As a child, I was brought into Magic by my older brother, and frankly neither of us knew what we were doing at that time. We got the original Seventh Edition starter set, which included a Magic: The Gathering disk that taught you how to play. We played a bit in the Mirrodin Block, but the time we really got into Magic came after. At a cabin, shortly after Shadowmoor released, we decided to buy some decks and we quickly were hooked again, seeing as we understood it more now. To this day, I am an avid player and an even more avid deck maker.

I absolutely LOVE making cheap budget decks for the sole reason that I cannot decide on a single deck in Magic, so I make the best decks I can for a certain price.

I normally enjoy playing very odd styles of decks, such as U/W top control. This really allows me to shine in many MTG situations as being the odd one out because many players find my decks fun to play, and also is great for getting friends into the game. If you post on my wall requesting a certain kind of deck in a certain budget, I will do my best to make it for you.

I am Blue/White

MTG Decks

Police brutality at an all time high

Standard Jacques


Finished Decks 51
Prototype Decks 44
Drafts 0
Playing since Seventh Edition
Points 0
Avg. deck rating 12.50
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Standard, Modern
Cards suggested / good suggestions 28 / 28
Joined 11 years
MTGO Username Tamms