Mirko Vosk, Mind Drinker

  • My Secrecy.
  • My Advantage.
  • My Guild.
  • In the dark, slick corridors of the undercity lurks the unfathomable network of the Dimir guild. House Dimir is Ravnica’s dark but open secret: the populace knows Dimir exists but they pretend it doesn’t. The Dimir’s role in Ravnica is to provide covert services that other guilds can’t or won’t, using their secrecy as both weapon and defense. Dimir is hidden even from itself, using pockets of covert agents who are aware of only a few other contacts. Dimir agents leave no trace, destroying memories of witnesses to their crimes, and even going so far as to eliminate their own memories of their assignments.

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    MTG Decks

    Deck Theif

    Modern* JMAnderson


    BLack DEvotion

    Standard JMAnderson


    Blue Black Commander

    Commander / EDH* JMAnderson


    Summon the Skies

    Commander / EDH* JMAnderson


    Finished Decks 62
    Prototype Decks 49
    Drafts 0
    Avg. deck rating 3.00
    T/O Rank None yet
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    Favorite formats Standard
    Joined 11 years