MTG List: Mtg Database
Creature (1004)
- 1x Abattoir Ghoul
- 2x Abundant Maw
- 1x Abzan Falconer
- 3x Accomplished Automaton
- 2x Advanced Stitchwing
- 1x Aegis Angel
- 7x Aerial Responder
- 1x Aerie Bowmasters
- 3x Aether Theorist
- 2x Aethersquall Ancient
- 1x Affa Protector
- 1x Ainok Guide
- 1x Ainok Tracker
- 2x Air Servant
- 1x Alabaster Kirin
- 4x Ambitious Aetherborn
- 1x Ancient Carp
- 1x Angel of Renewal
Ankle Shanker
- 3x Anointer of Champions
- 4x Arborback Stomper
- 1x Archers of Qarsi
- 1x Archers' Parapet
- 1x Architect of the Untamed
- 1x Armorcraft Judge
- 1x Assembled Alphas
- 1x Atarka Efreet
Atraxa, Praetors' Voice
- 1x Aven Skirmisher
- 6x Aviary Mechanic
- 1x Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim
- 2x Backwoods Survivalists
- 1x Bala Ged Scorpion
- 1x Baleful Eidolon
- 1x Bane of the Living
- 4x Bastion Mastodon
- 1x Benthic Giant
- 2x Blistergrub
- 1x Bloodbond Vampire
- 4x Bloodbriar
- 1x Bloodfire Mentor
- 1x Bloodhall Priest
- 4x Bloodmad Vampire
- 10x Bold Impaler
- 1x Bomat Courier
- 2x Borderland Marauder
- 2x Borderland Marauder
- 3x Brazen Scourge
- 5x Brazen Wolves
- 1x Briarbridge Patrol
- 2x Briarhorn
- 1x Bristling Hydra
- 1x Bronze Sable
- 1x Bruna, the Fading Light Flip Meld
- 2x Butcher Ghoul
- 1x Bygone Bishop
- 1x Cadaver Imp
- 1x Canopy Gorger
- 2x Carrier Thrall
- 1x Carrion Crow
- 3x Cathar's Companion
- 1x Champion of Lambholt
- 1x Child of Night
- 1x Cinder Hellion
- 2x Citadel Castellan
- 2x Citanul Woodreaders
- 2x Civic Wayfinder
- 3x Cleric of the Forward Order
- 4x Cliffside Lookout
- 1x Cloudblazer
- 1x Cloudthresher
- 5x Consulate Skygate
- 1x Consul's Shieldguard
- 1x Corpse Hauler
- 1x Corpsejack Menace
- 1x Courageous Outrider
- 1x Courier Griffin
- 6x Cowl Prowler
- 2x Crossroads Consecrator
- 2x Crow of Dark Tidings
- 2x Cryptbreaker
- 1x Crystalline Crawler
- 1x Crystalline Nautilus
- 4x Curio Vendor
Curio Vendor
- 5x Curious Homunculus Flip
- 1x Custodi Soulbinders
- 1x Cyclops of Eternal Fury
- 1x Dauntless Cathar
- 1x Dawn Gryff
- 1x Dead Reveler
- 1x Deathcap Cultivator
- 1x Decimator of the Provinces
- 1x Deepglow Skate
- 1x Demon of Dark Schemes
- 1x Depala, Pilot Exemplar
- 1x Deranged Whelp
- 1x Desecration Demon
- 1x Desolation Twin
- 1x Despoiler of Souls
- 1x Devilthorn Fox
- 3x Dhund Operative
- 2x Diregraf Captain
- 1x Diregraf Ghoul
- 1x Doomed Traveler
- 1x Drana's Chosen
- 1x Drana's Emissary
- 1x Dread Defiler
- 1x Dreadbringer Lampads
- 1x Driver of the Dead
- 2x Drogskol Shieldmate
- 1x Dromoka Warrior
- 2x Drownyard Behemoth
- 1x Drownyard Explorers
- 2x Dukhara Peafowl
- 3x Dukhara Scavenger
- 4x Dusk Feaster
- 1x Duskwatch Recruiter Flip
- 1x Dutiful Attendant
- 2x Eager Construct
- 4x Eddytrail Hawk
- 1x Elder Deep-Fiend
- 1x Eldrazi Aggressor
- 1x Eldrazi Skyspawner
- 1x Electrostatic Pummeler
- 2x Elegant Edgecrafters
- 1x Elite Scaleguard
- 2x Elusive Tormentor Flip
- 2x Elvish Visionary
- 1x Elvish Visionary
- 1x Ember-Eye Wolf
- 1x Embraal Bruiser
- 2x Empyreal Voyager
- 1x Enduring Scalelord
- 1x Enlightened Maniac
- 2x Eternal Scourge
- 4x Expedition Envoy
- 2x Experimental Aviator
- 8x Exultant Cultist
- 2x Eyeless Watcher
- 2x Fairgrounds Warden
- 3x Faithbearer Paladin
- 1x Falkenrath Gorger
- 1x Falkenrath Noble
- 5x Falkenrath Reaver
- 1x Fathom Mage
- 1x Felidar Cub
- 1x Feral Krushok
- 1x Fertilid
- 1x Festercreep
- 2x Fetid Imp
- 1x Fetid Imp
- 2x Field Creeper
Field Creeper
- 4x Fiend Binder
- 3x Filigree Familiar
- 1x Firehoof Cavalry
- 2x Firemantle Mage
- 1x Flameblade Angel
- 2x Fogwalker
- 1x Forgotten Ancient
- 1x Forsaken Drifters
- 1x Foul Emissary
- 1x Foul Imp
- 2x Foundry Screecher
- 4x Furyblade Vampire
Furyblade Vampire
- 1x Garrulous Sycophant
- 6x Gavony Unhallowed
- 6x Gearseeker Serpent
- 2x Gearshift Ace
- 2x Geist-Fueled Scarecrow
- 1x Geist of the Archives
- 1x Geist of the Lonely Vigil
- 1x Ghave, Guru of Spores
- 2x Ghirapur Guide
- 1x Ghoulcaller's Accomplice
- 2x Ghoulraiser
- 1x Ghoulsteed
- 1x Giant Scorpion
- 1x Gibbering Fiend
- 2x Gilt-Leaf Seer
- 1x Glint-Nest Crane
- 2x Glint-Sleeve Artisan
- 2x Gnarlwood Dryad
- 1x Goblin Balloon Brigade
- 2x Goblin Roughrider
- 1x Gonti, Lord of Luxury
- 2x Graf Rats Flip Meld
- 1x Graveblade Marauder
- 1x Gravecrawler
- 1x Gravity Negator
- 1x Great-Horn Krushok
- 3x Grizzled Angler Flip
- 1x Guardian Automaton
- 5x Guardian of Pilgrims
- 1x Guardian of the Gateless
- 3x Guardian of the Great Conduit
- 1x Guardians of Meletis
- 1x Gurmag Angler
- 1x Gurmag Drowner
- 1x Gurmag Swiftwing
- 2x Gutter Skulk
- 1x Hagra Sharpshooter
- 1x Hamlet Captain
- 1x Hand of Silumgar
- 1x Hanweir Garrison Meld
- 1x Hanweir Militia Captain Flip
- 1x Harvest Hand Flip
- 1x Harvester of Souls
- 1x Harvester Troll
- 2x Haunted Dead
- 1x Havengul Runebinder
- 1x Heavy Infantry
- 1x Heir of the Wilds
- 1x Herald of the Fair
- 1x Hero of Goma Fada
Hero of Goma Fada
- 1x Highspire Artisan
- 3x Hightide Hermit
- 1x Hinterland Logger Flip
Hixus, Prison Warden
- 1x Hooded Assassin
- 1x Hound of the Farbogs
- 2x Hulking Devil
- 1x Hundred-Handed One
Ikra Shidiqi, the Usurper
- 1x Immobilizer Eldrazi
- 4x Incorrigible Youths
- 3x Indulgent Aristocrat
- 1x Indulgent Tormentor
- 7x Ingenious Skaab
- 2x Inquisitor's Ox
- 4x Insatiable Gorgers
- 1x Insolent Neonate
- 2x Inspiring Captain
- 2x Inventor's Apprentice
- 4x Ironclad Slayer
Ishai, Ojutai Dragonspeaker
- 4x It of the Horrid Swarm
- 2x Jaddi Lifestrider
- 4x Janjeet Sentry
- 1x Jeskai Barricade
- 1x Joraga Auxiliary
- 1x Juniper Order Ranger
- 2x Kalastria Healer
- 1x Kalonian Hydra
- 1x Kessig Dire Swine
- 3x Knight of the Pilgrim's Road
- 1x Kolaghan Aspirant
- 2x Kor Bladewhirl
- 5x Kor Castigator
- 4x Kor Entanglers
- 1x Krumar Bond-Kin
- 1x Kruphix, God of Horizons
- 7x Kujar Seedsculptor
- 3x Laboratory Brute
- 2x Lamplighter of Selhoff
- 1x Lashweed Lurker
- 3x Lawless Broker
- 1x Leaf Gilder
Leaf Gilder
- 1x Lightning Shrieker
- 5x Liliana's Elite
- 2x Loam Dryad
- 6x Long-Finned Skywhale
- 3x Longtusk Cub
- 1x Lotus Path Djinn
- 1x Lupine Prototype
- 2x Mad Prophet
- 1x Makeshift Mauler
- 1x Makindi Aeronaut
- 2x Makindi Patrol
- 1x Makindi Sliderunner
- 1x Malakir Soothsayer
- 1x Marang River Prowler
- 1x Mardu Hateblade
- 2x Mardu Hordechief
- 1x Mardu Roughrider
- 2x Mardu Skullhunter
- 2x Mardu Warshrieker
- 1x Maritime Guard
- 1x Markov Crusader
Markov Dreadknight
- 1x Master Biomancer
- 1x Master Trinketeer
- 1x Maulfist Doorbuster
- 5x Maulfist Squad
- 2x Mercurial Geists
- 5x Midnight Scavengers Meld
- 1x Mind Raker
Mindwrack Demon
- 2x Minister of Inquiries
- 1x Minister of Pain
- 1x Minotaur Abomination
- 1x Mirrorwing Dragon
- 1x Misthoof Kirin
- 2x Mockery of Nature
- 1x Moldgraf Scavenger
- 1x Monastery Flock
- 1x Moorland Drifter
- 1x Mournwillow
- 2x Multiform Wonder
Munda's Vanguard
- 2x Narnam Cobra
- 1x Nebelgast Herald
- 1x Necrogen Scudder
- 1x Necroplasm
- 1x Nemesis of Mortals
- 1x Nessian Game Warden
- 1x Netcaster Spider
- 2x Niblis of Frost
- 3x Night Market Lookout
- 1x Nightmare
- 1x Nightveil Specter
- 1x Nimble Innovator
- 2x Ninth Bridge Patrol
- 1x Nirkana Assassin
- 1x Nissa's Chosen
- 1x Noose Constrictor
- 1x Noosegraf Mob
Noosegraf Mob
- 1x Noxious Gearhulk
- 1x Nyx-Fleece Ram
- 1x Oakgnarl Warrior
- 1x Oakheart Dryads
- 1x Obsessive Skinner
- 1x Olivia, Mobilized for War
- 3x Olivia's Bloodsworn
- 6x Olivia's Dragoon
- 1x Omenspeaker
- 1x Ondu Champion
- 1x Ondu Greathorn
- 2x Ondu War Cleric
- 1x Oran-Rief Hydra
- 1x Oran-Rief Invoker
- 1x Orzhov Advokist
- 1x Outland Colossus
- 1x Pack Guardian
- 1x Palace Familiar
- 1x Pale Rider of Trostad
- 1x Patron of the Valiant
- 4x Peema Outrider
- 1x Pensive Minotaur
- 1x Permeating Mass
- 1x Pestilence Demon
- 1x Pharika's Mender
- 4x Prakhata Club Security
- 2x Prakhata Pillar-Bug
- 1x Prickleboar
- 1x Priest of the Blood Rite
- 1x Primal Druid
- 1x Profaner of the Dead
- 4x Propeller Pioneer
- 3x Pyre Hound
- 1x Quicksmith Genius
- 2x Quilled Wolf
- 1x Rageblood Shaman
- 1x Rakshasa Gravecaller
- 1x Rattlechains
- 2x Ravenous Bloodseeker
- 1x Ravenous Leucrocota
- 4x Reckless Cohort
- 3x Reckless Fireweaver
- 1x Reckless Imp
- 2x Reckless Scholar
- 1x Relentless Skaabs
- 1x Renegade Demon
- 2x Renegade Firebrand
- 1x Restoration Gearsmith
- 1x Returned Centaur
- 1x Reveillark
Reyhan, Last of the Abzan
- 2x Riparian Tiger
- 1x Risen Executioner
- 1x Rot Shambler
- 1x Rotting Mastodon
- 1x Ruin Processor
- 3x Ruinous Gremlin
- 1x Saddleback Lagac
- 1x Saddleback Lagac
- 3x Sage of Shaila's Claim
- 1x Sagu Archer
- 5x Salivating Gremlins
- 1x Salt Road Patrol
- 1x Sandsteppe Outcast
- 1x Sandstorm Charger
- 6x Sanguinary Mage
- 2x Sanitarium Skeleton
- 1x Satyr Hoplite
- 1x Scaleguard Sentinels
- 1x Scavenging Ooze
- 1x Scion Summoner
- 1x Scrapskin Drake
- 1x Screamreach Brawler
- 2x Screeching Skaab
- 2x Scythe Leopard
- 4x Seagraf Skaab
- 1x Segmented Krotiq
- 6x Self-Assembler
- 1x Sengir Vampire
- 1x Sengir Vampire
- 2x Sengir Vampire
- 2x Sentinel of the Eternal Watch
- 2x Serene Steward
- 2x Serra Angel
- 3x Servant of the Conduit
- 1x Setessan Battle Priest
- 1x Shadowcloak Vampire
- 2x Shambling Goblin
- 2x Shatterskull Recruit
- 1x Shipwreck Singer
- 1x Shivan Dragon
- 1x Shrill Howler Flip
- 1x Sibsig Icebreakers
- 1x Sidisi's Faithful
- 1x Siege Rhino
- 4x Sigardian Priest
- 1x Silburlind Snapper
- 1x Silent Observer
- 1x Silent Skimmer
- 2x Silumgar Butcher
- 1x Silumgar Sorcerer
- 4x Skirsdag Supplicant
- 3x Skyswirl Harrier
- 2x Slaughter Drone
- 1x Smoldering Efreet
- 3x Snare Thopter
- 1x Snowhorn Rider
- 2x Solitary Hunter Flip
- 3x Somberwald Stag
- 1x Soul of the Harvest
- 3x Speedway Fanatic
- 1x Sphinx of Magosi
- 1x Sphinx of Magosi
- 1x Spire Phantasm
- 6x Spireside Infiltrator
- 1x Spiteful Returned
- 4x Spontaneous Artist
- 1x Squelching Leeches
- 1x Stallion of Ashmouth
- 2x Stalwart Aven
- 1x Stampeding Elk Herd
- 6x Steadfast Cathar
- 3x Stensia Innkeeper
- 1x Stern Constable
- 2x Stitched Drake
- 4x Stitched Mangler
- 1x Stitchwing Skaab
- 2x Stoic Builder
- 1x Stormrider Spirit
- 5x Stromkirk Mentor
- 1x Stromkirk Occultist
Stromkirk Occultist
- 1x Subjugator Angel
- 1x Sultai Scavenger
- 1x Sultai Skullkeeper
- 5x Swift Spinner
- 1x Tajuru Beastmaster
- 1x Tajuru Stalwart
- 1x Tangleclaw Werewolf Flip
- 2x Tasseled Dromedary
- 5x Tattered Haunter
- 1x Temur Sabertooth
- 1x Temur War Shaman
- 4x Terrain Elemental
- 1x Territorial Gorger
- 3x Terror of the Fairgrounds
- 1x Thalia, Heretic Cathar
- 1x Thermo-Alchemist
- 1x Thicket Elemental
- 1x Thief of Blood
- 1x Thornhide Wolves
- 2x Thornweald Archer
- 3x Thraben Foulbloods
- 7x Thraben Standard Bearer
- 2x Thriving Grubs
- 2x Thriving Ibex
- 2x Thriving Rats
- 2x Thriving Rhino
- 4x Thriving Turtle
Thriving Turtle
- 1x Thrummingbird
- 1x Timely Hordemate
- 1x Toolcraft Exemplar
- 1x Tooth Collector
- 2x Topan Freeblade
- 2x Torrential Gearhulk
- 2x Trusty Companion
- 1x Tuskguard Captain
- 3x Twins of Maurer Estate
- 1x Ukud Cobra
- 1x Ulamog's Reclaimer
- 2x Ulvenwald Captive Flip
- 4x Ulvenwald Observer
- 1x Unbreathing Horde
- 2x Undead Minotaur
- 2x Valeron Wardens
- 1x Valley Dasher
- 1x Vampire Cutthroat
- 3x Vampire Envoy
- 4x Vampire Noble
- 1x Vampire Warlord
- 1x Vastwood Gorger
- 5x Vedalken Blademaster
- 1x Vestige of Emrakul
- 3x Veteran Motorist
- 1x Vexing Scuttler
- 2x Vildin-Pack Outcast Flip
- 1x Village Messenger Flip
- 1x Visionary Augmenter
- 4x Voldaren Duelist
- 1x Voldaren Pariah Flip
Voldaren Pariah
- 1x Voltaic Brawler
- 1x Voracious Null
- 1x Vorel of the Hull Clade
- 1x Vulturous Zombie
- 8x Wailing Ghoul
- 1x Walker of the Grove
- 2x Walking Corpse
- 1x Wandering Tombshell
- 2x War-Name Aspirant
- 1x Warbringer
- 3x Watcher in the Web
- 6x Wayward Giant
- 2x Weaponcraft Enthusiast
- 1x Weaver of Lightning
- 3x Weirded Vampire
- 5x Weldfast Monitor
- 2x Weldfast Wingsmith
- 6x Wild Wanderer
Wild Wanderer
- 6x Wily Bandar
- 4x Wind Drake
- 1x Windrider Patrol
- 1x Wings of the Guard
- 1x Wolf of Devil's Breach
- 1x Wood Elves
- 2x Woodborn Behemoth
- 1x Woodland Patrol
- 1x Workshop Assistant
- 6x Wretched Gryff
- 1x Yoked Ox
- 1x Zephyr Scribe
- 2x Zulaport Chainmage
Instant (296)
- 2x Abandon Reason
- 1x Abzan Advantage
- 2x Acrobatic Maneuver
- 1x Aerial Formation
- 3x AEther Tradewinds
- 1x Aim High
- 1x Altar's Reap
- 1x Ancient Excavation
- 1x Annul
- 1x Anticipate
- 5x Appetite for the Unnatural
- 1x Blessed Reincarnation
- 3x Blossoming Defense
- 2x Borrowed Hostility
- 3x Borrowed Malevolence
- 1x Bring Low
- 7x Built to Last
- 5x Built to Smash
- 1x Ceremonious Rejection
- 2x Chandra's Pyrohelix
- 1x Chilling Grasp
- 1x Clear Shot
Clear Shot
- 1x Clip Wings
- 1x Coat with Venom
- 3x Commencement of Festivities
- 1x Compelling Deterrence
- 4x Compelling Deterrence
- 1x Complete Disregard
- 1x Confront the Unknown
- 1x Coordinated Assault
- 1x Countermand
- 1x Crackling Doom
- 1x Crippling Chill
- 1x Crop Rotation
- 1x Cruel Revival
- 1x Cunning Strike
- 1x Dance with Devils
- 1x Dazzling Reflection
- 1x Death Wind
- 1x Disappearing Act
- 1x Disdainful Stroke
- 1x Disfigure
- 2x Dispel
- 2x Disperse
- 5x Displace
- 2x Doom Blade
- 1x Dramatic Reversal
- 2x Dual Shot
- 1x Empty the Pits
- 1x Encircling Fissure
- 2x Enshrouding Mist
- 1x Essence Extraction
- 1x Essence Flux
- 1x Ethereal Ambush
- 2x Expose Evil
- 4x Failed Inspection
Failed Inspection
- 1x Fateful Showdown
- 1x Feast of Dreams
- 3x Fiery Temper
- 4x Flame Lash
- 1x Flatten
- 1x Fleeting Distraction
- 1x Flesh to Dust
- 1x Forbidden Alchemy
- 2x Fortune's Favor
- 8x Galvanic Bombardment
- 2x Gideon's Reproach
- 2x Glimmer of Genius
- 6x Grapple with the Past
- 1x Grave Birthing
- 1x Grip of Phyresis
- 1x Grip of the Roil
- 1x Harnessed Lightning
- 1x Heat Ray
Hero's Downfall
- 1x Hideous End
- 1x Horribly Awry
- 1x Hubris
- 1x Human Frailty
- 1x Immolating Glare
- 8x Impeccable Timing
- 2x Inspired Charge
- 4x Inspired Charge
- 1x Inspiring Call
- 1x Invasive Surgery
- 1x Kindled Fury
- 1x Lace with Moonglove
- 1x Lead by Example
- 1x Learn from the Past
- 1x Lightning Strike
- 2x Lithomancer's Focus
- 3x Long Road Home
- 1x Magma Spray
- 1x Make Obsolete
- 1x Mardu Charm
- 1x Merciless Resolve
- 1x Might of the Masses
- 2x Mighty Leap
- 1x Mirrorweave
- 1x Mortify
- 4x Murder
- 1x Natural Connection
- 1x Negate
- 1x Negate
- 1x Negate
- 1x Ornamental Courage
- 4x Otherworldly Outburst
Otherworldly Outburst
- 2x Outnumber
- 1x Pinion Feast
- 1x Plummet
- 1x Pressure Point
- 1x Pulse of Murasa
- 2x Puncturing Light
- 1x Putrefy
- 1x Raise the Alarm
- 2x Rakshasa's Disdain
- 1x Ray of Dissolution
- 1x Reality Hemorrhage
- 1x Regicide
- 1x Repel the Abominable
- 1x Reviving Dose
- 6x Revolutionary Rebuff
- 2x Ride Down
- 1x Ride Down
- 1x Roilmage's Trick
- 1x Rush of Adrenaline
- 5x Rush of Vitality
- 1x Savage Alliance
- 1x Scour from Existence
- 1x Select for Inspection
- 1x Silverstrike
- 1x Skywhaler's Shot
- 1x Smash to Smithereens
- 3x Smite the Monstrous
- 1x Smite the Monstrous
- 1x Solidarity of Heroes
- 1x Spark Jolt
- 1x Spell Shrivel
- 2x Springsage Ritual
- 2x Stonefury
- 1x Stymied Hopes
- 2x Subtle Strike
- 6x Succumb to Temptation
- 1x Sulfurous Blast
- 1x Sultai Charm
- 1x Summary Dismissal
- 1x Sweep Away
- 1x Swell of Growth
- 1x Sylvan Bounty
- 1x Sylvan Reclamation
- 2x Tar Snare
- 1x Tenacity
- 1x Tendrils of Corruption
- 1x Throttle
- 1x Throttle
- 1x Tidy Conclusion
- 2x Titanic Growth
- 1x Touch of Moonglove
- 1x Tribute to Hunger
- 1x Trumpet Blast
- 2x Trumpet Blast
- 5x Turn Aside
- 1x Twin Bolt
- 1x Unlicensed Disintegration
- 1x Unsubstantiate
- 1x Valorous Stance
- 1x Victim of Night
- 1x Vine Snare
- 2x Vines of the Recluse
- 1x Volcanic Upheaval
- 2x Waxing Moon
- 4x Welding Sparks
- 1x Will of the Naga
- 2x Woodcutter's Grit
Sorcery (237)
- 1x Act of Treason
- 2x Alchemist's Greeting
- 2x Allied Reinforcements
- 2x Alms of the Vein
- 1x Ambition's Cost
- 1x Appetite for Brains
- 1x Arrow Storm
- 5x Attune with Aether
- 1x Barter in Blood
- 1x Bathe in Dragonfire
- 1x Boiling Earth
- 1x Burn from Within
- 2x Cathartic Reunion
Cathartic Reunion
- 9x Cemetery Recruitment
- 4x Certain Death
- 1x Clutch of Currents
- 2x Cone of Flame
- 3x Contingency Plan
- 1x Creeping Mold
- 1x Crux of Fate
- 2x Dark Salvation
- 4x Demolish
- 1x Demon's Grasp
- 1x Demon's Grasp
- 3x Diabolic Tutor
- 3x Die Young
- 2x Distemper of the Blood
- 2x Drag Under
- 1x Dread Return
- 1x Duneblast
- 2x Dutiful Return
- 1x Eldritch Evolution
- 1x End Hostilities
- 2x Engineered Might
- 2x Ethereal Guidance
- 1x Fierce Invocation
- 2x Fork in the Road
- 2x Fortuitous Find
- 3x Fragmentize
- 1x Fumigate
- 1x Gaea's Blessing
- 1x Great Teacher's Decree
- 2x Grim Discovery
- 1x Harmless Offering
- 1x Harsh Scrutiny
- 2x Hijack
- 1x Hordeling Outburst
- 1x Hunt the Weak
- 5x Hunt the Weak
- 1x Hurly-Burly
- 4x Incendiary Flow
- 2x Incremental Growth
- 1x Innocent Blood
- 4x Ironwright's Cleansing
- 1x Kytheon's Tactics
- 1x Languish
- 6x Larger Than Life
- 2x Liberating Combustion
- 1x Lightning Javelin
- 1x Liliana's Indignation
- 3x Live Fast
- 2x Macabre Waltz
- 1x Madcap Experiment
- 3x Magmatic Chasm
- 3x Make Mischief
- 2x Malevolent Whispers
- 1x Manifold Insights
- 1x March of the Returned
- 1x Merciless Eviction
- 1x Migratory Route
- 3x Mind Rot
- 2x Mind Rot
- 1x Mire's Malice
- 1x Mire's Toll
- 2x Moan of the Unhallowed
- 1x Morbid Curiosity
- 2x Murderous Compulsion
- 2x Nagging Thoughts
- 1x Nature's Way
- 1x Nightsnare
- 1x Open the Armory
- 4x Pieces of the Puzzle
- 3x Pore Over the Pages
- 2x Press for Answers
- 6x Prey Upon
- 1x Radiant Flames
- 1x Read the Bones
- 1x Reclaiming Vines
- 2x Refurbish
- 5x Renegade Tactics
- 1x Revel of the Fallen God
- 1x Reviving Melody
- 3x Rise from the Grave
- 1x Root Out
- 1x Rush of Battle
- 2x Ruthless Disposal
- 1x Seek the Horizon
- 1x Servo Exhibition
- 1x Sever the Bloodline
- 2x Shreds of Sanity
- 2x Smallpox
- 1x Spark of Creativity
- 3x Spectral Reserves
- 1x Spitting Image
- 3x Start Your Engines
- 4x Stensia Banquet
Stensia Banquet
- 1x Structural Distortion
- 1x Sublime Exhalation
- 1x Swarm Surge
- 1x Take Down
- 5x Take Inventory
- 3x Tezzeret's Ambition
- 1x Tezzeret's Gambit
- 1x Tormenting Voice
- 1x Tormenting Voice
- 6x Tormenting Voice
- 1x Treasure Cruise
- 1x Treasure Cruise
- 1x Unnerve
- 2x Verdant Crescendo
- 2x Wild Instincts
- 1x Witness the End
Land (348)
- 1x Arcane Sanctum
- 1x Ash Barrens
- 1x Azorius Chancery
- 1x Blighted Fen
- 1x Blighted Gorge
- 1x Blighted Woodland
- 2x Bloodfell Caves
- 1x Command Tower
- 1x Crumbling Vestige
- 1x Darkwater Catacombs
- 4x Dismal Backwater
- 1x Dismal Backwater
- 1x Dread Statuary
- 1x Dreadship Reef
- 4x Evolving Wilds
- 1x Evolving Wilds
- 1x Evolving Wilds
- 1x Evolving Wilds
- 1x Exotic Orchard
- 1x Fertile Thicket
- 1x Fertile Thicket
- 1x Forest
- 27x Forest
- 1x Forest
- 10x Forest
- 1x Forest
- 2x Forest
- 1x Golgari Rot Farm
- 1x Inspiring Vantage
- 1x Inventors' Fair
- 8x Island
- 22x Island
- 12x Island
- 2x Island
- 2x Khalni Garden
- 2x Leechridden Swamp
- 1x Looming Spires
- 1x Mortuary Mire
- 1x Mosswort Bridge
- 10x Mountain
- 16x Mountain
- 8x Mountain
- 1x Mountain
- 14x Mountain
- 1x Mountain
- 3x Mountain
- 1x Murmuring Bosk
- 1x Nephalia Academy
- 1x Nomad Outpost
- 1x Opal Palace
- 1x Opulent Palace
- 24x Plains
- 14x Plains
- 6x Plains
- 15x Plains
- 1x Sandsteppe Citadel
- 2x Sandstone Bridge
- 1x Scoured Barrens
- 1x Seaside Citadel
- 2x Sequestered Stash
- 1x Shambling Vent
- 1x Spawning Bed
- 4x Stone Quarry
- 1x Sungrass Prairie
- 9x Swamp
- 12x Swamp
- 1x Swamp
- 14x Swamp
- 7x Swamp
- 26x Swamp
- 1x Swamp
- 1x Temple of the False God
- 1x Terramorphic Expanse
- 1x Thornwood Falls
- 1x Tranquil Cove
- 1x Tranquil Expanse
- 1x Treetop Village
- 1x Underground River
- 1x Unknown Shores
- 1x Unknown Shores
- 1x Warped Landscape
- 1x Wastes
- 1x Wind-Scarred Crag
- 4x Woodland Stream
- 1x Yavimaya Coast
Enchantment (127)
- 1x Abundance
- 1x Abzan Runemark
- 1x Aether Meltdown
- 1x Ancestral Vengeance
- 2x Angelic Gift
- 1x Armament of Nyx
- 1x Aspect of Gorgon
- 1x Behind the Scenes
- 1x Blood Mist
- 4x Boon of Emrakul
- 1x Bound by Moonsilver
- 1x Brave the Sands
- 1x Break Through the Line
- 1x Bred for the Hunt
- 1x Call the Bloodline
- 1x Campaign of Vengeance
- 1x Cast into Darkness
- 1x Cathars' Crusade
- 3x Choking Restraints
- 1x Citadel Siege
- 1x Claustrophobia
- 3x Consulate Surveillance
- 1x Creeping Dread
- 1x Crippling Blight
- 2x Crop Sigil
- 1x Dampening Pulse
- 3x Dead Weight
- 1x Duelist's Heritage
- 1x Durable Handicraft
- 1x Dying Wish
- 1x Emrakul's Influence
- 1x Era of Innovation
- 1x Font of Fertility
- 2x Font of Ire
- 1x Font of Vigor
- 3x Ghostly Wings
- 1x Giant Spectacle
- 1x Goblin War Paint
- 1x Goblinslide
- 7x Graf Harvest
- 2x Grasp of the Hieromancer
- 1x Hardened Scales
- 1x Howlpack Resurgence
- 2x Knightly Valor
- 1x Lunar Force
- 4x Lunarch Mantle
- 2x Malfunction
- 2x Marked by Honor
- 1x Messenger's Speed
- 1x Mortal Obstinacy
- 2x Oakenform
- 1x Oppressive Rays
- 1x Ordeal of Thassa
- 3x Peace of Mind
- 4x Prophetic Ravings
- 2x Quest for the Gravelord
- 1x Quiet Contemplation
- 1x Rageform
- 2x Retreat to Coralhelm
- 4x Revoke Privileges
- 2x Senseless Rage
- 1x Shadows of the Past
- 2x Sinister Concoction
- 1x Sphinx's Tutelage
- 1x Spiteful Motives
- 6x Spontaneous Mutation
- 4x Strange Augmentation
Thassa's Ire
- 2x Underhanded Designs
- 1x Unhallowed Pact
- 1x Untamed Hunger
- 1x Valor in Akros
- 1x Vessel of Ephemera
- 1x Vessel of Malignity
- 1x Weirding Wood
- 2x Wolfkin Bond
- 1x Zendikar's Roil
Artifact (108)
- 1x Abzan Banner
- 1x Aetherflux Reservoir
- 1x Animation Module
- 2x Aradara Express
- 1x Astral Cornucopia
- 2x Ballista Charger
- 3x Bomat Bazaar Barge
- 1x Cauldron of Souls
- 1x Chariot of Victory
- 1x Cobbled Wings
- 2x Cogworker's Puzzleknot
- 1x Commander's Sphere
- 1x Cryptolith Fragment Flip
- 2x Cultist's Staff
- 1x Darksteel Ingot
- 2x Decoction Module
- 1x Demolition Stomper
- 2x Explosive Apparatus
- 2x Fabrication Module
- 1x Fellwar Stone
- 7x Fireforger's Puzzleknot
- 1x Fleetwheel Cruiser
- 1x Gate Smasher
- 2x Glassblower's Puzzleknot
- 1x Golgari Signet
- 1x Haunted Cloak
- 1x Heart-Piercer Bow
- 2x Hedron Blade
- 1x Inventor's Goggles
- 1x Jayemdae Tome
- 1x Key to the City
- 1x Mardu Banner
- 2x Metalspinner's Puzzleknot
- 1x Murderer's Axe
- 1x Orzhov Signet
- 2x Ovalchase Dragster
- 1x Panharmonicon
- 1x Perpetual Timepiece
- 9x Prophetic Prism
- 6x Renegade Freighter
- 2x Shard of Broken Glass
- 1x Sigil of Valor
- 1x Simic Signet
- 1x Skullclamp
- 5x Sky Skiff
- 1x Skysovereign, Consul Flagship
- 1x Slayer's Cleaver
- 3x Smuggler's Copter
- 1x Sol Ring
- 1x Soul Separator
Soul Separator
- 1x Tamiyo's Journal
- 1x Temur Banner
- 6x Terrarion
- 2x Thirsting Axe
- 3x Torch Gauntlet
- 2x Whirlermaker
- 2x Woodweaver's Puzzleknot
Planeswalker (6)
Chandra, Pyrogenius
- 1x Liliana, the Last Hope
Nissa, Nature's Artisan
Nissa, Voice of Zendikar
Ob Nixilis Reignited
- 1x Saheeli Rai