MTG List: Mono Blue Tron V1



====HowTheDeckWorks==== Get the Urza lands on to the battlefield, having all three of them out gives a networth of 7 mana for 3 lands = Value to play the urza lands at greater speeds use expedition map to tutor, if desperate use fabricate to tutor a expedition map to tutor a land (not recommended) Using expedition map on Academy Ruins is also a good idea since its part of the major win con, Shits important. Use the draw/scry/ tutor cards like Solemn Simulacrum/Condescend/Treasure Mage to fix/obtain the cards you need when you need it. Use the counter spells, oblivion stone (If you have the buget I would put one or two more of these in the deck, use fabricate to compensate for lack of wallet) and sundering Titan(Possibly another copy of this, see also Oblivion stone) to slow down your opponents to a crawl while being generally annoying

====WinCons==== -Mindslaver lock: Play mindslaver, tap Mindslaver, Tap Academy Ruins ability to bring back Mindslaver Repeat. (This can be counted as milling them, If the other player is under your control and you dont do anything during your control all "they" do is draw so they draw them selves out of the game) -Turn 3-5 Steam Locomotive Wurm Coil engine: Legit like not much can deal with that card, fuck that card I would put more in the deck but, its $15 a pop (See Also Oblivion Stone)

====NotLoseCon==== -Platinum Angel: