MTG List: kokoelma osa 2
Creature (441)
- 1x Fetid Imp
- 2x Fiery Hellhound
- 1x Fire-Belly Changeling
- 2x Fire Drake
- 2x Fire Juggler
- 1x Flamekin Spitfire
- 1x Flaring Flame-Kin
- 2x Flayer Drone
- 1x Fledgling Djinn
- 1x Fledgling Griffin
- 1x Fledgling Imp
- 1x Fleetfoot Panther
- 2x Flensermite
- 2x Fleshmad Steed
- 1x Flowstone Charger
- 3x Foothill Guide
- 3x Forge Devil
- 1x Forgotten Ancient
- 1x Forsaken Drifters
- 2x Fortified Rampart
- 2x Foundry Street Denizen
- 2x Frost Lynx
- 2x Frostweb Spider
- 1x Frostwielder
- 1x Gaea's Skyfolk
- 1x Galecaster Colossus
- 1x Galina's Knight
- 1x Gangrenous Goliath
- 1x Garruk's Packleader
- 4x Generator Servant
- 2x Geyserfield Stalker
- 2x Ghazban Ogre
- 1x Ghirapur Gearcrafter
- 1x Ghost Ship
- 1x Ghostly Sentinel
- 1x Giant Cockroach
- 1x Giant Dustwasp
- 1x Giant Mantis
- 2x Giant Octopus
- 3x Giant Spider
- 1x Gibbering Hyenas
- 1x Glacial Crasher
- 1x Glacial Wall
- 1x Glade Gnarr
- 1x Gladecover Scout
- 1x Glittering Lynx
- 1x Gloomdrifter
- 2x Glory Seeker
- 1x Glorybringer
- 1x Gluttonous Cyclops
- 2x Gnarlid Pack
- 1x Goblin Balloon Brigade
- 1x Goblin Bully
- 1x Goblin Chariot
- 2x Goblin Digging Team
- 2x Goblin Fireslinger
- 1x Goblin Gaveleer
- 1x Goblin Hero
- 1x Goblin Legionnaire
- 1x Goblin Matron
- 3x Goblin Piker
- 1x Goblin Racketeer
- 2x Goblin Raider
- 1x Goblin Replica
- 1x Goblin Rock Sled
- 3x Goblin Roughrider
- 1x Goblin Sky Raider
- 1x Goblin Skycutter
- 1x Goblin Sledder
- 1x Goblin Striker
- 1x Goblin Swine-Rider
- 1x Goblin Taskmaster
- 1x Goblin Tunneler
- 1x Gold Myr
- 2x Golgari Longlegs
- 2x Gore-House Chainwalker
- 1x Gore Swine
- 1x Gorilla Chieftain
- 1x Grave Defiler
- 1x Gravebane Zombie
- 5x Gravedigger
- 2x Gravity Negator
- 1x Gray Merchant of Asphodel
- 1x Grazing Kelpie
- 1x Great-Horn Krushok
- 1x Grenzo's Cutthroat
- 1x Grimclaw Bats
- 1x Grixis Illusionist
- 3x Grizzly Bears
- 1x Grotag Siege-Runner
- 2x Grotesque Hybrid
- 1x Groundshaker Sliver
- 2x Grudge Keeper
- 1x Guardians of Akrasa
- 1x Guardians of Meletis
- 2x Gurmag Angler
- 5x Gust-Skimmer
- 1x Gust Walker
- 1x Gustcloak Harrier
- 2x Gustcloak Runner
- 1x Gustcloak Savior
- 1x Gustcloak Sentinel
- 1x Gustcloak Skirmisher
- 1x Gutless Ghoul
- 1x Guul Draz Specter
- 2x Guul Draz Vampire
- 1x Hada Spy Patrol
- 1x Hag Hedge-Mage
- 2x Hallowed Healer
- 1x Harbinger of the Tides
- 1x Harbor Serpent
- 1x Harmattan Efreet
- 1x Harvest Gwyllion
- 1x Haunted Cadaver
- 1x Havengul Lich
- 1x Havengul Vampire
- 2x Havoc Sower
- 1x Headhunter
- 2x Headless Skaab
- 1x Hearthfire Hobgoblin
- 2x Heartstabber Mosquito
- 1x Hedron Crawler
- 1x Helionaut
- 1x Helium Squirter
- 2x Henchfiend of Ukor
- 1x Hexplate Golem
- 1x Highland Berserker
- 3x Hill Giant
- 1x Hitchclaw Recluse
- 1x Hollow Dogs
- 2x Hollowhenge Spirit
- 2x Homarid
- 4x Hooting Mandrills
- 2x Horned Cheetah
- 1x Humbler of Mortals
- 3x Hunting Kavu
- 1x Hurloon Minotaur
- 1x Icatian Phalanx
- 1x Icatian Scout
- 1x Ichorid
- 1x Ill-Tempered Cyclops
- 3x Illusionary Servant
- 1x Inalla, Archmage Ritualist
- 2x Incubator Drone
- 1x Information Dealer
- 1x Inspired Sprite
- 3x Invasive Species
- 1x Iridescent Angel
- 1x Iroas's Champion
- 1x Iron Tusk Elephant
- 2x Ironfist Crusher
- 1x Izzet Chemister
- 1x Izzet Chronarch
- 1x Jackal Familiar
- 1x Jeering Homunculus
- 1x Jhoira's Timebug
- 1x Jolrael's Centaur
- 1x Jorubai Murk Lurker
- 1x Jungle Barrier
- 2x Jungle Wurm
- 1x Juniper Order Druid
- 2x Juniper Order Ranger
- 2x Junun Efreet
- 1x Kalastria Healer
- 2x Kalastria Nightwatch
- 2x Kapsho Kitefins
- 3x Karoo Meerkat
- 1x Karplusan Wolverine
- 1x Kavu Climber
- 1x Kavu Mauler
- 1x Keeper of Keys
- 1x Keeper of Kookus
- 1x Keepsake Gorgon
- 1x Kess, Dissident Mage
- 1x Khenra Charioteer
- 1x Kheru Dreadmaw
- 1x Kiln Fiend
- 1x Kingfisher
- 1x Kithkin Daggerdare
- 1x Kithkin Zealot
- 1x Kjeldoran Skyknight
- 2x Knight Errant
- 1x Knight of Valor
- 1x Knights of the Black Rose
- 1x Kor Scythemaster
- 1x Kor Sky Climber
- 2x Koth's Courier
- 2x Kozilek's Channeler
- 2x Kozilek's Predator
- 3x Kozilek's Shrieker
- 1x Kozilek's Translator
- 1x Krark-Clan Stoker
- 2x Kraul Warrior
- 3x Krenko's Enforcer
- 3x Krosan Archer
- 2x Krosan Constrictor
- 1x Krosan Restorer
- 1x Krovikan Mist
- 2x Krovikan Sorcerer
- 1x Krumar Bond-Kin
- 2x Kukemssa Serpent
- 1x Lagonna-Band Elder
- 5x Lavastep Raider
- 1x Leaf Gilder
- 1x Leeching Sliver
- 1x Leonin Skyhunter
- 3x Leonin Snarecaster
- 2x Leovold's Operative
- 1x Ley Druid
- 1x Lifespring Druid
- 1x Lightning Elemental
- 3x Living Totem
- 1x Lizard Warrior
- 1x Llanowar Cavalry
- 2x Llanowar Dead
- 1x Llanowar Elite
- 1x Llanowar Vanguard
- 2x Loam Larva
- 4x Loathsome Catoblepas
- 2x Locust Swarm
- 2x Looter il-Kor
- 1x Lord of the Pit
- 1x Lost Soul
- 1x Loxodon Partisan
- 2x Loxodon Wayfarer
- 1x Lucent Liminid
- 1x Lumengrid Drake
- 1x Lumengrid Gargoyle
- 1x Lumengrid Sentinel
- 1x Mad Dog
- 2x Mage-Ring Bully
- 1x Maggot Carrier
- 1x Magus of the Abyss
- 1x Magus of the Mind
- 1x Mairsil, the Pretender
- 1x Makindi Aeronaut
- 1x Makindi Griffin
- 2x Makindi Sliderunner
- 1x Malakir Soothsayer
- 1x Manglehorn
- 1x Marauding Maulhorn
- 1x Marchesa, the Black Rose
- 1x Marchesa's Emissary
- 1x Marchesa's Infiltrator
- 1x Mardu Hateblade
- 1x Mardu Hordechief
- 1x Mardu Skullhunter
- 1x Mardu Warshrieker
- 1x Marsh Crocodile
- 3x Martyr of Bones
- 1x Master of the Veil
- 1x Maze Abomination
- 1x Maze Behemoth
- 1x Maze Glider
- 1x Maze Sentinel
- 1x Merchant of Secrets
- 1x Mercurial Chemister
- 2x Merfolk Looter
- 1x Merfolk of the Pearl Trident
- 1x Merfolk Raiders
- 1x Merfolk Seer
- 1x Merfolk Traders
- 2x Merrow Witsniper
- 3x Mesa Pegasus
- 1x Mesmeric Fiend
- 2x Messenger Jays
- 1x Militant Monk
- 2x Millikin
- 1x Minamo Scrollkeeper
- 3x Miner's Bane
- 1x Minotaur Skullcleaver
- 1x Minotaur Sureshot
- 2x Mire Shade
- 2x Mirran Spy
- 1x Mist Dragon
- 1x Mistfolk
- 1x Mistform Dreamer
- 4x Mnemonic Wall
- 1x Mogg Toady
- 2x Mogg War Marshal
- 2x Molder Beast
- 2x Monk Realist
- 1x Moonlit Strider
- 2x Moriok Reaver
- 1x Moriok Replica
- 1x Mountain Goat
- 2x Mtenda Lion
- 1x Muck Drubb
- 1x Mudbrawler Cohort
- 1x Mudbutton Clanger
- 1x Murmuring Phantasm
- 1x Myr Enforcer
- 1x Myr Sire
- 1x Mystic Crusader
- 3x Mystic Familiar
- 1x Mystic Penitent
- 2x Mystic Visionary
- 3x Mystic Zealot
- 1x Naga Vitalist
- 1x Nantuko Blightcutter
- 1x Nantuko Cultivator
- 2x Nantuko Husk
- 1x Narnam Cobra
Instant (123)
- 3x Fiery Fall
- 1x Fiery Impulse
- 1x Final Fortune
- 1x Flaming Gambit
- 4x Flash Flood
- 1x Flesh to Dust
- 2x Fog
- 1x Fog Patch
- 1x Force Away
- 1x Forsake the Worldly
- 1x Frantic Purification
- 1x Fuel for the Cause
- 1x Garbage Fire
- 1x Gaze of the Gorgon
- 2x Ghastly Demise
- 1x Gift of Tusks
- 2x Gleam of Resistance
- 1x Glorious Charge
- 1x Gnaw to the Bone
- 1x Go for the Throat
- 3x Gods Willing
- 1x Grave Birthing
- 1x Grim Affliction
- 1x Griptide
- 4x Grisly Salvage
- 1x Guerrilla Tactics
- 1x Hail of Arrows
- 1x Halt Order
- 1x Harmless Assault
- 1x Haze of Pollen
- 3x Healing Salve
- 1x Honorable Passage
- 1x Hornet Sting
- 1x Howl from Beyond
- 1x Hunger of the Howlpack
- 3x Hunter's Ambush
- 1x Illumination
- 1x Illusion / Reality
- 2x Induce Despair
- 1x Inflame
- 1x Infuse with the Elements
- 1x Inspiration
- 2x Inspirit
- 1x Into the Core
- 1x Into the Roil
- 1x Ivory Charm
- 1x Ixidor's Will
- 1x Jace's Ingenuity
- 1x Jaded Response
- 2x Jolt
- 1x Kill Shot
- 3x Kjeldoran War Cry
- 4x Lace with Moonglove
- 1x Lash of the Whip
- 1x Lead by Example
- 1x Lightning Axe
- 1x Liquify
- 1x Logic Knot
- 2x Lost in a Labyrinth
- 3x Mage's Guile
- 3x Magma Spray
- 1x Magnify
- 1x Martyrdom
- 4x Meddle
- 1x Meditation Puzzle
- 2x Memory Lapse
- 1x Memory Plunder
- 1x Mending Touch
- 1x Might of the Masses
- 3x Mighty Leap
- 1x Mind Bend
- 1x Mindstatic
- 1x Mirran Mettle
- 2x Moment of Heroism
- 2x Morale
- 2x Muscle Burst
- 4x Natural Connection
- 1x Natural State
- 3x Naturalize
Sorcery (73)
- 1x Fireball
- 1x Fissure Vent
- 4x Flame Jab
- 4x Flame Slash
- 1x Flash of Defiance
- 1x Flashfires
- 1x Foresee
- 1x Frenzied Tilling
- 1x Fumarole
- 1x Gather the Pack
- 2x Gaze of Pain
- 1x Goblin Game
- 1x Growth Spasm
- 2x Healing Hands
- 1x Hive Stirrings
- 1x Horrifying Revelation
- 1x Howling Fury
- 1x Hull Breach
- 3x Hunt the Weak
- 2x Hurly-Burly
- 3x Icefall
- 2x Infernal Harvest
- 2x Infest
- 1x Invigorating Falls
- 1x Kaervek's Hex
- 1x Kamahl's Sledge
- 1x Kindred Dominance
- 1x Knight Watch
- 2x Kytheon's Tactics
- 1x Last Caress
- 3x Lava Axe
- 1x Lava Burst
- 5x Lay of the Land
- 1x Lay Waste
- 1x Lightning Javelin
- 1x Liturgy of Blood
- 1x Lyev Decree
- 1x Mana Geyser
- 1x Mark of Mutiny
- 1x Metallic Mastery
- 1x Mind Extraction
- 4x Mind Rot
- 1x Monstrous Growth
- 1x Morbid Plunder
- 1x Morgue Burst
- 1x Mouth / Feed
- 1x Nature's Resurgence
Enchantment (57)
- 1x Fires of Yavimaya
- 2x Flight
- 1x Font of Vigor
- 2x Fortified Area
- 2x Furious Assault
- 1x Furor of the Bitten
- 1x Fylgja
- 1x Gaseous Form
- 4x Grasp of the Hieromancer
- 1x Grave Servitude
- 1x Hallowed Ground
- 1x Hobble
- 1x Holy Strength
- 2x Hypochondria
- 2x Ice Cage
- 1x Immobilizing Ink
- 3x Immolation
- 1x Imposing Visage
- 1x Improvised Armor
- 1x Insolence
- 1x Invisibility
- 1x Isolation Zone
- 2x Karma
- 3x Kirtar's Desire
- 1x Kithkin Armor
- 2x Krovikan Fetish
- 1x Krovikan Plague
- 3x Launch
- 2x Lavamancer's Skill
- 1x Lifelink
- 1x Malevolent Awakening
- 1x Mana Chains
- 1x Mantle of Webs
- 1x Mardu Runemark
- 1x Megrim
- 1x Mind Control
- 1x Mourning
- 1x Mystic Veil
- 2x Narcissism
Artifact (20)
- 2x Flayer Husk
- 1x Golden Urn
- 1x Gruul Cluestone
- 1x Hedron Blade
- 1x Heliophial
- 1x Honed Khopesh
- 1x Horizon Spellbomb
- 1x Horn of Greed
- 1x Horned Helm
- 1x Implement of Ferocity
- 1x Irontread Crusher
- 1x Izzet Cluestone
- 1x Jeskai Banner
- 1x Jeweled Amulet
- 2x Kitesail
- 1x Mardu Banner
- 1x Meteorite
- 1x Mirror of the Forebears
Land (15)
- 2x Grand Coliseum
- 1x Grixis Panorama
- 1x Gruul Turf
- 1x Halimar Depths
- 2x Holdout Settlement
- 1x Izzet Boilerworks
- 1x Jungle Basin
- 4x Jungle Hollow
- 1x Jwar Isle Refuge
- 1x Mystifying Maze