x Mothdust Changeling
- 1x Mother of Runes
- 2x Mudbrawler Cohort
- 3x Mudbrawler Raiders
- 2x Murderous Redcap
- 1x Nantuko Blightcutter
- 1x Nantuko Cultivator
- 2x Nearheath Chaplain
- 1x Nephalia Moondrakes
- 6x Nest Robber
- 4x Nesting Wurm
- 1x Nettle Sentinel
- 2x Niblis of Dusk
- 1x Nightshade Stinger
- 1x Nightsky Mimic
- 2x Nimble Mongoose
- 1x Noble Panther
- 3x Nomadic Elf
- 1x Nulltread Gargantuan
- 1x Nurturer Initiate
- 3x Obsessive Skinner
- 1x Obsidian Acolyte
- 1x Odious Trow
- 2x Old-Growth Dryads
- 1x Olivia's Bloodsworn
- 1x Onulet
- 2x Oona's Blackguard
- 4x Organ Grinder
- 1x Overtaker
- 1x Pack Guardian
- 1x Painbringer
- 6x Paladin of the Bloodstained
- 1x Pale Rider of Trostad
- 1x Paperfin Rascal
- 1x Paranoid Parish-Blade
- 2x Parapet Watchers
- 1x Parasitic Strix
- 2x Pardic Collaborator
- 3x Penumbra Bobcat
- 2x Penumbra Kavu
- 1x Penumbra Wurm
- 2x Pestermite
- 1x Petradon
- 3x Petravark
- 1x Phyrexian Delver
- 1x Phyrexian Reaper
- 1x Phyrexian Slayer
- 1x Pincer Spider
- 2x Pious Evangel Flip
- 2x Plague Witch
- 1x Preeminent Captain
- 2x Prickly Boggart
- 1x Primal Clay
- 1x Prismwake Merrow
- 7x Prosperous Pirates
- 2x Psychatog
- 7x Pterodon Knight
- 3x Putrid Imp
- 1x Pyre Charger
- 2x Pyre Hound
- 5x Queen's Agent
- 4x Queen's Bay Soldier
- 4x Quilled Wolf
- 3x Quirion Elves
- 2x Quirion Explorer
- 3x Quirion Trailblazer
- 1x Radiant Kavu
- 2x Raging Swordtooth
- 1x Ramosian Captain
- 2x Rampaging Ferocidon
- 3x Rampant Elephant
- 2x Rancid Rats
- 2x Ranging Raptors
- 5x Raptor Companion
- 1x Raptor Hatchling
- 1x Rattlechains
- 2x Ravenous Bloodseeker
- 4x Ravenous Daggertooth
- 4x Ravenous Rats
- 1x Raven's Run Dragoon
- 1x Rayne, Academy Chancellor
- 1x Razorfin Abolisher
- 2x Razorfoot Griffin
- 1x Reckless Scholar
- 1x Regisaur Alpha
- 1x Resplendent Mentor
- 1x Reveillark
- 1x Reveille Squad
- 1x Rhys the Redeemed
- 3x Ribbon Snake
- 1x Rigging Runner
- 2x Ripjaw Raptor
- 1x River Kelpie
- 4x River Sneak
- 1x Riverfall Mimic
- 1x Rooting Kavu
- 2x Roterothopter
- 2x Rottenheart Ghoul
- 1x Rotting Rats
- 1x Roughshod Mentor
- 1x Ruin Raider
- 5x Rummaging Goblin
- 2x Runaway Carriage
- 1x Rustrazor Butcher
- 1x Ruthless Cullblade
- 2x Saber Ants
- 1x Sabertooth Nishoba
- 2x Safehold Elite
- 1x Safehold Sentry
- 1x Sage of Ancient Lore Flip
- 6x Sailor of Means
- 1x Sanctum Seeker
- 2x Sanguinary Mage
- 2x Saprazzan Legate
- 1x Scrapbasket
- 1x Scrivener
- 1x Scuzzback Marauders
- 3x Seagraf Skaab
- 1x Seekers' Squire
- 4x Sentinel
- 2x Sentinels of Glen Elendra
- 1x Serpentine Kavu
- 6x Shaper Apprentice
- 4x Shapers of Nature
- 1x Shapeshifter
- 2x Shapeshifter
- 1x Shell Skulkin
- 3x Shield Dancer
- 4x Shining Aerosaur
- 5x Shipwreck Looter
- 2x Shivan Zombie
- 2x Shock Troops
- 6x Shore Keeper
- 1x Shrewd Hatchling
- 2x Sickle Ripper
- 1x Sigiled Behemoth
- 2x Silburlind Snapper
- 1x Silent Observer
- 1x Silkbind Faerie
- 2x Sin Prodder
- 4x Siren Lookout
- 2x Siren Stormtamer
- 7x Skittering Heartstopper
- 3x Sky Terror
- 6x Skyblade of the Legion
- 6x Skymarch Bloodletter
- 4x Skyshroud Sentinel
- 1x Skywing Aven
- 1x Slavering Nulls
- 1x Slingshot Goblin
- 1x Slithery Stalker
- 1x Sludge Strider
- 3x Smolder Initiate
- 1x Snapping Sailback
- 1x Solitary Hunter Flip
- 3x Sootwalkers
- 3x Soul Scourge
- 1x Soul Swallower
- 2x Spectral Shepherd
- 5x Spike-Tailed Ceratops
- 3x Spiketail Hatchling
- 2x Springing Tiger
- 3x Squallmonger
- 2x Stalker Hag
- 5x Stallion of Ashmouth
- 2x Stampede Driver
- 2x Steadfast Armasaur
- 1x Steel Leaf Paladin
- 2x Stern Constable
- 3x Stinging Barrier
- 1x Stinkdrinker Bandit
- 3x Stitched Mangler
- 3x Stone Kavu
- 1x Stone-Tongue Basilisk
- 2x Storm Fleet Aerialist
- 5x Storm Fleet Arsonist
- 4x Storm Fleet Pyromancer
- 2x Storm Fleet Spy
- 5x Storm Sculptor
- 2x Stormrider Spirit
- 1x Stratadon
- 2x Stromkirk Mentor
- 1x Stronghold Machinist
- 4x Sun-Crowned Hunters
- 7x Sunrise Seeker
- 2x Sunscape Battlemage
- 1x Sword Dancer
- 1x Sygg, River Cutthroat
- 1x Tattermunge Maniac
- 3x Tempest Caller
- 4x Territorial Hammerskull
- 1x Thicket Elemental
- 2x Thieving Magpie
- 4x Thornhide Wolves
- 4x Thornscape Apprentice
- 2x Thornscape Battlemage
- 1x Thornscape Familiar
- 1x Thornwatch Scarecrow
- 2x Thornwind Faeries
- 1x Thraben Gargoyle Flip
- 2x Thraben Inspector
- 1x Thran Golem
- 5x Thrash of Raptors
- 3x Thundering Spineback
- 2x Thunderscape Apprentice
- 2x Thunderscape Battlemage
- 1x Tideforce Elemental
- 1x Tilling Treefolk
- 5x Tilonalli's Knight
- 1x Tireless Tracker
- 7x Tishana's Wayfinder
- 2x Tocatli Honor Guard
- 2x Tooth Collector
- 1x Topplegeist
- 2x Tormented Angel
- 2x Trap Runner
- 1x Treefolk Healer
- 1x Trench Wurm
- 2x Tukatongue Thallid
- 1x Turtleshell Changeling
- 1x Twigwalker
- 4x Twins of Maurer Estate
- 1x Ulrich's Kindred
- 1x Unruly Mob
- 2x Urborg Elf
- 1x Urza's Avenger
- 1x Valeron Outlander
- 2x Vampire Noble
- 1x Vectis Agents
- 1x Veteran of the Depths
- 1x Viashino Grappler
- 2x Vicious Conquistador
- 2x Vicious Kavu
- 1x Vigilant Drake
- 3x Vine Trellis
- 4x Vineshaper Mystic
- 1x Vithian Renegades
- 3x Voldaren Duelist
- 2x Voracious Cobra
- 1x Wall of Denial
- 1x Wall of Glare
- 1x Wanderbrine Rootcutters
- 1x Wandering Goblins
- 4x Wanted Scoundrels
- 1x Wasp Lancer
- 1x Watcher in the Web
- 1x Watchwing Scarecrow
- 2x Waterfront Bouncer
- 5x Watertrap Weaver
- 2x Wayfaring Giant
- 2x Werebear
- 4x Wicker Witch
- 1x Wild-Field Scarecrow
- 5x Wild Mongrel
- 2x Wildgrowth Walker
- 1x Wilt-Leaf Liege
- 2x Wily Goblin
- 5x Wind Strider
- 1x Windbrisk Raptor
- 2x Woeleecher
- 2x Yavimaya Barbarian
- 2x Zanam Djinn
- 1x Zealous Guardian
- 1x Zombie Assassin
- 1x Zombie Outlander
Instant (347)
- 2x Afflict
- 2x Afterlife
- 1x Agonizing Demise
- 2x Aim High
- 1x Annihilate
- 1x Aphotic Wisps
- 1x Banishing Knack
- 2x Barkshell Blessing
- 4x Blinding Fog
- 2x Bright Reprisal
- 1x Bull Rush
- 6x Cancel
- 1x Captain's Maneuver
- 1x Catalog
- 2x Cerulean Wisps
- 1x Clip Wings
- 1x Colossal Might
- 1x Confound
- 3x Confront the Unknown
- 1x Consign to Dream
- 5x Costly Plunder
- 2x Counterspell
- 4x Crash the Ramparts
- 8x Crushing Canopy
- 2x Dance with Devils
- 1x Daring Leap
- 3x Dark Nourishment
- 1x Dark Temper
- 1x Daze
- 2x Deluge
- 7x Demystify
- 1x Deny Existence
- 5x Depths of Desire
- 2x Dinosaur Stampede
- 3x Disenchant
- 1x Disenchant
- 1x Disperse
- 2x Dissension in the Ranks
- 5x Dive Down
- 1x Double Cleave
- 7x Dual Shot
- 1x Dual Shot
- 2x Ego Erasure
- 1x Eladamri's Call
- 2x Essence Flux
- 2x Evasive Action
- 2x Exclude
- 2x Explosive Growth
- 1x False Memories
- 2x Familiar's Ruse
- 2x Fiery Cannonade
- 1x Fiery Fall
- 4x Fiery Temper
- 2x Flame Burst
- 1x Flame Javelin
- 1x Flaming Gambit
- 1x Foil
- 1x Geistblast
- 2x Gerrard's Command
- 2x Grotesque Mutation
- 7x Harrow
- 1x Humble
- 2x Inner Struggle
- 2x Invigorate
- 3x Jace's Scrutiny
- 2x Just the Wind
- 2x Last Breath
- 2x Lightning Axe
- 2x Lightning Strike
- 2x Lookout's Dispersal
- 1x Lunge
- 1x Magma Burst
- 1x Manamorphose
- 2x Merciless Resolve
- 1x Mercy Killing
- 2x Might Beyond Reason
- 2x Miscalculation
- 1x Moonlight Hunt
- 4x Muscle Burst
- 1x Nameless Inversion
- 1x Natural Affinity
- 1x Nemesis Trap
- 1x Niveous Wisps
- 2x Obsessive Search
- 2x Offering to Asha
- 1x Oona's Grace
- 1x Opportunity
- 5x Opt
- 1x Order / Chaos
- 1x Order / Chaos
- 2x Peek
- 2x Peppersmoke
- 1x Perilous Voyage
- 1x Pollen Remedy
- 5x Pounce
- 2x Predict
- 1x Puncture Bolt
- 3x Puncturing Light
- 1x Quash
- 1x Radiant's Judgment
- 3x Rallying Roar
- 1x Redeem the Lost
- 2x Repel
- 1x Rethink
- 1x Rhystic Shield
- 1x Rith's Charm
- 5x Ritual of Rejuvenation
- 6x River Heralds' Boon
- 8x Run Aground
- 5x Rush of Adrenaline
- 3x Sanguine Sacrament
- 1x Scar
- 2x Scorching Lava
- 1x Searing Blaze
- 1x Settle the Wreckage
- 2x Sheltering Light
- 2x Silverstrike
- 1x Singe
- 3x Siren's Ruse
- 7x Skulduggery
- 7x Slash of Talons
- 3x Slice in Twain
- 1x Snakeform
- 1x Soul Manipulation
- 5x Spell Pierce
- 1x Spite / Malice
- 1x Spite / Malice
- 2x Strength of Arms
- 3x Strip Bare
- 5x Sure Strike
- 2x Survive the Night
- 2x Swell of Courage
- 3x Sylvan Might
- 2x Temporary Insanity
- 1x Tenacity
- 2x Thieves' Fortune
- 2x Throttle
- 3x Thunderclap
- 1x Thwart
- 1x To the Slaughter
- 1x Turn to Mist
- 1x Uncaged Fury
- 6x Unfriendly Fire
- 1x Unsummon
- 3x Vampire's Zeal
- 5x Vanquish the Weak
- 2x Verdant Rebirth
- 2x Violet Pall
- 1x Vraska's Contempt
- 2x Waste Away
- 4x Wax / Wane
- 4x Wax / Wane
- 1x Whirlpool Whelm
- 2x Zap
Enchantment (179)
- 1x Always Watching
- 1x Archery Training
- 3x Armadillo Cloak
- 1x Armored Ascension
- 1x Asha's Favor
- 2x Autumnal Gloom Flip
- 2x Bound by Moonsilver
- 2x Brilliant Halo
- 1x Brink of Disaster
- 1x Canopy Cover
- 1x Capashen Standard
- 1x Caustic Tar
- 1x Coastal Piracy
- 2x Compulsion
- 1x Confiscate
- 1x Controlled Instincts
- 1x Crawling Sensation
- 1x Creeping Dread
- 1x Crumbling Ashes
- 1x Crusher Zendikon
- 1x Curse of Chains
- 1x Customs Depot
- 2x Dead Weight
- 2x Deeproot Waters
- 1x Elder Mastery
- 3x Equestrian Skill
- 1x Everlasting Torment
- 2x Exotic Curse
- 4x Favorable Winds
- 7x Fertile Ground
- 1x Fires of Yavimaya
- 1x Flourishing Defenses
- 3x Ghostly Wings
- 1x Growing Rites of Itlimoc Flip
- 2x Gryff's Boon
- 1x Guardian Zendikon
- 1x Heightened Awareness
- 1x Hermetic Study
- 1x Idle Thoughts
- 3x Ixalan's Binding
- 2x Legion's Landing Flip
- 3x Makeshift Munitions
- 1x Malevolent Awakening
- 1x Maniacal Rage
- 8x Mark of the Vampire
- 1x Mask of Law and Grace
- 1x Mourning
- 3x Nahiri's Machinations
- 1x Narcissism
- 7x New Horizons
- 1x Noble Purpose
- 2x Oblivion Ring
- 6x One With the Wind
- 2x Ongoing Investigation
- 6x Pious Interdiction
- 2x Presence of Gond
- 1x Primal Frenzy
- 1x Prison Term
- 1x Private Research
- 1x Protective Bubble
- 2x Pyromania
- 3x Raiders' Wake
- 1x Raking Canopy
- 1x Revel in Riches
- 1x Rhystic Circle
- 1x Rhystic Study
- 1x Saproling Burst
- 1x Saproling Cluster
- 2x Scourge of the Nobilis
- 1x Seal of Cleansing
- 2x Seal of Doom
- 1x Senseless Rage
- 1x Seton's Desire
- 2x Shackles
- 1x Shade's Form
- 1x Shapers' Sanctuary
- 2x Shield of the Oversoul
- 1x Sigil of Sleep
- 1x Sinister Concoction
- 1x Skin Invasion Flip
- 3x Sleep Paralysis
- 1x Smoldering Tar
- 1x Spiteful Motives
- 2x Stensia Masquerade
- 1x Story Circle
- 2x Strength of Lunacy
- 6x Swashbuckling
- 1x Tiger Claws
- 1x Torpor Dust
- 1x Torture
- 1x Trove of Temptation
- 2x Ulvenwald Mysteries
- 1x Vance's Blasting Cannons Flip
- 2x Vessel of Ephemera
- 4x Vessel of Nascency
- 1x Vessel of Paramnesia
- 1x War Tax
- 1x Weight of Conscience
- 1x Weirding Wood
- 1x Wheel of Sun and Moon
- 1x Zephid's Embrace
Sorcery (205)
- 2x Absorb Vis
- 2x Acorn Harvest
- 2x Addle
- 1x Advice from the Fae
- 2x Allied Strategies
- 2x Alms of the Vein
- 1x Angelic Purge
- 2x Assault / Battery
- 2x Assault / Battery
- 1x Boneyard Parley
- 1x Breakthrough
- 1x Breath of Darigaaz
- 1x Burn from Within
- 3x Call to the Feast
- 4x Careful Study
- 2x Chainer's Edict
- 1x Chaplain's Blessing
- 2x Chart a Course
- 2x Churning Eddy
- 8x Commune with Dinosaurs
- 4x Contract Killing
- 1x Corrupt
- 1x Dead Reckoning
- 6x Demolish
- 1x Demolish
- 2x Desert Twister
- 2x Devils' Playground
- 4x Duress
- 1x Ember Gale
- 2x Emergent Growth
- 1x Entrancing Melody
- 2x Ethereal Guidance
- 1x Feral Contest
- 2x Firebolt
- 7x Firecannon Blast
- 3x Fork in the Road
- 1x Fossil Find
- 1x From Under the Floorboards
- 1x Gaea's Balance
- 1x Ghitu Fire
- 1x Giantbaiting
- 1x Gisa's Bidding
- 2x Gleeful Sabotage
- 1x Global Ruin
- 3x Gone Missing
- 1x Grim Captain's Call
- 1x Heartless Pillage
- 6x Hijack
- 1x Hoarder's Greed
- 1x Hypnotic Cloud
- 1x Last Stand
- 3x Lay of the Land
- 6x Legion's Judgment
- 1x Life / Death
- 1x Life / Death
- 1x Liliana's Indignation
- 3x Macabre Waltz
- 2x Magmatic Chasm
- 1x Malevolent Whispers
- 4x March of the Drowned
- 2x Memory Sluice
- 1x Monstrify
- 1x Morgue Theft
- 2x Morsel Theft
- 1x Murderous Compulsion
- 2x Not Forgotten
- 1x Notorious Throng
- 1x Ordered Migration
- 1x Overrun
- 1x Pieces of the Puzzle
- 4x Pirate's Prize
- 1x Poison the Well
- 2x Pore Over the Pages
- 1x Press for Answers
- 2x Probe
- 5x Queen's Commission
- 2x Rabid Bite
- 2x Rancid Earth
- 1x Repeating Barrage
- 2x Revive
- 5x Rile
- 2x Rise from the Tides
- 1x Rite of Consumption
- 1x Roar of the Wurm
- 1x Root Out
- 2x Safewright Quest
- 2x Savage Stomp
- 2x Scarscale Ritual
- 1x Shamble Back
- 1x Soul Burn
- 1x Soul Reap
- 1x Splitting Headache
- 7x Spreading Rot
- 1x Topple
- 3x Tormenting Voice
- 1x Tower Above
- 3x Traitor's Roar
- 1x Tranquility
- 4x Tribal Flames
- 1x Volcanic Wind
- 1x Walk the Plank
- 1x Wretched Banquet
Land (469)
- 1x Cephalid Coliseum
- 1x Crystal Vein
- 1x Dragonskull Summit
- 2x Drifting Meadow
- 1x Drowned Catacomb
- 3x Elfhame Palace
- 1x Eye of Ugin
- 1x Fetid Heath
- 3x Field of Ruin
- 3x Forest
- 48x Forest
- 28x Forest
- 23x Forest
- 12x Forest
- 25x Forest
- 1x Forest
- 2x Foul Orchard
- 1x Geothermal Crevice
- 2x Ghost Town
- 1x Glacial Fortress
- 1x Halimar Depths
- 1x Highland Lake
- 1x Irrigation Ditch
- 3x Island
- 6x Island
- 3x Island
- 1x Island
- 5x Island
- 5x Island
- 19x Island
- 4x Island
- 21x Island
- 20x Island
- 11x Island
- 26x Island
- 1x Island
- 13x Island
- 1x Leechridden Swamp
- 1x Mistveil Plains
- 6x Mountain
- 2x Mountain
- 1x Plains
- 6x Plains
- 4x Plains
- 1x Plains
- 3x Plains
- 2x Plains
- 18x Plains
- 13x Plains
- 4x Plains
- 21x Plains
- 1x Plains
- 15x Plains
- 2x Plains
- 7x Plains
- 1x Reliquary Tower
- 2x Remote Isle
- 2x Rith's Grove
- 1x Rupture Spire
- 1x School of the Unseen
- 1x Seafloor Debris
- 1x Shivan Oasis
- 1x Smoldering Spires
- 1x Strip Mine
- 1x Strip Mine
- 1x Subterranean Hangar
- 1x Sunpetal Grove
- 2x Swamp
- 3x Swamp
- 2x Swamp
- 2x Tainted Isle
- 2x Tainted Peak
- 2x Tainted Wood
- 1x Timberland Ruins
- 2x Unclaimed Territory
- 6x Unknown Shores
- 2x Urborg Volcano
- 2x Urza's Mine
- 4x Urza's Mine
- 3x Urza's Power Plant
- 3x Urza's Power Plant
- 2x Urza's Tower
- 4x Urza's Tower
- 1x Vivid Creek
- 1x Vivid Meadow
- 2x Warped Landscape
Artifact (84)
- 2x Blight Sickle
- 6x Cobbled Wings
- 2x Conqueror's Galleon Flip
- 1x Dowsing Dagger Flip
- 2x Dusk Legion Dreadnought
- 3x Elaborate Firecannon
- 2x Elsewhere Flask
- 1x Everflowing Chalice
- 3x Explosive Apparatus
- 2x Fell Flagship
- 1x Flowstone Armor
- 1x Haunted Cloak
- 6x Hierophant's Chalice
- 1x Illuminated Folio
- 2x Joven's Tools
- 1x Kitesail
- 1x Kyren Archive
- 3x Living Armor
- 1x Magnifying Glass
- 1x Mana Cylix
- 1x Mistvein Borderpost
- 2x Murderer's Axe
- 1x Pillar of Origins
- 5x Pirate's Cutlass
- 1x Pit Trap
- 1x Primal Amulet Flip
- 5x Prying Blade
- 1x Puffer Extract
- 2x Sentinel Totem
- 4x Serrated Arrows
- 2x Shadowed Caravel
- 1x Sleek Schooner
- 1x Sorcerous Spyglass
- 1x Soul Net
- 2x Soul Net
- 1x Tawnos's Weaponry
- 1x Triangle of War
- 1x Trip Noose
- 1x Umbral Mantle
- 1x Unbender Tine
- 1x Urza's Chalice
- 1x Veinfire Borderpost
- 2x Veteran's Armaments
- 1x Wanderer's Twig
- 1x War Chariot
- 1x Zuran Orb