MTG List: Cube



Blue: Tempo (Delver, Daze, FoW, Git probe) Red: Combo (Wheel, Grapeshot, Kiln Fiend) White: Tokens (Secure the wastes, Hero of Bladehold, Walkers, Mentor) Green: Midrange (Thragtusk, Prime time, Manadorks, No BIG payoffs) Black: Graveyard/Zombies (Gravecrawler, Geralf's messenger, Lord of the accursed, Liliana's mastery, Liliana, the Last Hope)

U/R: Kiln Fiend (TiTi, Kiln Fiend, Git probe, Manamorphose) U/W: Tempo/Spirits (Spell queller, Geist...) U/G: Infect (U know it) U/B: Faeries (Bitterblossom, Oona, Clique, Spellstutter, Mistbind) R/W: Tokens (Mentor, Impact tremors, Dragon fodder, Assemble the legion, Purphoros) R/G: Midrange (Bloodbraid, Huntmaster, Domri rade, Punishing fire) R/B: Storm (Grapeshot, Wheel, Faithless looting, cabal ritual, Pyretic Ritual, Rakdos's return) W/G: Walkers (Gideon, Nissa, Ajani, Sigarda, Herons grace) W/B: Aristocrats (Wayward servant, Zulaport, Blood Artist, Cartel Aristocrat, Nantuko Husk, Rally) G/B: Discard (Lotleth Troll, Wild Mongrel, Roar of the wurm, Noose constrictor, Mulch) Sweet combos: Food chain Dark debths, hexmage, stage, loam

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