Most people call my decks "The island of misfit cards". I enjoy working with cards that aren't popular, or just aren't in the regular build stereotype. I think it makes things interesting. Any opinions on how to make these better are welcome. The only important part? I want to completely throw off anyone I play with the sheer randomness of the cards I play.

"Life seems better, if you live like a Hatter."

I am Red/Black
I am Red/Black
Take The Magic Dual Colour Test - Beta today!

I am both selfish and chaotic. I value self-gratification and control; I want to have things my way, preferably now. At best, I'm entertaining and surprising; at worst, I'm hedonistic and violent.

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MTG Decks

Grand Arbiter Nope

Commander / EDH Hatterj


Naya Attempt

Commander / EDH* Hatterj


Finished Decks 10
Prototype Decks 5
Drafts 0
Avg. deck rating None
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Joined 11 years