This is a very casual and also fun deck that I built on a ten-dollar budget (Lightning Bolts and Check-lands aside). The central idea is to get out a Wall of Blood as soon as possible and simultaneously have either a Rite of Consumption or Essence Harvest in-hand. Use Wall of Blood's ability however many times you want, then drop one of the two aforementioned spells to deal massive damage to the opponent and regain any life lost via Wall of Blood. Assuming that both players still have full life when this combination is cast, it isn't possible to kill the opponent without killing oneself first, so I also added in Lightning Bolt and Bump in the Night so that the player can sacrifice just 17 life (in most cases) and win. This number decreases even further if more Lightning Bolts/Bumps in the Night are drawn. Other stuff (i.e. Aether Membrane and Cathedral Membrane) are in there to stall for time as the player tries to get out a Wall of Blood. I have also mulled over the idea of making the deck Grixis-colored and throwing in Wall of Frost and Fog Bank, but decided against it in the end. I simply figured that Wall of Frost would not be able to justify the amount of dedication to blue that would be required in order to consistently play it, and having Fog Bank as a sole blue card thereafter as practically pointless. Nonetheless, I haven't tested out the list as of yet, so I may or may revert the deck to Grixis colors depending on how this build goes. Again, this is meant to be casual, just in a Modern-esque format that my friends and I usually play. Any constructive criticism is appreciated.