1x Angelic Purge- Add an extra versus decks using Blood Moon, Rest in Peace, Chalice of the Void or any other card that nullifies our build.
1x Auriok Champion- Versus creature heavy or token decks. Immune to Red or Black Burn/Removal.
1x Fiend Hunter Extra creature removal.
1x Grafdigger's Cage- Versus Storm or any deck with grave recursion.
2x Kataki, War's Wage- Versus Affinity decks which run few lands.
2x Mentor of the Meek- All humans coming in are 2 power or less. Tapping Aether Vial frees up mana to activate Mentor of the Meek's draw ability. You can also use Gather the Townsfolk to draw 1-2 cards depending on how much mana you have available.
2x Mirran Crusader- Versus Jund & G/B decks.
1x Selfless Spirit- Versus board wipes. Can be used on the offensive as well and is also another sacrifice trigger for Skirsdag High Priest.
3x Sin Collector- Versus spell heavy control/removal decks.
1x Thalia, Heretic Cathar- Versus Aggro & Storm or control heavy decks. Great dampener card with aggressive stats mid to late game.