Avid Magic player, Theorycrafter and all around nice guy even though I love being the evil villain in games. Laughing out loud. You could profile me as a Johnny, Vorthos player with a dash of Spike for seasoning and taste.

I have been playing magic for over 13 years. Currently a Rules Advisor and about to take the Judge test soon.

I make fun and also competitive decks. My meta at my store is Hyper-competitive and I try and help people realize that this is a game and supposed to be fun as well.

I believe in the "Spirit of EDH". That means that Commander/EDH is supposed to be a Gentlemen's Game, Casual, Fun, Interactive. I try and not put infinite combos in my EDH decks because to me its an easy cheesy way to win a game and doesn't challenge you as a player or test your skill level at all. Anyone can put a combo together in EDH, it's too easy.

Outside of EDH, cutthroat, tight gameplay is a must in 60 card constructed formats. Although I try to win in games, I also want to make sure both parties are having some fun.

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MTG Decks

Marath, Will of the Wild

Commander / EDH Jaden_LionHeart

SCORE: 1 | 128 VIEWS

Dominaria's Most Ancient Evil

Commander / EDH* Jaden_LionHeart


Finished Decks 51
Prototype Decks 41
Drafts 0
Playing since Invasion
Points 0
Avg. deck rating 3.67
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Modern, Legacy, Commander / EDH, Pre-release, Planechase
Cards Added/Fixed 1
Joined 10 years